Who has a Flickr account?
Fri, 01/18/2013 - 08:33
Who has a Flickr account?
As the title suggests - who has a Flickr account? Got a specific photo or set you want to show off?
I recently purchased a Canon 60D last June and have been slowly taking photos when I am not working or play some BF3. I find it as a way to get out of the house and what not.
I'll start..
My photostream is here: fatLUNCH Flickr Photostream
A few recent photos I've taken:
[url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/chrisletexier/8366783086/]San Juan at Night[/url] by [url=http://www.flickr.com/people/chrisletexier/]fattlunch[/url], on Flickr
[url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/chrisletexier/8291611769/]Excuse me?[/url] by [url=http://www.flickr.com/people/chrisletexier/]fattlunch[/url], on Flickr
Pictures look very professional and very very good!
I love the owl one
The owl is behind my house and hunts back there 2-3 times a week.
On pic one did you have an extended exposure in play?
Love the sky
yes, so in the night shot, i have it set up on a tri-pod and set the exposure time to 30seconds
it was super windy out that night and the clouds were low enough to get picked up by the camera shutter being in the open position for 30 sec. Still things remain unchanged in the pic, while moving objects appear moving. You see this a lot in photos like these:
but then you can move your camera along with the moving object to make it look still and the background look like its moving. I attempted it in these photos:
Great pics Lunch. I bought the same camera a few years ago. I don't take pictures as much as I use to. I did a lot of minor league baseball games. I would take pics, get them blown up and my boys would use them to get autographs. Love the owl shot.
im just getting into it.. bought the 60D in June/July of 2012. But i have learned a few things just by shooting and then trying to understand what makes a better photo, both techncially and composition.
Do you have a Flickr account? If so, friend me on there so i can see what ya got.
No account but I need to set one up. Don't want to lose anything. Won't hurt to back them up online. I will let you know when I get it set up.
Never thought of that H2
Might be best to back my pics up online. Just in case.
SkyDrive is a better place to back pics up IMO.
But if you like to share your photos, Flickr can be a fun site to use.
I went out yesterday when we had -30 wind chill and took some pictures (set of 10 on Flickr here) of the area around Fargo. Lots of blowing snow.
Below is me doing my best to stay low and outta the wind
I have one but only use it for Forza pics from the game so far. I am looking at getting a good quality digital camera though.
[url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/oldschoolsmart/8360276865/]Forza41[/url] by [url=http://www.flickr.com/people/oldschoolsmart/]Oldschoolsmart[/url], on Flickr
Hoping some of what I've learned with in game settings will help outside...
I added you as a contact on Flickr. Yah you have a lot of Forza pics. I wish i could take pictures as good as those look!
Thanks for the heads up on the sky dive will check that out tomorrow.