Fanatec wheel settings

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#1 Fri, 01/04/2013 - 17:56
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Fanatec wheel settings

Would like to know for all you Fanatec wheel users what are you wheel settings and in game wheel settings.I will post my settings soon. Just posted  this as I was answering another post about Fanatec wheels.

Fri, 01/04/2013 - 18:33
MapoUK's picture
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I'm using a GT2 with 681 firmware and my settings are: Sen OFF FF 90 Sho 100 Dri OFF ABS 74 Lin 000 Dea 000 Spr - 2 Dpr - 3 Recently changed Sen from 900 to OFF and feels a lot better. In game I changed my dead zones to 1/100 except clutch 15/75 and I'm using normal steering (sim was too hard to correct oversteer with the wheel). Mapo.
Tue, 01/08/2013 - 16:16 (Reply to #2)
skiwinv's picture
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Went to 756 firmware with GT2 wheel and am using the following with ClubSport V1 pedals

SEN 900 ( playing with 540 & 720 as well)

FFB 100

Shock 100

ABS 25


Lin 000

DEA 000

SPR -3

DPR -3

ACL - Off

In Game

Normal steering - simulation is fun but most times can't recover when the tail goes out.

1 for inside deadzone, 95 for outside - throttle, brake, steering

Clutch - inside 1, outside 20

Brake inside 1, outside 40

Vibration 100

Force 65

Still testing things so will likely continue adjusting

Tue, 01/08/2013 - 12:45
Sam Cooper S's picture
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I am using the following at the moment, but still tweaking (CSR non Elite with fw 756), and so far it feels pretty good to me. Quite a light feel but still some feedback. 
-Sen 900
-FF 100
-Sho 100
-Dri 003
-Abs 075
-Lin 000
-Dea 000
-Spr -2
-Dpr -2
-Acl Off
Ingame setings are-
Force Feedback Scale - 75
Normal Steering (I prefer the feel of simulation but I need to practice more, I find it too hard to catch a slide sometimes, too risky online!)
Manual W clutch (CSR Elite pedals and H shifter)
Deadzones same as Mapo 0/100 except clutch
I might try SENS off actually and see if that makes any difference.
cheers Sam
Tue, 01/08/2013 - 14:48
Zero7159's picture
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-Sen 900
-FF 100
-Sho 100
-Dri 000
-Abs 080
-Lin 000
-Dea 000
-Spr 0
-Dpr -1
-Acl On (for cars where I use paddles), Off (for cars where I use H shifter)
Ingame setings are-
Force Feedback Scale - 80
Normal Steering 
No Dead Zone in anything
Tue, 01/08/2013 - 16:19 (Reply to #5)
Sam Cooper S's picture
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Zero7159 wrote:

-Acl On (for cars where I use paddles), Off (for cars where I use H shifter)
Zero- is that with a CSR?  I tried the same but could not find a setup where I could use ACL with the paddles and still use the look right / left buttons on the wheel ( X and B ) as everytime I shift up I would look right as well, not much fun :)
Tue, 01/08/2013 - 17:21 (Reply to #6)
Zero7159's picture
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Sam Cooper S wrote:

Zero7159 wrote:

-Acl On (for cars where I use paddles), Off (for cars where I use H shifter)
Zero- is that with a CSR?  I tried the same but could not find a setup where I could use ACL with the paddles and still use the look right / left buttons on the wheel ( X and B ) as everytime I shift up I would look right as well, not much fun :)


Good question.  I will modify my post.  I am using a Fanatec CSR Elite with Firmware 756B (the newest one).

Tue, 01/08/2013 - 18:34 (Reply to #7)
skiwinv's picture
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My limited experience with "ACL On" is that you need use Wheel Layout 1 to have the A button work properly.  If you use Wheel Layout 4, the funny things start happening with the view.  While the clutch seems to have an effect in the lower classes, I'm not convinced it has any effect for the higher classes (S and up) - guess that's why I'll always be at the back of the pack smileysmiley

Wed, 01/09/2013 - 13:23
CIlettiDad's picture
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There's a 756 firmware release available for the GT2 wheel now too. I downloaded it and ACL worked fine, inspite of having a steering problem shortly after receiving my new wheel. The good news is Customer service with Fanatec is awesome, as others have said, and a new wheel was shipped the next business day, scheduled to arrive this Friday. Keeping my fingers crossed that the new one does not have issues.
Wed, 01/09/2013 - 13:36 (Reply to #9)
Zero7159's picture
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CIlettiDad wrote:
There's a 756 firmware release available for the GT2 wheel now too. I downloaded it and ACL worked fine, inspite of having a steering problem shortly after receiving my new wheel. The good news is Customer service with Fanatec is awesome, as others have said, and a new wheel was shipped the next business day, scheduled to arrive this Friday. Keeping my fingers crossed that the new one does not have issues.


The GT2 wheel, and others like it (CSR, GT3RS, etc.) is a proven, reliable piece of kit.  My guess is that your replacement wheel will work just fine.  Take delivery with confidence.  smiley


On the other hand, my fourth CSR Elite wheel in less than a year arrived last Thursday and is working fine.  But, I am still nervous that it will fail, like the three other Elites failed before it.  sad

Wed, 01/09/2013 - 13:55 (Reply to #10)
MapoUK's picture
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CIlettiDad wrote:
There's a 756 firmware release available for the GT2 wheel now too. I downloaded it and ACL worked fine, inspite of having a steering problem shortly after receiving my new wheel. The good news is Customer service with Fanatec is awesome, as others have said, and a new wheel was shipped the next business day, scheduled to arrive this Friday. Keeping my fingers crossed that the new one does not have issues.
I downloaded and installed the 756 firmware a couple of weeks back for my GT2 and the wheel kept freezing so I had to go back to 681. Shame as I liked the ACL. Hope you get your new GT2 soon!
Wed, 01/09/2013 - 17:54 (Reply to #11)
Sam Cooper S's picture
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MapoUK wrote:
CIlettiDad wrote:
There's a 756 firmware release available for the GT2 wheel now too. I downloaded it and ACL worked fine, inspite of having a steering problem shortly after receiving my new wheel. The good news is Customer service with Fanatec is awesome, as others have said, and a new wheel was shipped the next business day, scheduled to arrive this Friday. Keeping my fingers crossed that the new one does not have issues.
I downloaded and installed the 756 firmware a couple of weeks back for my GT2 and the wheel kept freezing so I had to go back to 681. Shame as I liked the ACL. Hope you get your new GT2 soon!


Did you re-bind your wheel to the xbox after flashing the firmware?  I had similar issues until I re-bound, now its fine. 

Thu, 01/10/2013 - 13:39 (Reply to #12)
MapoUK's picture
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Sam Cooper S wrote:

MapoUK wrote:
CIlettiDad wrote:
There's a 756 firmware release available for the GT2 wheel now too. I downloaded it and ACL worked fine, inspite of having a steering problem shortly after receiving my new wheel. The good news is Customer service with Fanatec is awesome, as others have said, and a new wheel was shipped the next business day, scheduled to arrive this Friday. Keeping my fingers crossed that the new one does not have issues.
I downloaded and installed the 756 firmware a couple of weeks back for my GT2 and the wheel kept freezing so I had to go back to 681. Shame as I liked the ACL. Hope you get your new GT2 soon!


Did you re-bind your wheel to the xbox after flashing the firmware?  I had similar issues until I re-bound, now its fine. 


Hi Sam,

Yep, rebound the wheel to the xBox after flashing.

I just tried the 756 again but I can't get rid of the sloppy feeling around the centre of the wheel and I don't like it so I'm back on 681 again... It just feels better!

Wed, 01/09/2013 - 19:43 (Reply to #13)
xsitement's picture
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CIlettiDad wrote:
There's a 756 firmware release available for the GT2 wheel now too. I downloaded it and ACL worked fine, inspite of having a steering problem shortly after receiving my new wheel. The good news is Customer service with Fanatec is awesome, as others have said, and a new wheel was shipped the next business day, scheduled to arrive this Friday. Keeping my fingers crossed that the new one does not have issues.


Hi Cllettidad,

What type of steering issue did you have?  My GT2 steering will all of a sudden become very loose having no tension or FFB, also loses its smoothness when turning the wheel in either direction, becomes notchy and clicks when rotating the wheel.  

Wed, 01/09/2013 - 20:03 (Reply to #14)
CIlettiDad's picture
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It worked fine for about a half hour.  Then, I heard a loud 'pop' and felt it through the wheel (like something internal broke) From that point on, the wheel would no longer steer to the left. 

If you're having issues and it's less than two years old, capture the issue on a video and submit it on the Fanatec site.  They seem very good at customer service.

Fri, 01/11/2013 - 21:20
CIlettiDad's picture
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Received the new wheel today and I'm happy to say you were right Zero. Everything is working fine. I got on line briefly to test the turtle beach headset and so far so good.
Fri, 01/11/2013 - 22:34 (Reply to #16)
Zero7159's picture
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CIlettiDad wrote:
Received the new wheel today and I'm happy to say you were right Zero. Everything is working fine. I got on line briefly to test the turtle beach headset and so far so good.


Glad to hear it.  That is an excellent wheel you have.  I miss mine.  Sometimes I question why I sold it and "upgraded" to the CSR Elite.  frown

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