Small(ok rather big) problem...thoughts/suggestions?

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#1 Tue, 01/15/2013 - 20:20
Raider30's picture
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Small(ok rather big) problem...thoughts/suggestions?



So here's my problem: 


I was trying to complete the campaign on Legendary.  Normally when a Halo game comes out I run through it first on Heroic and then jump over to multiplayer and at some point try to make it through on Legendary.  So I was playing my Legendary playthrough and made it through the mission right before Forerunner.  The CG comes up, all is fine, but then it kicks me back to the start of the mission.  


So I play through again and again it does the same thing(now I'm a bit irritated because Legendary isn't a walk in the park for me and I have to work at it a bit).  So I jump up to the mission past forerunner and proceed to, over the course of the next week, complete the rest of the missions on Legendary.  However, I can't get the achievement because I never completed Forerunner.  So I go back to play Forerunner.  It begins to load the mission and every time it reaches 79% it restarts back to 0%, builds up to 79% and restarts back to 0%.  WTF?


Tried loading it on easy, no go.  Tried loading the mission before Forerunner on easy, that worked just fine so I played through it and when I finally got to the end it kick me out to the Halo4 start screen rather than progress me through the CG to Forerunner.  Again I must ask, WTF?


Any thoughts, suggestions?  For some reason it appears as though that mission is corrupted or something, but I'm running it off the how can that be?  How do I transfer Halo4 to my HD?  Think that would help?


I'm at a loss so any help would be appreciated.


 - Raider30

Tue, 01/15/2013 - 22:14
Lbsutke's picture
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go to the dashboard with the game in the tray.


Do not launch the game


as you move to the tile that shows the game with a disc symbol on it, you should see three selections at the bottom of the screen. A select, X game deails and Y Eject.


Press X for details. on the next window you should have a tile option to copy the game to the HD.



Just out of curiosity, if you have played some MP how were you able to do it without copying it to your HD, since you have to do it for mp to work. It is the same process.


Let us know if it worked out.

Wed, 01/16/2013 - 02:11 (Reply to #2)
Autarch's picture
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Lbsutke wrote:



Just out of curiosity, if you have played some MP how were you able to do it without copying it to your HD, since you have to do it for mp to work. It is the same process.


Let us know if it worked out.

Multiplayer is installed from Disc 2.  Campaign is on Disc 1.  Also, if his mission is failing to load from the disc, it might not work to install it either.  Might copy the problem.  If it does, great.

If that does not work though, you could always try exchanging it at the retail store you got it from.  Or you could buy a used copy from gamestop, check the mission on that disc, if it works, return it immediately but with your Disc 1 and get the used copy's purchase price back in full :P

Anyways, hope ya get it working, sounds very frustrating for sure.

Thu, 01/17/2013 - 22:52 (Reply to #3)
Double T's picture
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Autarch wrote:

Lbsutke wrote:



Just out of curiosity, if you have played some MP how were you able to do it without copying it to your HD, since you have to do it for mp to work. It is the same process.


Let us know if it worked out.

Multiplayer is installed from Disc 2.  Campaign is on Disc 1.  Also, if his mission is failing to load from the disc, it might not work to install it either.  Might copy the problem.  If it does, great.

If that does not work though, you could always try exchanging it at the retail store you got it from.  Or you could buy a used copy from gamestop, check the mission on that disc, if it works, return it immediately but with your Disc 1 and get the used copy's purchase price back in full :P

Anyways, hope ya get it working, sounds very frustrating for sure.


No wonder our country is going to shit with advice like that.

Sat, 01/19/2013 - 05:25 (Reply to #4)
Autarch's picture
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Double T wrote:

Autarch wrote:

Lbsutke wrote:



Just out of curiosity, if you have played some MP how were you able to do it without copying it to your HD, since you have to do it for mp to work. It is the same process.


Let us know if it worked out.

Multiplayer is installed from Disc 2.  Campaign is on Disc 1.  Also, if his mission is failing to load from the disc, it might not work to install it either.  Might copy the problem.  If it does, great.

If that does not work though, you could always try exchanging it at the retail store you got it from.  Or you could buy a used copy from gamestop, check the mission on that disc, if it works, return it immediately but with your Disc 1 and get the used copy's purchase price back in full :P

Anyways, hope ya get it working, sounds very frustrating for sure.


No wonder our country is going to shit with advice like that.

It was actually just a joke, hence the tongue sticking out at the end.

I'd heard some news about new video game laws in the USA but didn't realize they were causing the whole country trouble.  Hope video game issues aren't really that big of a deal.


On a serious note, I am hoping issues with the xbox scratching discs get completely solved for the next console.  I remember seeing neat circles around my discs.  Not much can be done at that point to fix the disc.

Wed, 01/16/2013 - 07:04
YEM's picture
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Maybe, also try clearing the cache 

Wed, 01/16/2013 - 08:54 (Reply to #6)
BCyclops's picture
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YEM wrote:

Maybe, also try clearing the cache 


Definitely try this.

If that doesn't work, then maybe there is something wrong with your game disc. Check to see if the disc is dirty or damaged. If you have friends who play Halo 4 you could also try borrowing their copy of the game in order to complete the mission.

Wed, 01/16/2013 - 08:54 (Reply to #7)
Raider30's picture
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YEM wrote:

Maybe, also try clearing the cache 


Thanks for all the suggestions guys.  I'll be trying them out later on hopefully.  


Quick questions:  I don't play around much on the internal stuff of the xbox, I play games, watch netflix, etc, which is why I was unsure on how to load content from the disc to the HD(oh and LB, the mp part of Halo4 asked me if I wanted it installed so I didn't really have to do anything myself, heh).  How do you clear the cache?


Thanks again,


 - Raider30

Wed, 01/16/2013 - 08:49
Hoplite's picture
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Could be a scratched disc. Did that to me a few times on Gears of War at a certain point in a mission every time. Cleaned the disc and it fixed the problem.

Wed, 01/16/2013 - 09:26
BCyclops's picture
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Wed, 01/16/2013 - 10:31 (Reply to #10)
Raider30's picture
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BCyclops wrote:




Clearing the cache allowed it to go all the way up to 100% before it kicked back to 0%.  Then it stopped at 79% again.


Tried loading it on to the box, but at 35% install it stopped and said the disc could be dirty or scratched.  Checked the disc and there is a line about 1/4 inch in from the outer rim all the way around the disc.  I can't really feel a scratch but I suppose that could be it.  I assumed that line was part of the disc itself since it is so uniform.  Guess that could be it.  Pretty sure the xbox wasn't moved at any time since it just sits on the floor.

Guess I'll have to try to the gamestop option with a different disc.


 - Raider30

Wed, 01/16/2013 - 10:24
YEM's picture
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I googled "Halo 4 campaign not loading" and actually found that there are a lot of people having this same issue. Sadly, a fix has yet to be found

Wed, 01/16/2013 - 10:54
Lbsutke's picture
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If you do not have a buddy/neighbor/whatever to borrow a disc to copy from. See if someone else can first copy the disc to their 360. If they can't chances are the disc is fubared. If they can, then you are having the funky H4 disc problem and you might be sol.


If you cannot find a H4 disc for less then 20 bucks plus tax, MS offers a disc replacement program for any games published by Microsoft.


But again your first steps are determining if it is truly the disc or this funky error that is happening to some people.


GL and keep us informed.

Wed, 01/16/2013 - 11:33
Ghost92's picture
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The other thing you could do is go rent the game from a local video store and load that game on you HD and return.  At that point, you should be able to play with the scratched disc.  When playing for the HD, all the xobx does is verify the disc is in the drive and then loads everything from the HD.  I've done that with kids games after they destroy them.

Wed, 01/16/2013 - 12:24 (Reply to #14)
wamam87's picture
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Ghost92 wrote:

The other thing you could do is go rent the game from a local video store and load that game on you HD and return.  At that point, you should be able to play with the scratched disc.  When playing for the HD, all the xobx does is verify the disc is in the drive and then loads everything from the HD.  I've done that with kids games after they destroy them.


same here. i try to borrow one and load it or rent it. the only thing it needs from the disc once you do that is the license code.

Sun, 01/20/2013 - 14:24
Double T's picture
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Stop fapping next to the xbox perhaps?

Sun, 01/20/2013 - 15:45 (Reply to #16)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Double T wrote:

Stop fapping next to the xbox perhaps?


You're not the boss of me.

Fri, 01/25/2013 - 14:05 (Reply to #17)
Raider30's picture
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Back in business I think.


After trying to play in the site wide community casual Thursday event last night and getting an error message at the end of the game about a scratched/dirty disc I got fed up.  This afternoon I hit the local Gamestop and talked with the manager there.  Told her I knew the policy was 7 days on a used disc but that I already had the game and just wanted the disc to be able to put the game on the HD to see if that would solve the problem.  


I told her if it worked and I could still play Halo4 with my disc after loading the new one on the HD that I'd like to return the used one, but that I didn't feel right about using their store as a rental service so I'd gladly return it and then turn around and spend the money on a couple of other games instead.  She told me I was welcome to do that, but really I didn't need to bother, that their policy is 7 days and as long as it was in the same condition as when I bought it I could just return it.  Which I think was pretty cool of her.


Long story short, it appears to have worked and so I'm heading back to Gamestop to return it...of course I'll still be spending the money and picking up a few older games there.  I mean I've already explained to my wife what the plan was and she was cool with it so I'd really, really hate to waste this game buying opportunity. :)


Thanks for the advice!


 - Raider30

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