DBNO gone from VS Multiplayer in Judgement

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#1 Fri, 01/04/2013 - 18:11
TANK's picture
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DBNO gone from VS Multiplayer in Judgement

Official from @HammerofWynn.  I guess this also unofficially says Execution mode is gone.

yes, DBNO is not in any of the MP modes.



Fri, 01/04/2013 - 18:45
Gatsu's picture
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Epic fail. I'm gonna give Judgement a try though. But if the game completely blows.....Epic Games is only a 2 hour trip away.

Sun, 01/06/2013 - 04:30
KamakazeTaco's picture
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Only about a month late with that news, it's out of date though. DBNO is in overrun and they've said


"DBNO (Down, But Not Out) is featured in the Gears of War: Judgment campaign. As for competitive and co-op multiplayer, a DBNO-like feature exists in OverRun, wherein the Medic class has the ability to revive teammates who are downed with our new stim grenade. The difference is they are stationary and are not crawling around. Grenadiers on the Locust side can go DBNO and then be revived by another Grenadier or a Kantus," Epic informed Joystiq. "And for obvious reasons, our new Free-For-All mode doesn't feature any sort of DBNO. We have more modes to announce in the future, so we can only comment on the modes we've announced so far."



So it's possible some of the unannounced modes will have DBNO. But given how much they enjoyed fucking up Gears 3 til it was unrecognizable as a Gears game, they probably will get rid of DBNO, make the game first person and add in kill streaks. 7 kills and you can call in a reaver! They've already announced in one of the podcasts that the locusts will not be in any MP modes beside overrun.




Mon, 01/07/2013 - 10:28
TANK's picture
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I post stuff when I notice it, if it's not already mentioned here .  I'm not following Judgement news that closely because my interest in it is somewhat low at the moment.

But it sounds like judgement is continuing the trend of making the game more CODish.  I also read that in campaign anyway you get points or xp or something for Skill Kills, a little Bulletstorm getting mixed in.



Wed, 01/09/2013 - 01:19
KamakazeTaco's picture
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That wouldn't surprize me. The same crap company (People Can Fly) that made Bulletstorm are working on Judgement too. This game is going to be such a turd, and that's such a shame cause I was really hoping for a good game after Gears 3.

Wed, 01/09/2013 - 09:55
Gatsu's picture
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What are your complaints with Gears 3 Taco? Just curious.

Thu, 01/17/2013 - 03:30 (Reply to #6)
KamakazeTaco's picture
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Gatsu wrote:

What are your complaints with Gears 3 Taco? Just curious.

The maps were a big part of it, and I guess that's partly because of the damn respawning. Maps like Security or Pavillion don't work since the spawns would have been way too easy to camp. Plus respawning in general doesn't feel right for Gears, you lose all that tension and excitment when you can just respawn whenever you goof up. Retro lancer pissed me off a bit too. That combined with the camping and sawn offs made a lot of games go so much slower than I would have liked.

And now hearing that Judgement isn't even gonna have a no respawn mode and TDM is going to be infinite lives instead of at least having the shared pool, I find myself just not giving a shit. Overrun might be neat, but we all thought Beast mode would be fun and only played that for a few weeks before getting bored. Every other shooter out there has TDM and camping with rifles. And now that you have to pick between a rifle or a shotgun any chance for the gnasher battles of old is out the window.

Thu, 01/10/2013 - 12:24
TANK's picture
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I loved gears 3 beta and launch, then they fucked with it too much.  All that fucking with it, listinging to the whiny minority in the forums ruined the MP fo rme.  I wish they just fixed problems and glitches but not change the game itself.   The game also needs a permanent lone wolf mode because its matchmaking blows monkey balls.  Beast mode is a nice side gig but didn't really feel like it realized it's full potential.  Horde is cool,i liked the building aspect and the boss fights, it just gets too boring after a while.  beast is too short and horde is too long in my opinion.



Mon, 01/14/2013 - 21:26
Gatsu's picture
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Just finished listening to the podcast they posted today about some the MP Modes in Judgment. There will be 4 total.

Here's a breakdown:

MP modes shipping with Judgment: Overrun, FFA, Domination, and TDM.
There are NO elimination, non-respawn modes. (so no warzone, execution, ctl or wingman)
TDM now counts kills towards a goal; there is no more respawn pool
Overrun has bots, can be played in private.
Overrun has no unannounced classes on either side. (so everything you've seen so far is pretty much it)
You cannot choose characters for Overrun, only classes (ex: you can't be a Cole engineer).
Ranked and quick are still separate, sound unchanged.
You can tag people with any type of grenade; its effect is unchanged (ex: beacon grenade tagged on opponent still just spots)
You can destroy and jump through windows.
Mantle kick is unchanged.
Ammo boxes replenish grenades.
(Supposedly) Every starting weapon has a very specific role, is ineffective out of that role, and has a weakness.


Horde hasn't been announced and this close to launch if they haven't said....it's probably not in there.

So...this is looking more and more lame to me as the news comes out. I am sad.

Tue, 01/15/2013 - 10:24
JohnnyHustler's picture
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Looks like it's closer than ever to COD: Locust Ops.

Wed, 01/16/2013 - 04:48
CannabisMessiah's picture
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Last dicth money grab before next gen and makes me sad but people that got to play test it said the gameplay is great and over run is alot of fun so I guess well see .

Wed, 01/16/2013 - 14:27
Gatsu's picture
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I'm gonna give them the benefit of the doubt and give them my money. But if I don't care for it....roadtrip to Epic HQ.

Fri, 01/18/2013 - 10:10
injustice4all's picture
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I had to stop playing Gears for a long while becaust I started getting pissed when I played. The long break has enabled me to enjoy the game again. I am hoping that Judgment is a good game, but I'll wait until I get my hands on it to form my opinion. The only thing that I can say for certain is that it's going to be the most radically different Gears yet. I just don't know if that's a bad or a good thing. I do think that this game needs to be really solid if Epic wants to keep the franchise going.
Mon, 01/21/2013 - 11:17
Gatsu's picture
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More things removed from Gears Judgment,

• No grenade wall-tagging
• No Active Reload damage boost - You can still active reload, but it's just for faster reloads now.
• Ink grenade doesn't stun enemies anymore either.

All of these things, DBNO, executions, etc....have all been removed due to inconsistency in online play.

I know something that will make it more consistent......fix the damn net code and dedicated servers that are on consistently.



Mon, 01/21/2013 - 11:40
JohnnyHustler's picture
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They are making it too generic.  On paper, this doesn't look like it will play like a Gears game.  I found PCF's Bulletstorm to feel really generic, and I'm afraid they're going to do more of the same here.  The problem with lining it up more like COD is that shooters are already having a tough time getting players due to COD and Halo.  You have to have something different to keep the gamer's attention.  We're already having a hell of a time finding Gears players as is - if they make it as generic as it sounds, the Gears community here on 2o2p is going to be sparse.

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