My review 2012

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#1 Sat, 12/29/2012 - 14:02
jdankert's picture
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My review 2012


here is my review of 2012:


Februar 19th

First race with guys  from 2o4f (=Too old for Forza) was terrible, because everybody overtook me several times at Infineon. It was a race in the EUSL II series and we drove a Toyota MR II. A nice to drive race car.


My first design was a simple one.

After the race I was infected and couldn’t wait to next Sunday. In the following weeks I learned much about the Xbox, my Router and various technical issues. At some point I was very frustrated, but everytime someone gave me a tip, so I could solve all problems. Step by step. Since than I only had problems with connecting, if the Turn10-servers had problems.


March 25th

I missed the last race of the EUSL (= Euro Sunday League) II, but started soon doing qualifying laps with the special car “BMW 1” on Infineon. I slipped, slided, was more off the track than on it, tried harder, found no rhythm,…..


At that time I decided to drive more RWD cars. In FWD cars I was quicker, but I wanted to learn the real thing.


April 29th

In a stock car race with a Ford Escort at Ladera Short Track I made a mistake, hit the wall and after that the race leader. He lost the championship, was sad, but not angry. I found that a great attitude. He gave me a good feeling as a rookie, who simply made a mistake.



May 6th

The first race from the third EUSL season. It was in Silverstone with a Mini, which is such a great car to race in! I was prepared, had trained a lot and then I learned a lesson: Race incidents can happen anytime and anywhere! In the first round my Mini got a little touch - not a gentle one. I flew from the track, took one other Mini with me and was very frustrated.



May 20th

EUSL III at Road Atlanta. I had found some speed to follow some guys and made it to position 8 and 9. For the first time I wasn’t the last one!



June 6th

After training and racing in different cars I made a deal with myself: No FWD cars for the next three months. I wanted to learn more about racing techniques, breaking, pushing or lifting the throttle,……. I had many  frustrating moments in driving those RWD’s, but a least it was the right decision for me. Even today I try to avoid FWD cars.



June 9th

I bought myself a racing suit.



July 15th

For the new EUSL IV series I wanted to have something special. So I made a design for the first car - VW Scirocco. A  design, which expressed my personality best. In hours of designing I tried to describe some of my thoughts, believes and passions. The car had no sponsors or commercials on it.

Only one exception: My own business “time for change” has found a place onto the car. And the latin phrase “Nunc. Aliter. Amplius.” is my personal slogan. In german “Jetzt. Anders. Weiter.” and in englisch “Now. Different. Forward.” As always with my racing number #246. The story behind: My son is born June 1999, 24th. In Germany we write the date different 24.6.1999.


Funny is, that I never drove that car in one single race. During that time I had major health problems and much stress in business life.


July 17th

In the Austin Healey Cub at Iberian Short Reverse I had a excellent race. I wasn’t the last of the field and achieved the first series points. Other racers saw and remarked my progress. Training, training,…. and you’ll have the chance to get there, where you want to.



October 7st

After a very long time I returned for racing. I had to change my racing setup, had to buy new glasses, because I couldn’t see enough in the new monitor, and it felt like “starting all over new again”. I had lost all of my speed and progress. The race of the EUSL IV series was in a Honda S 2000 at Silverstone. I was very slow and due to a lack of fitness I lost my concentration too fast and therefore lost the car in some curves.



November 6th

After several miles at Silverstone, trying many different cars from different tuners, I had decided to compete in the big Britcar race with a Altezza. I had trained a lot, as bad news came into the house. Due to a business project I won’t be able to race. This had happened many times during the year, but this time it was very frustrating, because this race was a very special one. New drivers, new rules and tires, live video transmission via the web,……



November 26th

I bought my first, but not last Porsche. My childhood dream. The 911!



December 2nd

Race day! Britcar. After changes in my business schedules I was able to race, but ……. it was a lonely and sad race. I was nearly 2 seconds behind my personal best time, which was 4 seconds behind all other club racers. Many hours training at this track and with the Altezza, but no racing-, driving-, speed-progress. I felt terrible. After I realizied how fast the rest of the pack was, all I could do was staying out of trouble. I think the leaders were overtaking me 3 or 4 times.



December 11th

After months I raced a FWD car. A Toyota Yaris, tuned by a Kraigger for the Yaris Cup. In this race at Maple Valley Short I overtook another racer first time in a real race. Due to a handicap system, which is installed in this series I had a chance to follow and I made only three major mistakes. Well, concentration and consistency is everything. It was fun and this was deserved, because one week before I made a stupid mistake and ruined my first Yaris Cup race.



December 23rd

What a fantastic race. My first podium! 3rd place in the Mazda MX5 Playboy series. On one of my favourite tracks, Infineon, I finished as third. The pokal I have got from Church Pro. Many greetings and wishes reached during the hours after the race.





2012 was a year full of up's and down's. After all it was a good year. Especially because I have found a new hobby: Racing with you! Thanks for your support.


My preview for 2013:

I believe, that 2013 will be again a very stressfull year in my business. There will be changes from day to day and often I will have to leave my home on Sunday. I want to make as much races as possible, but I won’t do it in a racing team. It is necessary for me to be flexible and mobile, so if I am online I will compete. I am a privateer, who won’t be able to do a whole racing series. Maybe that is possible 2014.

For the next weeks I want to race in following series:

MX 5 Playboy series



GT open


Yaris Cup


DTM Retro



Other challenges and cars:

Porsche GT 3


V8 Supercars are a big challenge for me. RWD, heavy but fast and no TCS.

2,4 hours of Le Mans


For me is 2013 a year of training and developing more driving skills. If I will save enough money, I will buy a new wheel. This is my goal for 2013. I want to optimize my racing setup.


Many thanks and all good wishes to all members from 2o4e and 2o4f for 2013!!!!!

Let us make our world better!


Sat, 12/29/2012 - 14:33
jcotter13's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
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Excellent post nro. I hope the other newer guys here will read this & take it to heart. Persistence pays off. Good Job mate.

Sat, 12/29/2012 - 14:58
CProRacing's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
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Epic write up Jdan. yes


Brought a tear to my eye. I just wished everyone was as dedicated to you.


Also you missed winning your first race from the 2013 preview section 23


Sat, 12/29/2012 - 22:20
Armor11's picture
Last seen: 11 years 1 month ago
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Great "Year in Review" write up!!

Sun, 12/30/2012 - 01:51
Fitzy's picture
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Nice one jd, I just hope racing with me didn't put you off to much, you have made great progress since you joined. Here's to 2013 and your first win.


Sun, 12/30/2012 - 02:48
Sam Cooper S's picture
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Great write up Jdankert, and very inspiring for a new member like me smiley

You certainly had an eventful 2012, I wish you all the best for 2013.

Sun, 12/30/2012 - 08:04
brntguy's picture
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Nice write up Jdan! Some good shots and paints also. Even with your business/work schedule it shows that persistance pays off. We all felt great for your podium finish after that race for sure!

Sun, 12/30/2012 - 08:11
Tourni6's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
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Fantastic Jdan, It really was the highlight of your 1st season with us.  What it also is, which im sure others will agree, a reminder of their 1st season with 2O4F. 

You'll get that win soon enough Jdan :)


Sun, 12/30/2012 - 08:31
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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JD I see you on occasionally, I'll send you a game invite when I have an informal lobby going.

No points, no series, what we call pick up or "outlaw" racing.

No pressure, lots of wise cracks and some good door to door practice. All levels of drivers. This is where I started.

Sun, 12/30/2012 - 08:42
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
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Excellent post ! I to can relate to Jdan, I joined 2old4forza this year as well . I was part of a different club before I joined. Not that it was a bad club . It just didn't seem to have members willing to help rookies. I had many races with them and always had  last place finishes, I felt very out of place. I then came across 2old4forza . That is where I can say my racing skills have improved greatly ! From the driving classes with J.cotter to the excellent tunes from several members my racing skills and technic progressively got better . I have only been part of two separate series  and have done pretty well , no podiums as yet but definitely no last place finishes . So back to Jdans post practice, practice and more practice will definitely make you a better driver. Oh yeah patience , concentration very important as well. You see I did learn something . So I to would like to thank J.cotter first and everyone for your time and help ,it has made this game very entertaining and the one I play the most. Hope 2013 is better for me and maybe just maybe I can get my first podium.




Sun, 12/30/2012 - 11:12
g35gomba's picture
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Inspiring review Jdan!  I enjoyed reading your chronicles of the past year.  A nice guide for newbies like me on how to get better.    The welcoming , helpful and friendly nature of everyone here is a pleasant surprise.  I can only hope to have such an eventful first year as yours!   Thanks for sharing your 2012 experience with us and best of luck to all in 2013. 


Sun, 12/30/2012 - 13:06
SnappyDee's picture
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Wonderful review JD. It's great that you put it out here for us to see. Brings back memories. 

Sun, 12/30/2012 - 17:40
steviegers's picture
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16 Outstanding 

Tue, 01/01/2013 - 09:30
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Excellent post JD, I remember so many of those moments, well those from the early part of the year before my interwebs crapped out on me 116

Thu, 01/03/2013 - 11:30
jdankert's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
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I forgot one special series: The FAIRLADY Cup. Even if I only could patricipate 2 times, I began to love that car.


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