Poker Night 1/16
Mon, 01/07/2013 - 23:55
Poker Night 1/16
Wednesday, January 16th will be a site wide poker tournament in the Xbox Arcade game Full House Poker! Beginning at 9PM EST, there will be tournament tables set up with up to ten players a table. There will be as many games as it takes to seat everyone that wants to play.
What is Full House Poker? Its an Xbox Live Arcade game of Texas Hold 'em that uses your avatar and is somewhat regularly supported by FREE DLC. The game costs 800 MSP to download, but that is the only money you'll be putting out; chips are earned in game and they cost NOTHING!
Our tournament will have a $1000 buy in and will consist of 3 table set ups, with the winning chip leader advancing in a bracket system to the next round. There will be as many rounds as it takes until there is only one winner.
Since there can be a maximum of 30 players per tournament set up, I might need some volunteers to help run extra games. Don't worry though, whoever is running the game can still play. A thread is being set up to determine how many players are going to participate and how many tables will be needed.
If you're still unsure of the game, there is a free demo of it in the marketplace. The game features level advancement, avatar awards, and hours of fun with your friends (and fellow 2old2players.) The game is also cross-compatible with the Windows Phone version, so chips and experience points you earn in one version carry over into the other.
If anyone has any questions, let me know. Please post here if you plan on attending, and if your gamertag isn't located in your profile, please also include that so I can keep track of who to invite. Last time we did this it was very successful, so I'm hoping for another great turnout.
Damn, once again I'll miss a poker night because I'm out of town for work......
I'll be there
Damn. If it was a Friday or Saturday night I would be able to make it.
Maybe next time.gif)
I'll definitely be there!
Sounds Like fun Lou! Sign me up!
I could run one Friday night. I think I know how to set it up. I've set up one table tournaments, but never a 30 person one. I play a lot, just want to make sure I do it the way you are setting it up to be consistent.
Say Friday night at 10:00 EST?
I'm in for both nights
I got tips from Lou and will be running another game this Friday January 18th at 10 pm EST. Feel free to friend request me, or post your GT and I'll get you into the game.
Good luck to all who are playing tonight. Wish I could make it.
Wednesday v. Friday Super Heads Up Championship Challenge.
Since clearly I'll be winning tonight, I throw down to whoever wins the Friday Tourney for a heads up challenge. Sig Bets will be the stakes and I say we leave up the winner's embarassing sig on our forum posts until the first day of Spring. I'm sure Derek will be happy to see me lose.
With any luck, Leviticus can get his wife to play again and she can school us all
I can play.
are we playing poker?
Just saw this after our game last night.
How'd last night's game go? I'll open up a room around 9:45 EST tomorrow for anyone that wants in.
I'm on the a2old2dig GT, Halotards GT, and the CoOpSyndicate GT if you want to find me that way.
It was a fun night. I think eight showed up so it turned into more of a cash game than a tournament. My hat walked away with the most money at the end of the night. I'll try to pull myself away from halo to be there tomorrow night.
We all learned wednesday night that you don't shit talk Harry Squatter's hat.
Fun time. Can't wait to hand over more money tonight.gif)
Anybody that is up for poker tonight, I'll start up a room at 10 pm EST time. XBL name is "ThePengwn".
And just to make it interesting.....if we get 10 or more people and can play a tournament with at least two tables (5+ at each table), I will donate a 1600 MS point code to whoever wins the tournament.
Must be 25 or older to win and on 2o2p or friends with a 2o2p member, because I will pm the winner the code.
I'd like to do this sort of thing more regularly too, so whenever Lou hosts a night (that I can attend) if enough people show up, I will donate some MS points for the winner.
Great games guys. Thanks to all who showed up. Not enough people to have a tournament, but we the cash game was fun.
Next time Lou puts a game together, we'll bribe people into playing so we can get a real tournament going.
Once again, good times. I would love to get involved in more clan game nights. I may not know who the hell I'm talking to at any given time but I know it's usually a lot of laughs. Can't wait for the next night. Oh, and thank you pengwn for hosting
P.S. While it is very generous of you to offer up points, I think i speak for most people when I say that it is not necessary. I personally just enjoy getting together with a group and playing some games.
I think we had 8 people at one point, and you are right, I had a blast getting together with you guys and playing. I'll save the points for a big site-wide tournament that we setup well in advance if we can get enough interest.
I'm willing to host a game just about anytime. Maybe every 2 weeks? Lou, do you work every night until the end of February? We could do a Saturday or Sunday during the day too.
I don't change diapers