OFF TOPIC: What is going on in Ireland????

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#1 Tue, 01/08/2013 - 14:06
jdankert's picture
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OFF TOPIC: What is going on in Ireland????


I know there some guys from Ireland here. In German media are reports about big demonstrations and violence in Belfast. What is going on there? I thought - and hoped - some of the problems in Ireland are solved?????


Tue, 01/08/2013 - 15:27
CProRacing's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
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It's just Northern Ireland Jdan part of the British Isle's

I do believe everyone around here from Ireland is from the country Ireland if you get what I mean?

Wed, 01/09/2013 - 08:10
KnightofRedemption's picture
Last seen: 7 years 3 months ago
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Ah...If only there there was an easy explanation for what is going on. Church to say it is just Northern Ireland is not quite true. There is a planned "demonstration" in Dublin as well.

Most of us have no interest in what flags they do or don't fly, I live right on the border, and travel to Northern towns and city's a few times a month. I work both sides of the border and have good friends on both sides.

One of the catalysts for civil disturbance is economic, but here that always gets mixed up with politics and and the shadow of "The Troubles"

JD as I say there is no simple explanation, but I can tell you the overwhelming majority of the population both sides of the border want peace.

Wed, 01/09/2013 - 08:43
jdankert's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
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ok. Thanks for there explanation. Peace?!?!?!? That would be a very good solution. Make love - not war! Wow, how old I am :-)))


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