Anyone still playing? Looking for a group to play with (10PM EST)
Tue, 10/09/2012 - 21:04
Anyone still playing? Looking for a group to play with (10PM EST)
Hey All,
On nightly around 10PM and looking for a group to play with. I am a level 60(1) Barb. Played solo but interested in playing co-op now. Battlenet is cdnbacon13#1739
I play a bit, but after 10's a little late for me during the week.
I'll shoot you a FR Oldschool. I'm on occasionally, but honestly I tend to fall towards GW2 or TL2..... when I'm not racing.![151 151](
Have three just into Inferno and two down in the lower 30's in lvls...
Bacon, what time zone are you?
I'm still low level, so it wouldn't work out so well. I've tried playing with another friend that came in w/ a lvl 60 (I was lvl 7 I think), and it got boring as hell. I would actually take off down a different hallway because he was just go running through clearing the screen before I'd get 2 swings in.![20 20](
Had a little LAN party Saturday night with a couple friends (computer hardware & cables all over the living room). We started in around 9:30PM PDT and finally wrapped up for the evening around 3:00AM PST (yes, we picked up an extra hour w/ the time change).
Had a blast. We started w/ characters that were in the 10-12 range and finished the evening around 22-23.
I've been getting on quite a bit lately, trying to grind out some key wardens if anyone interested. inferno mp3.
Uh, yeah. Kinda spaced it.![176 176](
If you're on before I am...helios16v#1643
Got it!
Closest I got's a 31 Monk, but I can hang and collect some gold if you wanna play your Wizard?
Also have a 60 (4) Wizard that needs someone to stand behind...
F/R sent Sherb.
Bacon, I'm gonna send you one too, your Barb sounds like a good pairing to my Demonhunter. Now, if we could find a Monk....
Solo'd my Demon Hunter all the way to about half of act 4 Inferno, and then said screw it and jumped into a public and completed.
Barb's a mess in Inferno, died outside Tristram, which my boys tell me is "really embarassing Dad"...
Have a Monk mid 40's soloing on monster level 10, this is fun!
Still playing randomly, farming mp3 for keys mostly. Hit me up. Have one Infernal Machine atm.
I think I have two Infernals.
Using my Demon Hunter mostly as a Kiter, so not so good at party killing. Double traps, bola and grenades.
Got my Monk up to paragon 4 but haven't completed the game yet. Was doing Monster lvl10 and braging about it until I hit Inferno, ouch...
I'm in act 2 and still advancing with the Monk, also farming for the Inna's set. Have three pieces, (head, staff and belt so far). 4th piece will drastically lower spirit cost on sweeping wind, from 75 spirit to 5, lookout!
nice, i think i may have some dex/vit gear for your monk and dh. I have 2 infernal machines made, need to get group to use these. I've been griding through Mp6 on inferno for keys, 100% drop rate on Mp6 so far. I have a set of legacy innas legs that may help for a while until you get new Innas legs. See ya out there.
Got an Andariel's head piece (Unique) last night. Not real sure I like it...says take additional 25% fire damage?
good for dps, i need the nats helm atm for the discipline. yeah on that fire damage....sounds like it causes u to take extra damage.....weird.
Having fun playing with Pooslza, well, mostly he stirs things up and I follow him around, but my DH is coming along with the tips and surplus gear. Starting to farm on my own and a piece turns up here or there.
Just completed my first pass through this weekend. First game I've "finished" in 2+ years.
We just got started on the second pass when we ended up calling it a night (almost 1am).
I still play at least 3 times a week still. Usually get on about 8:30 est and stay on for a couple hours. I have an ok DH that rarely dies in inferno
I have one too. If you start bumping up the MP lvl it gets a bit more lethal.
I have a new hobby. I bought a full CHEAP set of gold find gear, and I hit 300% (apparently max before Valor, which pushes it to 375%) and I do a First Act run, normal MP lvl and usually come out with 975,000 to 1 mil gold ( with sell offs to vendor in game).
This drops my DPS from 135k to 40k or so, but it's way more than adequate to solo the DH. Hell, my Ferrets kill mobs quicker than my boys Monk, oro so he says. SO I been upgrading equipment here and there.
Helios, you ran Normal all the way through? That's not complete. Gotta kill Diablo in Inferno!
It's a start.![76 76](
I think we're in the low 30's now. I forget exactly what.
So finally have 3 infernal machines made, now to try and run the UBERS for organs....uck.
Are those consumable? Do you have to collect the parts everytime? I've only seen one drop of one key so far...Are the organs for the Hellfire rings?
act 1,2,3 all have keywardens that drop a key, act 4 keywarden drops the plan for the infernal machine. Once plan is taught to blacksmith no need to farm act 4 anymore. you must have a 5 stack of NV on inferno for keywardens to drop a key, the higher the MP the higher chances for key to drop, increases drop chance 10% per MP level. once you have a key from each act and the plan from act 4 you combine the keys with the blacksmith and get yourself a machine. once have a machine it will spawn a portal to the "UBERS", there are 3 sets of UBERS each dropping a different organ, which is why you wait till you have 3 machines and spawn them all in the same game so you don get duplicate organs. once all 3 organs are collected you can craft your Hellfire Ring. Thats the short story, better explanation in Diablo 3 forums in link above.
I've been doing MP6 and Drop rate is almost 100%.
The only warden I see consistently is act1...out in the fields, what's the act 2, 3 locations?
The Components
To craft the Infernal Machine, players will first need to collect four components from powerful Keywardens in each Act of Inferno:
(Each component will be considered "Bind on Account," which means they can be used by any character on your Diablo III license.)