Millionaire Boy Racers of London
Mon, 01/07/2013 - 02:26
Millionaire Boy Racers of London
Don't know if anyone watched this in UK as its on Channel 4 by all accounts, but wasn`t available in North America last time I looked, but is on YouTube and is a good copy in HD.
It explains why all you guys are waiting so long for your Ferrari Italias, and Lamborghini Aventadors to be delivered, right?
And why the frightfully posh people of Kensington are concerned this kind of behaviour will frighten the horses.
Fah fah fah fah .....fah.! Old chap. Tea anyone?
Lads keep talking about this at work.
Must be nice
Since Im a yank could you compair this channel 4 to fox news? it seems rather conservitive and racist really. (not implying that I am in any sort of way liberal)
Channel 4 is like the left wing of the BBC but its one of the 5 main channels.
If you dont have cable, digital, Sky ect you get the following channels:
Channel 4
Channel 5