Youtube embedding
Wed, 01/09/2013 - 07:59
Youtube embedding
Did Youtube change their links up? I'm having issues embedding youtube videos in posts. Here's one.
Did Youtube change their links up? I'm having issues embedding youtube videos in posts. Here's one.
Dont you just copy and past the share URL?
Yeah so that didnt work
But this "Share" link works?
You need the full URL. Not the modified version with
Isn't that this?
actually he is posting the full link. I just tried it and it did not embed.
Oh ok. I'll check the settings.
Seems to be working again with full link and shortened.
Does not work sometimes.
I'll post three videos in a post, and only the first one posts. Then I tried to do one per post in a thread. The second time worked, and the third time does not. Is there a limit to how many can be embedded in a thread? Even after copying the plain text of the embed code and changing the link within, it still does not work.
Also if they worked, wouldn't the first few posts above show the videos and not the link?
Hmmm. Odd its only happening to some videos. I'm thinking youtube has changed something in their API. Looking into it.
Figured it out. Youtube now adds hyphens to all their links intsead of just numbers and letters. This is causing any new links to not be converted to a player. It will take a bit of time to fix. Thanks for the updates guys.
Fixed. Any old published links that have Hyphens in them before I put in the patch wont work though. But below is LaLa's first example which now works after the fix was put in place. Thanks for the trouble shooting guys.
Whens this SCC thing going to give live anyway?
Having issue with the billing and it making sure everyone is gets all the perks.
No worries. Is there anywhere to donate?
sweet, thanks for the fix!
so....... now we can't play embedded videos - it takes you to Youtube's site before it starts to play.
Are you on a phone when testing this? It wil attempt to take you to their site if that is the case.
Are youtube changing everything?
no, I'm on Chrome.
I've now found that some do and some don't. I wonder if the ones that "don't allow embedding" take you to YT inside of just saying "embedding disabled"