ME3 Operation Prophecy
Thu, 12/20/2012 - 22:01
ME3 Operation Prophecy
Hey there guys and gals this weekends operation starts now and it's extract once on all 3 Earth maps, and score 100,000 cumulative points against the Reapers on any difficulty. The rewards are a new Hero of the Last Days banner, and a commendation pack.
To those interested I'm hopping online tonight and tomorrow to do the challenge and I'm looking for people interested in joining me. I'll most likely be on all night tonight and around 7-8pm to 3-4am est tomorrow and any interested can join me. Just send me a message or a FR.
Evil Claw and Darth Bill have been playing ME3 quite a bit lately. I know that I was planning on going out tonight so I will likely not be online.
I have house guests limiting my access to the 360 through Christmas, unfortunately.
There's still 21 hours left to complete the challenge. I completed it already, but I'll be on most of the day if anyone needs help with it.