Hack or modify BTB Slayer on Halo 4

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#1 Sat, 01/05/2013 - 13:06
Sparty1992's picture
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Hack or modify BTB Slayer on Halo 4

The only hacking I know how to do would happen on a basketball court not computer or vid game so excuse my ignorance.  I was playing general matchmaking BTB last night and had a few strings of games that I wasnt sucking.  Then I got into a game that I didnt get a vote for the map.  I had open communication going with teammates set but only 2 people were not muted.  As I played it seemed every time I would line up a snipe, melee or splatter the game would glitch up and the blue guy disappeared from snipe, was behind me or to the side in melee/splatter or 30 further away than before glitch/lag.  I am not trying to make excuse (sun in eyes, thumb cramp, etc).  I thought maybe it was my wireless router.  The reason I brought this up was the 2 guys who had mics on were commenting the same stuff was happening to them and one of the said he was out cause of jackwagons hacking and why he never plays BTB. I gritted it out and finished the game trying to hide since there seemed to be something going on.  BTW I played with different groups after and no glitch or lags and back to at least = k/d or better for the rest of the night.

Is hacking in the general games possible and are there actual douches out there who would hack a xbox game so their k/d ratio is 3 versus screwing others enjoyment?  Also why wouldnt they use their knowledge for some Tyler Durden activities, or a hack a bank where it takes all the pennies from tranactions around the world and deposits the rounded difference to their swiss bank account instead!


Sat, 01/05/2013 - 13:40
Lbsutke's picture
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Sparty1992 wrote:

Is hacking in the general games possible and are there actual douches out there who would hack a xbox game so their k/d ratio is 3 versus screwing others enjoyment?  Also why wouldnt they use their knowledge for some Tyler Durden activities, or a hack a bank where it takes all the pennies from tranactions around the world and deposits the rounded difference to their swiss bank account instead!



To answer your first question, well as far as H4 goes I am not sure. I have not seen widespread videos of it happening...YET.. All the previous Halos were hacked at some point and time in that titles release phase, so it is not improbable that it will happen to H4.


And to answer the second part of your question. Yes, they will hack a video game for any number of reasons, no matter how insignificant it seems to you are me, they will do it cause they can.

Sat, 01/05/2013 - 13:55 (Reply to #2)
OldnAchy's picture
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Lbsutke wrote:

Sparty1992 wrote:

Is hacking in the general games possible and are there actual douches out there who would hack a xbox game so their k/d ratio is 3 versus screwing others enjoyment?  Also why wouldnt they use their knowledge for some Tyler Durden activities, or a hack a bank where it takes all the pennies from tranactions around the world and deposits the rounded difference to their swiss bank account instead!



To answer your first question, well as far as H4 goes I am not sure. I have not seen widespread videos of it happening...YET.. All the previous Halos were hacked at some point and time in that titles release phase, so it is not improbable that it will happen to H4.


And to answer the second part of your question. Yes, they will hack a video game for any number of reasons, no matter how insignificant it seems to you are me, they will do it cause they can.


There is a Halo 4 campaign hack (mod) out there called the horizon with liberty mod that supposedly makes one invunerable with infinite ammo.  Why anyone would want that is beyond me...makes the game worthless.  If someone can mod the campaign, I am sure MM can be modded as well.  Just hope the watch dogs are on alert.

Sat, 01/05/2013 - 15:45
DEEP_NNN's picture
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If it's a hack, it will be caught and soon. They just can't hide for long anymore. These things go in waves. I'm not concerned at all.

Question, if i may be so bold. What meaning does 1992 have in your GT? Special date or something?

Sat, 01/05/2013 - 16:21 (Reply to #4)
Sparty1992's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

If it's a hack, it will be caught and soon. They just can't hide for long anymore. These things go in waves. I'm not concerned at all.

Question, if i may be so bold. What meaning does 1992 have in your GT? Special date or something?

Not real creative I went to Michigan State (Sparty) and grad in 92.  Not the year I was born (I wish)!

Sat, 01/05/2013 - 17:16 (Reply to #5)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Sparty1992 wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:

If it's a hack, it will be caught and soon. They just can't hide for long anymore. These things go in waves. I'm not concerned at all.

Question, if i may be so bold. What meaning does 1992 have in your GT? Special date or something?

Not real creative I went to Michigan State (Sparty) and grad in 92.  Not the year I was born (I wish)!

LOL. I was fishing and you proved a wary prey or completely innocent of course. smiley

Sun, 01/06/2013 - 13:50 (Reply to #6)
halo2teacher's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Sparty1992 wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:

If it's a hack, it will be caught and soon. They just can't hide for long anymore. These things go in waves. I'm not concerned at all.

Question, if i may be so bold. What meaning does 1992 have in your GT? Special date or something?

Not real creative I went to Michigan State (Sparty) and grad in 92.  Not the year I was born (I wish)!

LOL. I was fishing and you proved a wary prey or completely innocent of course. smiley


I was thinking the same thing, too, Deep! I was reading the over40 thread thinking this doesn't add up to 40...but when I read the verbal sparring with Dixon I knew he couldn't be 20 28

Mon, 01/07/2013 - 09:00 (Reply to #7)
Sparty1992's picture
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halo2teacher wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:

Sparty1992 wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:

If it's a hack, it will be caught and soon. They just can't hide for long anymore. These things go in waves. I'm not concerned at all.

Question, if i may be so bold. What meaning does 1992 have in your GT? Special date or something?

Not real creative I went to Michigan State (Sparty) and grad in 92.  Not the year I was born (I wish)!

LOL. I was fishing and you proved a wary prey or completely innocent of course. smiley


I was thinking the same thing, too, Deep! I was reading the over40 thread thinking this doesn't add up to 40...but when I read the verbal sparring with Dixon I knew he couldn't be 20 28

In my 20s I probably would have had much more unsavory comments but in my 40s I am classy with a K.

Mon, 01/07/2013 - 08:57 (Reply to #8)
Sparty1992's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Sparty1992 wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:

If it's a hack, it will be caught and soon. They just can't hide for long anymore. These things go in waves. I'm not concerned at all.

Question, if i may be so bold. What meaning does 1992 have in your GT? Special date or something?

Not real creative I went to Michigan State (Sparty) and grad in 92.  Not the year I was born (I wish)!

LOL. I was fishing and you proved a wary prey or completely innocent of course. smiley

I am NOT the prey but the hunter a 20 year who likes to inflitrate websites for people 25 and over!  "evil laugh Mahaaaaawha"

Just kidding!

Sat, 01/05/2013 - 18:02
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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Barring any flying warthogs, instant kills, headshot hacking, or invulnerability, I would say most of the stuff you experienced was simply due to a bad host (lag).  It's not necessarily your fault.  Whoever had host may have been from a different country or maybe someone bridged their host (this allows the person to choose who has host essentially), or possibly lag switch manipulation (but these are more difficult to produce anymore as the game will change host after repeated drops in connections).  BTB has pros and cons with regard to lag.  On one hand, the more players allows for a better chance at someone having a great connection to have host.  On the other hand, if no one has a decent connection, everyone will suffer (more players, larger maps = more info to send = more lag).




Mon, 01/07/2013 - 08:49 (Reply to #10)
Sparty1992's picture
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OMGaLaserPewPew wrote:

Barring any flying warthogs, instant kills, headshot hacking, or invulnerability, I would say most of the stuff you experienced was simply due to a bad host (lag).  It's not necessarily your fault.  Whoever had host may have been from a different country or maybe someone bridged their host (this allows the person to choose who has host essentially), or possibly lag switch manipulation (but these are more difficult to produce anymore as the game will change host after repeated drops in connections).  BTB has pros and cons with regard to lag.  On one hand, the more players allows for a better chance at someone having a great connection to have host.  On the other hand, if no one has a decent connection, everyone will suffer (more players, larger maps = more info to send = more lag).





Good stuff makes sense.  Thanks and maybe I could fly a warthog better than I do a Banshee!

Mon, 01/07/2013 - 07:59
Matt Likes Beer's picture
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I agree with Laser. It sounds like a game that had a really crappy connection. It happens to all of us from time to time.

Mon, 01/07/2013 - 13:56 (Reply to #12)
zombiekitten's picture
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Matt Likes Beer wrote:

I agree with Laser. It sounds like a game that had a really crappy connection. It happens to all of us from time to time.


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