Can Halo 4 now plot it's own course competitvely?

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#1 Fri, 01/18/2013 - 15:44
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Can Halo 4 now plot it's own course competitvely?

This is no surprise and it's all but legally official now. No Halo 4 in MLG for 2013.


Sundance DiGiovanniVerified@MLGSundance1h

MLG signed it's side of the console shooter deal for 2013. The game in the deal was not Halo. Once deal is countersigned we will announce.

Fri, 01/18/2013 - 15:50
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Possibly.  Something's gotta get done.  Let's hope Virgin Gaming knows what they're doing.  They certainly have some deep pockets to do it.

Fri, 01/18/2013 - 15:59 (Reply to #2)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

Possibly.  Something's gotta get done.  Let's hope Virgin Gaming knows what they're doing.  They certainly have some deep pockets to do it.

How is it they are doing this Virgin Gaming contest? Who is fronting the money?

Would I be correct in assuming future VG competitions would be  a pay to play scenario?

Fri, 01/18/2013 - 22:37 (Reply to #3)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Dixon_Tufar wrote:

Possibly.  Something's gotta get done.  Let's hope Virgin Gaming knows what they're doing.  They certainly have some deep pockets to do it.

How is it they are doing this Virgin Gaming contest? Who is fronting the money?

Would I be correct in assuming future VG competitions would be  a pay to play scenario?


Well, you're doing a VG competition right now with the Infinity Challenge.  Apparently, there's going to be an app that tracks games, records the stats, and is the official way to turn them in to be counted.

Fri, 01/18/2013 - 17:54
Lbsutke's picture
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I would think so. If I am correct teams had to pay a team fee for MLG, so it would be safe to assume they would also do it for VG.


VG set up the contract with MS. In the contract (I am assuming) it said it would sponsor, market/promote and probably host competitive matches. Hopefully they would be LAN matches, due to the fact of having to roll the dice on which person gets host and the host have a distinct advantage. When money is involved those things better be worked out.

Sat, 01/19/2013 - 03:33
Lou_Keymia's picture
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Why does MLG matter in the first place? I read a while before Halo 4 was released that they were dropping Halo, and 343 freaked out and shipped them a bunch of early copies. This annoyed me, like 343 was pandering to them.
Sat, 01/19/2013 - 11:18 (Reply to #6)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Lou_Keymia wrote:
Why does MLG matter in the first place? I read a while before Halo 4 was released that they were dropping Halo, and 343 freaked out and shipped them a bunch of early copies. This annoyed me, like 343 was pandering to them.

Because, when you've just got a game that's all casual, you get a title that dies two weeks after release.


More seriously, though, it's about more competition and such within Halo, something that's at the backbone of the Halo mystique.  Halo, as is, isn't a good enough game to stand on its own, and it's always needed little tweaks and balance issues to be fixed before you could play it more competitively.

Sat, 01/19/2013 - 13:12 (Reply to #7)
Lbsutke's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

Lou_Keymia wrote:
Why does MLG matter in the first place? I read a while before Halo 4 was released that they were dropping Halo, and 343 freaked out and shipped them a bunch of early copies. This annoyed me, like 343 was pandering to them.

Because, when you've just got a game that's all casual, you get a title that dies two weeks after release.


More seriously, though, it's about more competition and such within Halo, something that's at the backbone of the Halo mystique.  Halo, as is, isn't a good enough game to stand on its own, and it's always needed little tweaks and balance issues to be fixed before you could play it more competitively.


Well I think he was asking more to the point why should 343 or MS care if MLG was supporting the game or not (at least that is what I am reading into it) For 10 years MLG has been been a group that has helped sustain the longevity of the franchise. No matter if you believe it or not, the fact that MLG has had early access (in one form or another) to each Halo game since H2, has had specific playlists created for them, MS has considered them influencial enough to take in their input in one form or another. You might ask well how did they garnish such influence. Well as it is seen in this forum and a lot of other Halo forums, the competitive Halo player is ravenous supporter of their type of Halo experience, they help drive product sales of the game and peripherals that enhance the game play. Which translates into more $ for MS, either directly or inderectly (liscensing for "authorised" MS products). So you have a group which is a staunch supporter of your product and drives revenue in one form or another. Pretty much a perfect combo for success for any game.

The reason MLG is dropping Halo (well the primary reason) is due to the contract MS has with VG. MS is bound by that contract and I am willing to bet, the wording within the contract states that VG will have the exclussive rights to the Halo franchise for any and all competive events (at least on a national level or large scale and as far as promotion from MS & 343). You will not see VG sending in the swat team if the local gamestop is having a tourney on the weekend. But if another "competive gaming company" is trying to run season long tournements nationaly, well VG is going to get to say "NOT TODAY".

If I misinterpreted your question, my bad. But if this is kind of what you meant, then that is (imho) the reason why MLG carried weight when it came to Halo or any competitive game they support.

Sat, 01/19/2013 - 13:31 (Reply to #8)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Lbsutke wrote:

Dixon_Tufar wrote:

Lou_Keymia wrote:
Why does MLG matter in the first place? I read a while before Halo 4 was released that they were dropping Halo, and 343 freaked out and shipped them a bunch of early copies. This annoyed me, like 343 was pandering to them.

Because, when you've just got a game that's all casual, you get a title that dies two weeks after release.


More seriously, though, it's about more competition and such within Halo, something that's at the backbone of the Halo mystique.  Halo, as is, isn't a good enough game to stand on its own, and it's always needed little tweaks and balance issues to be fixed before you could play it more competitively.


Well I think he was asking more to the point why should 343 or MS care if MLG was supporting the game or not (at least that is what I am reading into it) For 10 years MLG has been been a group that has helped sustain the longevity of the franchise. No matter if you believe it or not, the fact that MLG has had early access (in one form or another) to each Halo game since H2, has had specific playlists created for them, MS has considered them influencial enough to take in their input in one form or another. You might ask well how did they garnish such influence. Well as it is seen in this forum and a lot of other Halo forums, the competitive Halo player is ravenous supporter of their type of Halo experience, they help drive product sales of the game and peripherals that enhance the game play. Which translates into more $ for MS, either directly or inderectly (liscensing for "authorised" MS products). So you have a group and is a staunch supporter of your product and drives revenue in one form or another. Pretty much a perfect combo for success for any game.

The reason MLG is dropping Halo (well the primary reason) is due to the contract MS has with VG. MS is bound by that contract and I am will to bet, the wording within the contract states that VG will have the exclussive rights to the Halo franchise for any and all competive events (at least on a national level or large scale and as far as promotion from MS & 343). You will not see VG sending in the swat team if the local gamestop is have a tourney on the weekend. But if another "competive gaming company" is trying to run a season long tournements nationaly, well VG is going to get to say "NOT TODAY".

If I misinterpreted your question, my bad. But if this is kind of what you meant, then that is (imho) the reason why MLG carried weight when it came to Halo or any competitive game they support.




Not today?

Sat, 01/19/2013 - 15:36
eksessiv's picture
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I feel Bungie's new game will rewrite video gaming AGAIN, and that will be the new thing.  They chose to let Halo go when they could have easily kept putting out great content.  As they began to let it go the quality of maps went down because it was them trying to quiet people down.  Nothing great has been released since H2 blew up.  When I say great I meant in terms of how it changed video gaming.  COD is a dumbed down version of Halo with a different appearance.  I know other games have came out, but nothing that took off like H2.  Looking at some of the leaked stills it seems like there will be a multiplayer.

This is all my opinion of course.

Sat, 01/19/2013 - 15:46 (Reply to #10)
eksessiv's picture
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eksessiv wrote:

I feel Bungie's new game will rewrite video gaming AGAIN, and that will be the new thing.  They chose to let Halo go when they could have easily kept putting out great content.  As they began to let it go the quality of maps went down because it was them trying to quiet people down.  Nothing great has been released since H2 blew up.  When I say great I meant in terms of how it changed video gaming.  COD is a dumbed down version of Halo with a different appearance.  I know other games have came out, but nothing that took off like H2.  Looking at some of the leaked stills it seems like there will be a multiplayer.

This is all my opinion of course.

Good points.

Sat, 01/19/2013 - 16:00 (Reply to #11)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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eksessiv wrote:

eksessiv wrote:

I feel Bungie's new game will rewrite video gaming AGAIN, and that will be the new thing.  They chose to let Halo go when they could have easily kept putting out great content.  As they began to let it go the quality of maps went down because it was them trying to quiet people down.  Nothing great has been released since H2 blew up.  When I say great I meant in terms of how it changed video gaming.  COD is a dumbed down version of Halo with a different appearance.  I know other games have came out, but nothing that took off like H2.  Looking at some of the leaked stills it seems like there will be a multiplayer.

This is all my opinion of course.

Good points.

Rating your own stuff now? :)

Sat, 01/19/2013 - 18:43
eksessiv's picture
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Someone hacked my account.

Sat, 01/19/2013 - 20:20 (Reply to #13)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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eksessiv wrote:

Someone hacked my account.


Sat, 01/19/2013 - 20:24 (Reply to #14)
eksessiv's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

eksessiv wrote:

Someone hacked my account.


Ha, no Deep.  Just kidding.

Sat, 01/19/2013 - 20:30 (Reply to #15)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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eksessiv wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:

eksessiv wrote:

Someone hacked my account.


Ha, no Deep.  Just kidding.

Thanks for letting me off the hook. :)

Old people worry you know. ;)

Sat, 01/19/2013 - 20:23
Lou_Keymia's picture
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Yes LB, that was exactly what I was asking. So this is a big deal then, I never understood the significance of MLG before. Thank you.
Sat, 01/19/2013 - 20:32
eksessiv's picture
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Makes sense.  VG would need all rights in order to maximize their business method.  Only thing to me that would stink is if they only did online stuff.  Live tournaments with no connection advantages brought out a suspense that online play cannot.

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