New member and old timer checking in
Mon, 12/03/2012 - 14:16
New member and old timer checking in
I know this is not introduction thread, but I am looking for some more people to shoot with. I have met a couple people on xbox live thanks to alabamaoldfart, but can always use some more xbox friends. I'm not a great player but I communicate well and make a loosing or winning night fun times.XBL GT XxBadKarma77xX Send me a request and have 2 old 2 play somewhere. Thanks everyone! See you in the middle.
I'm with you BadKarma - I'm getting back into it a bit and can always use new friends. I'll shoot you a FR next time I'm on.
Owl, I see you on but I'm always nervous about just joining in, don't want to be to annoying! I don't like sending invites as with 2 kids and the wife all online doing something at once my connection tends to be horrible. I'll join you next time I see you on.
BadKarma, I'll shoot you a FR. I game with a lot of great people and once you get to know them you'll pretty much always have someone to play with.
Cool thanks guys!
If you see me on hit me up.
Hey BadKarma and Duckman, look for a friend request from EpicBadBreath in your inbox. I'm new to the forums and my story sounds similar to yours. I have an FSU (female spousal unit) as well as 2 kids too young to play Black Ops -- but I'm counting the days. ;-)
I sent the friend request from the Xbox gamertag link in this chain which doesn't ask for any text input so the request will be blank. Apologies. Sometimes I feel like a noob again. :-)
Welcome feel free to send me a FR