Set up of 2nd Xbox Hell

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#1 Tue, 12/25/2012 - 11:56
Kawlija's picture
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Set up of 2nd Xbox Hell

Is there another forum post that discusses this?

This morning has been nothing but frustrating and has my son and I both cussing.

Got him his own xbox and tried setting up in his room.

No matter what we try, I can't get him on Live.

Any resident experts out there?


Tue, 12/25/2012 - 14:49
SoulTerror's picture
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So more information might be useful. What is the exact problem your having other then unable to get on Live?

Tue, 12/25/2012 - 15:17 (Reply to #2)
Lbsutke's picture
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SoulTerror wrote:

So more information might be useful. What is the exact problem your having other then unable to get on Live?


This^ . Does it say it cannot connect to live on the second xbox? 


If you turn your xbox off, is he able to connect to live?


More details are needed.

Tue, 12/25/2012 - 18:37
Kawlija's picture
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I've had my Gold account for 10 years under Kawlija.  My son's profile, Slipknot Joker, is also under that account.

I set up the other (new) xbox and can get to the network just fine, we just can't transfer Slipknot Joker to the new one.

I tried transferring profiles and when I put in the account email, it moved MY profile.  Why didn't it give us a choice which profile to move?

Then I went back to the original xbox, transferred my account back to it.

I then saved my son's profile to a thumbdrive and moved that to the hard drive of the new xbox.

From there, we tried everything to get him set up.  I checked some on-line forums and all of them suggested setting up a separate Gold account for him.

I had him use his email for that and then when we tried to log onto the new xbox, it said that account wasn't that profile.

Now there's a profile called 'slipknot joker' on the new xbox we can't delete, I've got his original profile on there too, and neither one of us can log onto Xbox Live.

I've read forum after forum and nothing seems to work.  I was not going to try to call Xbox Live support today, I can imagine that being an hour and a half of wait time to talk to anyone.

For all the family stuff today, we couldn't go back to Gamestop to ask there.

Right now, that friggin' thing is a paperweight...


Thu, 12/27/2012 - 08:35
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I'm guessing the problem is you only have one account.

I have two boxes in the house and two sons. So I bought the family pack for LIVE $99.00 a year for 4 accounts, and everyone can connect and move things as needed. The 4th is simply there as it's cheaper to buy 4 than three.

Also, that profile he has will be tied to the original LIVE account, you'll have to establish a new one.

Thu, 12/27/2012 - 12:38
H2Daddy's picture
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Don't want to hijack thread but I am about to run into same problem. Two Xboxes in basement. One is hard wired into net and the other is not online but was thinking about hardwiring it or buying wireless adaptor but wasn't sure how different accounts on different boxes worked. I have family plan. 

Thu, 12/27/2012 - 13:49
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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The two I have are wired and wireless. I run a higher end router with two speed wireless (300/450) into the cable modem, one hardwired and the other the wireless 450, and as far as I know, I've never had a conflict between the boxes accessing the internet/LIVE. But that's using different accounts at the same time, and if you have a family plan, you're good there.

You simply can't access LIVE from two different boxes with the same account at the same time.

Thu, 12/27/2012 - 15:01
Kawlija's picture
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Everybody I've talked to, including the 'committee of clerks' at Gamestop all said to just create a second account and then call Microsoft to have them move all his old profile stats, FL, and stuff to his new Gamertag.  Haven't called them so I don't know if they can merge accounts and he can keep his old GT or not.  He's like me though, he's been using the same GT for nearly 10 years and he doesn't want to give it up.


Thanks for piling on guys!   :^D


Thu, 12/27/2012 - 22:01
wamam87's picture
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did you try deleting the incorrect account like this (quoted from xbox support):





Delete a gamer profile

You can delete profiles that you no longer use from your console. Here’s how:

  1. Go to Settings, and then select System.
  2. Select Storage.
  3. Select All Devices.
  4. Select Gamer Profiles.
  5. Select the gamertag that you want to delete.
  6. Select Delete.
  7. Select one of the following:
    • Select Delete Profile Only. This deletes the profile but leaves saved games and achievements.
    • Select Delete Profile and Items to delete the profile and the associated saved games and achievements.


Fri, 12/28/2012 - 09:09
Lala Calamari's picture
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I just set up the 2nd XBox in my oldest kid's room.  I have an XBox Family account.  His Xbox is wireless, mine is wired.  This is what I did to set him up:


 Get a USB thumb drive.  I then transfered his account to that.  I plugged that into the 2nd XBox, booted up and it detected the profile.   We can both be on Live even with the family account.


The other issue will be the NAT settings for both XBoxes.  You need to just remove any port forwarding rules and enable uPnP on your router.  


Sat, 12/29/2012 - 22:56 (Reply to #10)
Lala Calamari's picture
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Lala Calamari wrote:


 Get a USB thumb drive.  I then transfered his account to that.  I plugged that into the 2nd XBox, booted up and it detected the profile.   We can both be on Live even with the family account.


I forgot to explain why I did this.  I figured I'd put it on a USB in case he went to a friends house or something.  That's why it's on a  USB.

Fri, 12/28/2012 - 09:50
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Family is 4 accounts, all separate and all able to be on LIVE at once. In the same house or in different cities, no matter.

Fri, 12/28/2012 - 11:57
RogueRedneck's picture
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One of our clan members, Selden007, had the same problem this morning.  He upgraded and completely lost every account, including one he's had since the XBL Beta.  They're still trying to work it out.

Sat, 12/29/2012 - 17:01
Hunturic's picture
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Once you get this resolved....this might be a good sticky thread!

Sun, 12/30/2012 - 08:54
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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You can import a profile from any box to any box. My boys regulary go to a friends house and do this over LIVE, no USB. Even from their room to the living room.

Mon, 12/31/2012 - 09:00 (Reply to #15)
YEM's picture
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oldschoolsmart wrote:

You can import a profile from any box to any box. My boys regulary go to a friends house and do this over LIVE, no USB. Even from their room to the living room.


Yep.... It's not like it use to be. It's real fast now

Tue, 01/01/2013 - 08:51
Kawlija's picture
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I guess I'm obligated to recap here for everyone's benefit.

Had I done this correcty from the beginning, here is what I should have done:

(Remember that my son and I both have our own GT's under my Gold account when this started.)

1.  I had to upgrade to the Family account, which gave me four accounts for less than the price of two.  I did this upgrade to my account on Xbox

2.  The second xbox was set-up.  (Both of ours at this house are on wi-fi.)

3.  Back on the original xbox, I used a USB to not only copy my son's profile, but also his game saves.

4.  With the xbox working in his room, I then loaded the USB material and logged in using my son's existing GT.

5.  The second xbox reflects my profile too as a result of all this but I have not logged in with it there.  My son was good to go from that point on.


During all this I made a few observations.

Nowhere on the Xbox Live website is there directions to set-up a second xbox.  They have directions to hook the two of them up together, but not as separate units.

There are a variety of forums explaing how to do this, but because the process has been streamlined over the past couple of years (it's much faster to migrate accounts by importing them now, for example), that the recommendations vary slightly from xbox forum to xbox forum.

In all the instructions you find, when it says to go to 'Settings,' they don't mean in the User Guide (using the xbox button).  They mean the Settings on the Xbox main page.  I was confused about that and couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong.

And finally, the woman who was the tech that took my call on the Xbox support line repeatedly gave me the same instructions on the website that were not correct for what I was trying to do.  She remarked to me, "I understand your frustration," and when I complained about the website having all the wrong information, she hung up on me.  No matter what you try, the support line says there's a 28 minute wait to speak to a service tech, primarily to to discourage people from calling in the first place, so I never called back.  Some friggin' common sense on the website, you know, as if it was written by humans, would help immensely. 

Thanks again to my 2Old2Play crew for coming through for me.  :^D

Wed, 01/02/2013 - 06:17
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I think part of the  problem is the multiple updates and changes to the Live system main page are not reflected on the websites and instructions.

Wed, 01/02/2013 - 13:38 (Reply to #18)
Lbsutke's picture
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oldschoolsmart wrote:

I think part of the  problem is the multiple updates and changes to the Live system main page are not reflected on the websites and instructions.


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this!

Wed, 01/02/2013 - 16:31
TANK's picture
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Ya, your problem was absolutly caused by you both being under just the one account.   An account is only valid on one xbox at a time.    If you recover it to xbox B, it's no longer vaid on Xbox A and visa versa.   The new cloud profiles feature allow you to have a valid account on multiple xboxs BUT you can only be logged into one system at a time.  Totally separate accounts is the only way to use two xbox's simultaneously

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