Needing a strategy for H4's mission, 'Forerunner' on Legendary

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#1 Wed, 01/09/2013 - 04:32
Trashguy's picture
Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
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Needing a strategy for H4's mission, 'Forerunner' on Legendary

The section I'm having issues with, to wit:  You generally have a Ghost you've driven up a hallway then you get to a door that reveals an Elite just outside.  If I boost right out of the door, I can run him down and nab the Banshee he runs for, but trying to dispatch enough of the enemies afterwards is getting really aggravating.  As soon as I nab the Banshee and get airborne, EVERY ENEMY ON THE MAP STARTS SHOOTING, with the result being you get shot down.  Now after much irritation, I manage to get all the shield generator cores wrecked, but I'm trapped inside a structure with a sprint across open ground to try and get up to the beam.  If I make it inside the base, now I've got at least three Banshees airborne, one or two Ghosts, and at least two Elites upstairs to try and deal with without enough ammo nor a power weapon.

What really frustrated me here was the fact I can manage to grab a fuel rod gun after giving that first Elite the rundown, but that dratted harrassing Banshee immediately after is impossible to shoot down--even at point blank range.  I grabbed a plasma pistol once, thinking I could EMP him down and hijack it, but right as I got to the thing it jumps off the ground and flies away...again.  I tried shooting the thing with my scattergun when it got close, but no, it seems to be just out of range.


I kinda wish 343 could have incorporated Borderlands' idea of drop-in/drop-out co-op play...I can think of several folks out there who would be a big help!


Any ideas?  Game's a good time so far, but there's a few spots on Legendary that are really bothersome to me.

Wed, 01/09/2013 - 06:02
DarthTabasco's picture
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I know the exact spot you are referring as it did cause me some frustration too.

Ultimately what I ended up doing was initially NOT grabbing a banshee and staying in the ghost. If you stay toward the bottom of the map (around the door in the valley), then just take your time and peck away until the bashees are done. Then move around (staying on the ghost) taking out the other baddies, especially the other ghosts. Once they are all dispatched, then grab a banshee and take out the Elites on the tower. 

The main thing is just taking your time with the ghost taking out the banshees and the baddies on the ground.

This is how I got through it, others may have different advice.

Wed, 01/09/2013 - 07:22
YEM's picture
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What I did is run down that elite right as you come out. Then I hauled ass all the way to the left (as you come out the door) There is a sort of semi cave over there(there is an empty bansee on top of the cave/cliff). It provides cover from the banshees and is easier to defend until you whittle down the enemies. It's right next to one of the things you need to destroy to lower the shield.  What's good about this spot is you can get a checkpoint pretty easily.... so when you die, you won't lose all the progress you made.


And I agree with DT, you NEED to take your time. Also, if you get all 3 generators destroyed, you can skip fighting through the structure filled wit helites by grabbing the banshee and flying over to the objective. Hop out and run through the door

Wed, 01/09/2013 - 07:19
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I don't go out the door until I've first despatched the Elite with a LR and headshotted as many grunts as I can. Then I PP the near Banshee to board it. Dismount and finish the rest on foot. Sometimes I use a Banshee for the stragglers.

Wed, 01/09/2013 - 19:00
OldnAchy's picture
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I was having real problems posting this morning and some right now, but I will try again:


If you want to just get thru this part of the mission, then there is a pretty neat skip that will bypass ALL the Covies besides the first Elite outside the door and handling him is no problem.  This is illustrated in one of Mythic Tyrant's walkthru videos.  He does Legendary and Mythic (solo, legendary, all skulls on, no deaths, and no save/quit) guides for each mission in the Halo games and has just completed Legendary for the H4 missions.  I highly recommend watching these videos to help in your campaign quest. His vids can be reached by going to

The video below demonstrates the skip at around the 11:00 mark.  I used the skip in my successful Mythic run.

Wed, 01/09/2013 - 15:54
lanierb's picture
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What I did: run down the Elite and grab the Banshee, boost high up so the enemies can't shoot you and shoot down both Banshees.  Then, land the Banshee on the rock ledge near the other Banshee that is just sitting there.  This is a safe spot where you won't receive much fire and can hid from any you do receive.  I used this spot as place to work from while I got rid of a bunch of enemies and the ghosts.  As I remember I was even able to run down and get a couple of the shield generators and weapons and head back up there, and also to kill a few of the Elites on the higher levels of the building you have to go up at the end.  It's pretty straightforward from there.

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