Trying to update Csr Elite Wheel...
Sun, 01/13/2013 - 11:26
Trying to update Csr Elite Wheel...
I'm having a little trouble updating the firmware on my Csr Elite wheel.I have installed the driver needed for this update or I think I have. I get to the point where the wheel is in bootloader mode And on the page for the update the last column where it says driver I get this message :
fanatec update port driver pre install failed.
Any help will be awesome!
I just went through this process on friday. What Operating system do you have? Which driver did you install from the website?
Once the correct driver is installed you will have to repeat the process from the beginning and it should recognize the driver automatically ( at least mine did)
If i remember right there are 2 different drivers, 1 for 64 bit and 1 for 32 bit OS ....
Make sure the dirver is in the Folder called "Firmware" ; then you have to point that directory when prompted to the driver file.. PM if you need more help..
Sounds like you may have inadvertently got the wrong driver. Make sure you have installed driver 144 32bit (first uninstall any previous install) Then flash firmware upgrade 757. It usually takes two goes for me for some reason before it takes, so don't be disheartened if it doesn't take first time.
Are you trying to install from a compressed file? If so you need to extract it to a folder on your desktop. you should be able to right click on the compressed file and then and option for whatever file extraction program your using will show "extract to here". The firmware software must be extracted before it will work...hope that helps.
Okay create a folder on your desktop called say fanatec firmware, place the rar file in there. When you extract that file it will create its own folders in that folder. Then the firmware update will find the files it needs, if by any chance it doesn't (unlikely) well you know where they are and you can point it to them.
And no worries mate we are here to help.
Elite and 757, and I feel your pain. I went through some real mindbenders updating firmware on my old CSR, but the later sets of drivers and firmware seem to be less glitchy.
Well that is the million dollor question, for me great, love the feel of the wheel, but I didn't spend much time with the older firmware. I wanted the latest to ensure that the fan issues were sorted and so on. You can always go back if you decide you don't like it.
Heh but now you know what you were doing wrong and that is half the battle, and you'll always remember to extract files before trying to install them, it works sometimes but not that often
I have tried everything possible and still getting the same error message fanatec driver port pre install failed . If someone please give a step by step on how they updated there firmware (757)for the csr elite on a windows xp 32 bit system it will help greatly . Im running as adminstrator doing all the steps by the book and still the same result I have deleted both files and reinstalled and nothing. How do I install the driver to my wheel?Thanks!
Maybe?? it is because you only deleted the previous driver files and did not allow windows to uninstall it properly? Or maybe you made a typo?
Okay this sounds like a Windows .net Framework issue now. So make sure you have the latest .net Framwork installed from the Windows site. I recomend you uninstall whatever version you have now and reinstall a full clean version. If I was a gambling man that is where I would put my money.
Seems unlikely Parcells, it should happily install over an old installation, uninstalling is boots and braces. I have had that .net issue myself which is why that was my next port of call.
windows xp does not support .nets latest verison. If you have it is your computer have windows xp 32 bit
Use this one Sorry I should have said the latest for your OS, Are you Angel on the Thomas Blog? If so you say there that the software is still in a rar file on your desktop. You have extracted it haven't you?
I have double checked and it is definitely compatible with your system but you must have .net Framework 3,5 installed and working. I am sure this is the problem because otherwise there is no reason why the wheel would not flash. I had exactly the same issue and it was solved by doing what I am asking you to do.
I know this seems a frustrating exercise but bear with me, we will get this sorted.
Probebly best to uninstall, I do hope this works because otherwise I am stumped. Not having a XP 32 bit computer I can't exactly mimic your system...usless I dig out an old laptop...hmm lets see how it goes.
This is what I am seeing .The screen that has appeared is the one that say firmware updater on top with the fanatec "F" logo on the right. I did the bootloader process . then after a few seconds on column 1 thru 3 labeled pw1,pw2,and pw3 are filled. The fourth column which is labeled (driver) is empty. The big box at the bottom says this:( please complete the needed information.) When I click on the small box to the right of the fourth column the firmware file opens I then click on usb it then opens up I then select it and the letters dtscdc fill the file name box . I then press open after a few seconds I get this message on the fourth column labeled driver (fanatec update port driver pre install failed) On the small boxes to left of the big box the first box which is labeled :Pre install driver is not checked .The 2nd box is checked, which says set wheel in bootloader mode which I have done.What's next?
Right...Ass...I did think it should just work now but that is not the case. Wish I could just sit at your computer but...Right the only thing left is sometimes changing USB ports wakes up the drivers. See what you are doing is right, and it should just go through the process.
So what should happen when you first plug the wheel in to a USB port is that bong noise, and the info box saying installing USB device. So what I want to to do is make sure this first stage happens as it should...Once you know for sure this first step has happened, try the process one more time.
What a pain in the ass firmware updates are took me 6 goes to get my wheel(csr non elite) to update the problem was my wheel would not go in to boot mode properly
It would do the first part then just hang but when I got it in to boot mode it took a few mins and all was done I'm now on 767 and I feel like I'm starting again with a wheel.
The ffb is great but the spring to centre is to strong rip your arms off strong and when the car stars to spin I just can't stop it anymore I went back to 737 and I could stop the car spinning
but it all felt like crap so went back to 767 ill just have to mess with the setting to see if I can get back to normal it's really put me off racing I could not keep the fiat 500 on the track the other
night It felt like a monster. if anyone has a setup for 767 firmware for a csr let me know plz
Have you double checked the XBox has recognised the wheel as a wheel, not as a pad controller, I have found it often sees it as a pad and that means the slightest turn of the wheel sends the car wheels to full lock. Bugged the hell out of me till I realised what was happening.
Didn't think of that Knight will check next time I'm on cheers
I often have to restart the wheel several times, once it get it it's fine, I'm using sense at 520 seems to be right for me.
Ok knight.......After doing what you requested (please provide the pw files, and driver file if necessary.) is what it says in the big box. PW 1,2 and 3 columns are filled, the driver column is empty. The wheel is in boot loader mode.
Sorry man been busy, have responded to your PM
Has anyone heard of the CSR Elite being modded so that the Fanatec BMW wheel rim fits on it? Just wondering if its possible. Would be epic! I wish the wheel rim on the GT2 had a more realistic diameter. Sorry to hijack the thread.