Good starting point for a wheel?

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#1 Wed, 12/26/2012 - 20:43
spacegras's picture
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Good starting point for a wheel?

hey there,

I'm thining about picking up a wheel, but not too sure what to get. I've seen the G25 and the adapter to allow the wheel to work for the xbox, but not sure how good it is. plus I think I'd need a stand, but a sturdy side table might be good enough.

any tips on where to start with a force feed back wheel for the 360?



Thu, 12/27/2012 - 07:49
SnappyDee's picture
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I bought a used Fanatec GT2 a while back from Zero. I almost immediately picked up the Club Sport pedals. The wheel is awesome! FFB is great. Now, from what I understand some of the other Fanatec wheels have slightly better FFB but as an intro wheel, I think it's a great choice. Plus, I believe they have a really good bundle offer that includes the CS Pedals.  I believe that the G27 with the adapter for Xbox won't have Any FFB...check into that.


I recently added the Thrustmaster TH8RS shifter which will work with the adapter made by Basherboards. Unbeleivably immersive feel and lots of adjustability.



Thu, 12/27/2012 - 10:57
spacegras's picture
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did a bit of pricing today and it looks like everything 'entry level" is a bit steep for my taste price wise.

I'd go with the basic level stuff, like the Thrustmaster Ferrari 458 Italia Xbox 360 Racing Wheel, but I'm not sure it'll be enough, I drive with clutch.

trying to convice the significant that $500 on a "controller" is a good thing is beyond me!





Thu, 12/27/2012 - 11:09
brntguy's picture
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Do yourself a favor and try to find a decently priced microsoft ffb and pedals in good shape rather than that thing.

Thu, 12/27/2012 - 11:19 (Reply to #4)
gizziegod's picture
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brntguy wrote:

Do yourself a favor and try to find a decently priced microsoft ffb and pedals in good shape rather than that thing.


what he said yes

Thu, 12/27/2012 - 11:37
Fitzy's picture
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I would go with the Microsoft ffb wheel, I picked one up for very little and it does the job quite well. Use that for a while and start saving up for a fanatec.

Thu, 12/27/2012 - 12:32 (Reply to #6)
SnappyDee's picture
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Fitzy wrote:

I would go with the Microsoft ffb wheel, I picked one up for very little and it does the job quite well. Use that for a while and start saving up for a fanatec.


Sorry about my recommendation being a little budget insensitive. They guys are right about the MS wheel versus that 458 thing. MS wheel is an excellent starting point.

Thu, 12/27/2012 - 13:16
g35gomba's picture
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What Brnt, Gizzie and Fitzy said, try and find a MS FFB wheel.   If I remember correctly, the FFB in the MS is pretty strong,  which I think is a big part of driving with the wheel.  It made the learning curve converting from a controller a bit softer.   I wore out two of them before I coughed up the dough on a Fanatec PWTS with CSP.    Not sure I would have if the MS wheel still worked.  






Thu, 12/27/2012 - 13:19
Shaggy_SoCal's picture
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I think most of us here are hardcore enough with sim racing where we're willing to invest in the higher-end equipment.
Whichever wheel option you choose will certainly be a step up in immersion level from the controller.

I haven't seen any entry level wheels that offer three pedals for the XBox, so you'll probably have to use the wheel buttons for the clutch.

Not sure if Force Feedback is an important feature for you, but IIRC the 458 wheel you're looking at does not have FFB capability. 

The Mad Catz MC2 wheel does offer force feedback but it's made to sit in your lap, not on a table.  The pedal construction also looks a bit suspect, IMHO.

If you do some google searches you should find some written or video reviews of each that'll give you a better idea what to expect from them.

A used MS wheel in good condition will cost you a little bit more but it's probably the next best option before jumping up to the Fanatec wheels. I was luckily able to get a new one before they disappeared from the store shelves.  The right paddle shifter broke after three years of use, but that's the only issue I've had with it.  It's a very good entry level wheel. Too bad they stopped making it.
($350 for a new MS Wheel?!?!?!  GTFO.  Can you say price gouge?)

Thu, 12/27/2012 - 15:54
spacegras's picture
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hey Shaggy, yeah the ebay prices for a new wheel are (expletive deleted) rediculous! I'll keep my eyes peeled for a used unit, and hopefully get one in decent shape.

In the mean time it's work with the controller and try to get better that way.


Thu, 12/27/2012 - 17:04 (Reply to #10)
CIlettiDad's picture
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spacegras wrote:

hey Shaggy, yeah the ebay prices for a new wheel are (expletive deleted) rediculous! I'll keep my eyes peeled for a used unit, and hopefully get one in decent shape.

In the mean time it's work with the controller and try to get better that way.


When my new wheel and pedals come in (hopefully next week), I can make you a deal on my MS FFB wheel, pedals, and Wheelstand Pro.  The wheel and pedals are in great shape and the stand is like new (only 4 months old).  You can have the whole setup for $200 plus shipping.  I  was planning to put it on eBay after my new gear arrives, but let me know if you're interested. 

Thu, 12/27/2012 - 16:07
jcotter13's picture
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I'd also suggest finding a used ME FFB racing wheel used if you can. It's the best route if you don't want to throw down some serious coin.


Some of our fastest guys race controllers. There's no reall difference speed-wise between 1 vs the other. It's really all in what you get used to. IF you're still fairly new to the game, I think you might be surprised at how much you could pick up on your own with just a couple of basic racing school sessions.


The real advantage to the wheel though is that you get a little additional feedback from the car with the FFB steering. Plus it's a little more consistent in cornering.

Thu, 12/27/2012 - 17:06
Troysloth's picture
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To be honest, there really is no good starting wheel currently being produced for the Xbox 360.  The MS wheel was a good starting wheel, I had one myself and got many hours of fun with it.  I don't know why they stopped making them.  If you can find one in good condition, this would be your best starting point.

For the currently produced wheels for the Xbox, the only ones worth buying are the Fanatecs.  You would be better off staying with a controller than buying any of the other wheels.  The minimum price to get started with Fanatec is $250 + shipping for the CSR value pack which includes the CSR wheel and standard CSR pedals.  The CSR wheel is a good wheel, I know a few people who have one and really like it.

The standard CSR pedals are definitely entry level using potentiometers for all three pedals.  The next step up in pedals are the CSR Elites which are a significant step up with the adjustable load cell brake.  The clubsport V2 pedals are a huge step up with all metal construction, hydraulic dampened load cell brake with vibration motor, hall effect sensors on the throttle and clutch, and a degressive clutch pedal.

As for wheels, there are 2 other options besides the CSR.  First is the GT2 which is an older model, but has a better rim.  Most people prefer the shifter paddles on the CSR though.  The top of the line wheel for Xbox is the CSR Elite.  It is a huge step up as far as smoothness, precision, and force feedback strength and subtlety, but it has basically the same cheap plastic rim as the standard CSR wheel with a thin rubber coating.

So to summarize, stay with controller until you can at least find a decent MS wheel.  Then start saving for a Fanatec wheel.

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