Hi Peeps
Sun, 12/23/2012 - 10:20
Hi Peeps
Hi all,just thought I'd say hi as you seem like a friendly bunch :)
My names Tony and I'm 35 and from the UK.I mainly play Forza,BF3 and Fifa13.Play when I can,3 kids,job,house and missus take most of my time up :) That's about it I guess,hope to see you around on live.
GT- Batedbear
Welcome bro. Looks like you already found your way to 2Old4Forza. See you on the track soon.
welcome dude!
Welcome to the site!
Need any help please ask
welcome to the house!
Hi Bated bear. Over in the 2euro2play group we play a lot of BF3. Feel free to send a request to join or FR to me if youre looking for people to play with.