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What year were you born? Obvious Question for an older gamer site right?
Hi all,
I want to get involved in some clean sensible racing with the 2Old4Forza group.
I've just added you to 2Old4Forza. Here's a link to our forum here on 2o2p in case you've not found your way there yet...http://www.2old2play.com/forums/divisions/2old4forza
We have too many members to fit in one club in-game. So we've divided ourselves into regional groups. So if you will let me know where you're located, I'll make sure you get a club invite in game from the proper division.
WElcome BTW. If thre's anything at all we can do for ya, just ask.
Welcome to the site. If you need any help please just ask.
Hope to see you on the track soon. Cheers :-)
Hi JCotter and Church
i'm in the United Kingdom, near Oxford, so either South or Midlands region will do.
Soon 2Old4F will see the new definition of Captain Slow
Send a message to Churchpro on xbl & he can get you a club invite to the euro division.
Many thanks
welcome to the house!
Hi rob did you get your invite?
I did, thanks Church
Welcome to the crew!
Howdy and welcome!
Thanks for all the welcomes everybody!
I've got a calendar entry for Wednesday's novice event - looking forward to it :-)
© 2007 Media Crumb Inc. All rights reserve Media Crumb Inc.
I've just added you to 2Old4Forza. Here's a link to our forum here on 2o2p in case you've not found your way there yet...
We have too many members to fit in one club in-game. So we've divided ourselves into regional groups. So if you will let me know where you're located, I'll make sure you get a club invite in game from the proper division.
WElcome BTW. If thre's anything at all we can do for ya, just ask.
Welcome to the site. If you need any help please just ask.
Hope to see you on the track soon. Cheers :-)
Hi JCotter and Church
i'm in the United Kingdom, near Oxford, so either South or Midlands region will do.
Soon 2Old4F will see the new definition of Captain Slow.gif)
Send a message to Churchpro on xbl & he can get you a club invite to the euro division.
Many thanks.gif)
welcome to the house!
Hi rob did you get your invite?
I did, thanks Church.gif)
Welcome to the crew!
Howdy and welcome!
Thanks for all the welcomes everybody!
I've got a calendar entry for Wednesday's novice event - looking forward to it :-)