Strategy guide

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#1 Fri, 01/04/2013 - 11:05
onthefritz's picture
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Strategy guide

The way this game is played has changed for a thrid time.  

1st it was capture your flag and fight over the remaining flags.  This only lasted a few weeks. 

2nd it changed to cap your flag, and send the rest of the team to the remaining flag/s.  This lasted for a year or so.  

Now, the game play has changed to cap your flag and send the team to the farthest flag and then pinch the team in between with an eventual (hopeful) win.  I noticed this strategy almost immediately after the After Math DLC.  It started before that, but not to the extent that it is now.  Azadi Palace is the map I noticed this most prevalently on first.  E & D are so close that it's "easy" to hold both if you can get one.  

I have played several games where I am the only one at an objective for almost the entire game, just making sure that we can keep it capped so we don't get pinched in between and lose the game.  I had someone spawn on me and shoot me (not hard core).  I just wanted to tell him "he's welcome" for keeping 'A' obj ours and not letting the enemy have it;... but I didn't.  

Just a 'heads up' if any of you haven't noticed this yet.  You can use this strategy against the opposing team & keep it in mind when you play, so you don't lose to a bunch of randoms so easily.  


Fri, 01/04/2013 - 11:33
fatLUNCH's picture
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onthefritz wrote:

  Azadi Palace is the map I noticed this most prevalently on first.  E & D are so close that it's "easy" to hold both if you can get one.  

I would rather fight for A, B & C in that map and let everyone else have the D & E.  

I love the new maps and <3 2fat's and PPC's map rotation right now.. 

Fri, 01/04/2013 - 14:40 (Reply to #2)
2fat's picture
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fatLUNCH wrote:

onthefritz wrote:

  Azadi Palace is the map I noticed this most prevalently on first.  E & D are so close that it's "easy" to hold both if you can get one.  

I would rather fight for A, B & C in that map and let everyone else have the D & E.  

I love the new maps and <3 2fat's and PPC's map rotation right now.. 

   And yes,  we have a really good rotation going on now for Conquest! Keeps it interesting and full!

Fri, 01/04/2013 - 14:39
2fat's picture
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I think you should assign squads to objectives but most people are not serious enough to go along with that strategy.Squads should actually move as one cohesive unit but that only happens about 10% of the time. I think squad play has died, at least with my group anyways.. Everyone seems to want to be the top player. I can be top player when I want too but that doesnt mean wins! If die a lot doing what nobody else wants to do and if  we win , I would consider that successfull!  While others are running around trying to get fucking tags and assignments.  I just want wins! What else matters..

Fri, 01/04/2013 - 14:54 (Reply to #4)
onthefritz's picture
Last seen: 9 years 1 month ago
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2fat wrote:

I think you should assign squads to objectives but most people are not serious enough to go along with that strategy.Squads should actually move as one cohesive unit but that only happens about 10% of the time. I think squad play has died, at least with my group anyways.. Everyone seems to want to be the top player. I can be top player when I want too but that doesnt mean wins! If die a lot doing what nobody else wants to do and if  we win , I would consider that successfull!  While others are running around trying to get fucking tags and assignments.  I just want wins! What else matters..

I agree with all of what you wrote.  I would take a win with "meh" stats for myself over a loss and really good stats for myself.  

I think the MADH guys might stick together a little bit better, but we still have our games & nights where it seems to be a free for all . :)  

There have been a few nights with randoms (on the xbox) where I have had some good coms and team play.  Those are rare jewels to savor.  LOL  


Sat, 01/05/2013 - 14:04 (Reply to #5)
fatLUNCH's picture
Last seen: 11 years 9 months ago
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2fat wrote:

I think you should assign squads to objectives but most people are not serious enough to go along with that strategy.Squads should actually move as one cohesive unit but that only happens about 10% of the time. I think squad play has died, at least with my group anyways.. Everyone seems to want to be the top player. I can be top player when I want too but that doesnt mean wins! If die a lot doing what nobody else wants to do and if  we win , I would consider that successfull!  While others are running around trying to get fucking tags and assignments.  I just want wins! What else matters..

im hearing rumors of having a Commander on the battlefield in bf4, like in a pervious version of BF... not that it will help us in BF3.

We did have some good squad action going on last night.. there was a few of us running and taking objectives as a squad. 

The issue i've seen is we're all either talking at once, not in the same chat (party chat/game chat) or no communication.

Sat, 01/05/2013 - 16:57 (Reply to #6)
onthefritz's picture
Last seen: 9 years 1 month ago
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fatLUNCH wrote:

2fat wrote:

I think you should assign squads to objectives but most people are not serious enough to go along with that strategy.Squads should actually move as one cohesive unit but that only happens about 10% of the time. I think squad play has died, at least with my group anyways.. Everyone seems to want to be the top player. I can be top player when I want too but that doesnt mean wins! If die a lot doing what nobody else wants to do and if  we win , I would consider that successfull!  While others are running around trying to get fucking tags and assignments.  I just want wins! What else matters..

im hearing rumors of having a Commander on the battlefield in bf4, like in a pervious version of BF... not that it will help us in BF3.

We did have some good squad action going on last night.. there was a few of us running and taking objectives as a squad. 

The issue i've seen is we're all either talking at once, not in the same chat (party chat/game chat) or no communication.

You guys were really making life hard for us last night taking objectives.  We had to recap constantly.  

We've had the same problems with everybody trying to talk over everybody else.  We've tried different comm techniques and rules, but it hasn't worked out for us so well.  We know eacxh other well enough now, and the game too, that it is less of a problem.  

Squad asignment has to really be maintained, otherwise it could get real boring sitting back camping an objective with no action.  

I have no experience with Commander, but it sounds kind of like the same thing as sitting back.  However, I bet it can be a crucial role if it's a close game.  

Sat, 01/05/2013 - 17:28 (Reply to #7)
2fat's picture
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fatLUNCH wrote:

2fat wrote:

I think you should assign squads to objectives but most people are not serious enough to go along with that strategy.Squads should actually move as one cohesive unit but that only happens about 10% of the time. I think squad play has died, at least with my group anyways.. Everyone seems to want to be the top player. I can be top player when I want too but that doesnt mean wins! If die a lot doing what nobody else wants to do and if  we win , I would consider that successfull!  While others are running around trying to get fucking tags and assignments.  I just want wins! What else matters..

im hearing rumors of having a Commander on the battlefield in bf4, like in a pervious version of BF... not that it will help us in BF3.

We did have some good squad action going on last night.. there was a few of us running and taking objectives as a squad. 

The issue i've seen is we're all either talking at once, not in the same chat (party chat/game chat) or no communication.

 Yes, they will be bringing back the "Team commander " role for BF4! This is a good thing if you can get the people you are playing with to follow commands. Most are not serious enough to give orders or follow them. This will definately seperate  the" WIN" players from the "For Fun" players! I think this is great considering the only way I have fun playing is winning..This will also change the people you play with depending on if they like to Win or just have fun! Its a good step IMHO! Rumors of the next gen consoles supporting 64 players has been hot as of late as well! We can only hope,,,

Fri, 01/04/2013 - 17:10
Corcharo's picture
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I struggle mightily at squad play because it requires kind of a double awareness, of what you do and of what your squad does. I do okay with the first but when I try to do both at the sametime, my game gets out of sync, so to speak. And when that occurs I have a tendency to focus back on individual play, just like when you go back to one of trusted weapons after unsuccessfully trying a new one...


Sun, 01/06/2013 - 08:39
Corcharo's picture
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I don't know if this has been tried before but why not having the squad leaders on team chat and others on squad chat only? This way most players would have to deal with useful comms, coming from their squad members.

As for the lack of team commander feature, we can work on something, 2fat should naturally fill that role and give the general strategy to the team before the game starts (objective assignment for each squad) and during game (all-out attack on one point, etc)



Sun, 01/06/2013 - 19:23 (Reply to #10)
onthefritz's picture
Last seen: 9 years 1 month ago
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Corcharo wrote:

I don't know if this has been tried before but why not having the squad leaders on team chat and others on squad chat only? This way most players would have to deal with useful comms, coming from their squad members.

As for the lack of team commander feature, we can work on something, 2fat should naturally fill that role and give the general strategy to the team before the game starts (objective assignment for each squad) and during game (all-out attack on one point, etc)



We [MADH] tried that too.  It was kind of frustrating when orders might not get passed along to other squads.  We also liked to talk to each other.  It builds comaraderie and friendships.  You have to be really disciplined for this to work.  

Besides, like I said, we all enjoyed talking to each other during the game.  It makes it more enjoyable.  

Mon, 01/07/2013 - 10:22
2fat's picture
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Earnest, you know that we are a bunch of selfish degenerates that hates rules, orders, Timmies, and Communism! You really think our group would follow so called orders?  LOL, but troof! I may have to create another clan for that type of gameplay.... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......enlightened

Mon, 01/07/2013 - 11:25 (Reply to #12)
Corcharo's picture
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2fat wrote:

Earnest, you know that we are a bunch of selfish degenerates that hates rules, orders, Timmies, and Communism! You really think our group would follow so called orders?  LOL, but troof! I may have to create another clan for that type of gameplay.... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......enlightened

If giving orders is micromanaging players, then you're right, try that and you'll only get a healthy dose of STFU from everybody.

But, like I said, you could also give only general directives, in other words take care of the strategy and leave the tactics to the squads/players. That way we could get a good compromise between structure and personal initiative, the latter fitting our individualistic and undisciplined nature very well.

I have no problem with players trying to reach specific personal objectives in-game, just make them tell it before the game and organize accordingly. Say, as a totally random example, Senior is planning on getting his 10 EOD bots destructions and that as a result he's camping in the back of Grand Bazaar Alpha, just have his squad rotate between A and B, or camp A. 

Mon, 01/07/2013 - 13:04
Phyxius's picture
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Note: this is coming from someone who is extremely green to the game, but…..

The whole reason I bought the game was to have more of a team game feel. I was giving Black ops II for x-mas and as soon as I started playing it was just like the last one (run, shoot, run get killed etc….) wait let me rephrase (run, get killed, run, get killed, shoot…) I personally know I will never be as good as some of the other people playing the game. I don’t have the time for that, so personal accolades don’t mean as much to me as others. But to win…. That’s the key for me. I know I am not the masses but that’s just my opinion….

Mon, 01/07/2013 - 13:46 (Reply to #14)
onthefritz's picture
Last seen: 9 years 1 month ago
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Phyxius wrote:

Note: this is coming from someone who is extremely green to the game, but…..

The whole reason I bought the game was to have more of a team game feel. I was giving Black ops II for x-mas and as soon as I started playing it was just like the last one (run, shoot, run get killed etc….) wait let me rephrase (run, get killed, run, get killed, shoot…) I personally know I will never be as good as some of the other people playing the game. I don’t have the time for that, so personal accolades don’t mean as much to me as others. But to win…. That’s the key for me. I know I am not the masses but that’s just my opinion….

Then you sir,.... are in the right place.  I went 3 & 8 while driving 2fat around in the AMTRAC and ended up getting MVP2.  Others were driving him around too so he (2fat) could be MVP1.  I think something was afoot there.  ;)  :)  







(psssst, don't tell the others, but it's all about the wins here, not necessarily personal stats)  LOL  


Mon, 01/07/2013 - 13:45
2fat's picture
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With us its like run, shoot, get team killed, get killed, revived,then killed! LOL...

Mon, 01/07/2013 - 14:34 (Reply to #16)
Corcharo's picture
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2fat wrote:

With us its like run, shoot, get team killed by 2fat, get killed,  get no revive from 2fat,then killed! LOL...

Gotta be honest with the new guys, don't you think? 186

We're undisciplined as a team but we always have the right mindset.

Mon, 01/07/2013 - 16:25 (Reply to #17)
2fat's picture
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Corcharo wrote:

2fat wrote:

With us its like run, shoot, get team killed by 2fat, get killed,  get no revive from 2fat,then killed! LOL...

Gotta be honest with the new guys, don't you think? 186

We're undisciplined as a team but we always have the right mindset.

  In all reality as a bunch of old battlefielders we own serious ass on a nightly basis ! Now that is telling the new guys the real truth!  

Mon, 01/07/2013 - 16:59 (Reply to #18)
Phyxius's picture
Last seen: 12 years 3 weeks ago
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2fat wrote:

Corcharo wrote:

2fat wrote:

With us its like run, shoot, get team killed by 2fat, get killed,  get no revive from 2fat,then killed! LOL...

Gotta be honest with the new guys, don't you think? 186

We're undisciplined as a team but we always have the right mindset.

  In all reality as a bunch of old battlefielders we own serious ass on a nightly basis ! Now that is telling the new guys the real truth!  


To That I have only one thing to say  "Teach me wise ones" 



Tue, 01/08/2013 - 07:34 (Reply to #19)
fatLUNCH's picture
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2fat wrote:

Corcharo wrote:

2fat wrote:

With us its like run, shoot, get team killed by 2fat, get killed,  get no revive from 2fat,then killed! LOL...

Gotta be honest with the new guys, don't you think? 186

We're undisciplined as a team but we always have the right mindset.

  In all reality as a bunch of old battlefielders we own serious ass on a nightly basis ! Now that is telling the new guys the real truth!  

luckily i dont have one foot in the dirt like 2fat, but i did spend time as a Combat Engineer in my previous life!

getting in a squad or team with any of the PPC guys will get you some instant wins... 

Wed, 01/09/2013 - 04:35 (Reply to #20)
CiaranORian's picture
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fatLUNCH wrote:

2fat wrote:

Corcharo wrote:

2fat wrote:

With us its like run, shoot, get team killed by 2fat, get killed,  get no revive from 2fat,then killed! LOL...

Gotta be honest with the new guys, don't you think? 186

We're undisciplined as a team but we always have the right mindset.

  In all reality as a bunch of old battlefielders we own serious ass on a nightly basis ! Now that is telling the new guys the real truth!  

luckily i dont have one foot in the dirt like 2fat, but i did spend time as a Combat Engineer in my previous life!

getting in a squad or team with any of the PPC guys will get you some instant wins... 

Yeah the only downside is you have to play hardcore 127

Mon, 01/07/2013 - 16:30
2fat's picture
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vous estes un monsieur Corcharo douch!

Thu, 01/10/2013 - 07:49
fatLUNCH's picture
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hardcore is where its at... I dont want to empty an entire clip into someone standing 2 feet from me to kill them.  Thats what it feels like when I play core.  

I would like to play as close to real life as possible.. 

Thu, 01/10/2013 - 10:02 (Reply to #23)
CiaranORian's picture
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fatLUNCH wrote:

I dont want to empty an entire clip into someone standing 2 feet from me to kill them. 

Maybe if you aimed for the head instead of the feet? wink

Tue, 01/15/2013 - 11:24 (Reply to #24)
fatLUNCH's picture
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CiaranORian wrote:

fatLUNCH wrote:

I dont want to empty an entire clip into someone standing 2 feet from me to kill them. 

Maybe if you aimed for the head instead of the feet? wink


you might be onto something there!  its worth a try! haha

Wed, 01/16/2013 - 07:00 (Reply to #25)
CiaranORian's picture
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fatLUNCH wrote:

CiaranORian wrote:

fatLUNCH wrote:

I dont want to empty an entire clip into someone standing 2 feet from me to kill them. 

Maybe if you aimed for the head instead of the feet? wink


you might be onto something there!  its worth a try! haha

Personally I've never tried it, but it may work?

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