Well, my first delightfully informative and witty attempt to post was consumed by the aether. So this time will be far less verbose.
Hello from Southern USA!
Old wargamer, too slow and not enough dexterity for consoles so resigned to keyboard and mouse.
Played the old Multiplayer Battletech on GEnie in the old days, haven't been involved in online community play since then.
Looking forward to overcoming microphone shyness, and enjoying coordinated efforts in Mechwarrior Online. Loved the recruitment post in the forums over there. Had been hesitant to commit to a faction because my play is scattered over different hours and days and sometimes for just two to four games. (D@rn work!)
Please add me to the correct group for MW:O?
Thanks in advance and good gaming to all.
welcome to the house!!!
Welcome to the house chap