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#1 Mon, 01/21/2013 - 12:24
Rascal83's picture
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That's all I could think of to describe this article succinctly.  Enjoy.

This is ridiculous.  This proves to me that yes, people are afraid of guns but, what they are more afraid of is other people. 

Mon, 01/21/2013 - 13:29
JohnnyHustler's picture
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From the article:

A 3 year old deaf boy was told that he had to change his sign language sign for his name, Hunter, because it resembled a gun.

I'm friends with the family this happened to, and an alum of the school system that was trying to push this.  The school system finally found some common sense, but they backed down.  The controversy was that they wanted to require American Sign Language (the old standard) instead of Speaking Sign Language (which is better for actual conversation) because they thought Hunter in SSL looked like a gun (which it kind of did).  It was an idiotic move, and 99% of everyone thought it was stupid.  The school district got railed big time for it.

Mon, 01/21/2013 - 13:49
Rascal83's picture
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I forgot to rant on that when I posted. That is just disgusting. How self possesed are these assholes that they think their discomfort and fear is more important than a deaf child trying to communicate? My wife and I dont have kids yet but we are trying. It infuriates and disgusts me to think that this is what I would be bringing a child into. And where are all the fucking liberal, civil rights, left-wing, attention whores now? Everyone wants to cry when we get patted down in an airport but wheres the national uproar over this?
Mon, 01/21/2013 - 14:31
wamam87's picture
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i was called into the schools directors office when my son was in preschool. 

when i got in there, 6 staff members were waiting on me. they said we have a very serious issue to discuss.

they said my son and another boy (my son's best friend at the time) were caught using weapons in school that day. (keep in mind my son is 4yrs old)

i was shocked. my son isn't a violent person. if they said it was my daughter, then ok. she's just as batshit crazy as i am and i wouldn't put it past her.

they then proceed to tell me that they were both shooting guns at the other students!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

MY GOD!!! where did he get a gun? how could this happen?

below is a picture of the gun my son was using...






fast forward to last year. he's now 13 and in 7th grade. i get a call from the school principal who has my son and the school district Superintendant in his office with him. my son had been "caught" with a weapon in school...agian.

no, it wasn't an imaginary gun this time.

as i was leaving for work that morning i had heard something metal fall to the road as i pulled out from the stop sign at the end of our street. i was late and didn't bother to stop. 

when my son got to the bus stop (at the same stop sign), he saw one of my metal files laying on the road. he picked it up for me and put it in his backpack. knowing that he might get in trouble for having it at school, he stopped at the office on the way in and gave it to the receptionist, then went on to his class.

about half way through the day he was called down to the office where there was the princepal, the superintendant, and guidance counselors waiting for him. they started explaining why the were going to suspend him from school for TEN DAYS and why he can't bring weapons to school. 

he told them what had happend, but it didn't matter. 

then they called me. when they told me what was going on, i went off the hook. i told them that wasn't a weapon, but i would gladly come up there and show them how someone might use it as one. told them they were the absolute worst staff. my son had been bullied for two years in that school and nothing was ever done. not only that, he was punished when he stood up for himself, but the bully wasn't.

after threats of newspapers, television, and radio news being called about this they decided to give him a warning. he couldn't have the file back and i would have to get it directly from the office.

i told them we would all be better off if they just thew it in the trash.

Mon, 01/21/2013 - 14:38
SoulTerror's picture
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It's sad how people behave. I love my kids, but sometimes I wish they didnt' have to live in the world that is being created.

Mon, 01/21/2013 - 17:20
CProRacing's picture
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Plus one soul this works really is loseing it had!

Shame on them with the deaf kid, and I hope it didn't affect your son to much wam.

It always seems guilty now days innocent!

Mon, 01/21/2013 - 19:18
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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One of my boys has a touch of ADHD and we have constantly worked with him, and he's always managed to keep himself under control through diet and sheer will power.

Well, we moved down here to Tenn and he starts at the local county school and there's a kid, held back  a year that likes to pick on kids. Donald always sticks up for the underdogs, always has. So he buts heads with this kid for two years and the school does nothing about it. So we move our boys to a better school in the same county, a bit farther from the house, but scholastically better, away from this kid.

He transfers too because their basketball teams better.

I get called down to the school because Donald was involved in a fight on the playground, this is eigth grade BTW now. SO I go down, sit with the coach (who was the teacher supervising in the yard), the principal, my wife, my boy. And I start asking questions ( this is straight from work, I dunno what's went on). So I ask, who'd he get in a fight with, they tell me he walked up and grabbed this other boy from behind and they fought. The I'm told there was another fight also on the field. THEN my boy speaks up and says "no, this boy had anoither down on the ground and I pulled him off and then we got into a fight." So I ask the coach, "Is this true?"

Then he offers up, "well, I wasn't out there, the intern was" who isn't sitting there and long gone.

SO before it goes a step further I tell them " I want this kid suspended, and start into a rant on how no one has ever done anyhting with this kids for two + years.

They say, "If we suspend him we'll have to suspend your boy too."

"Great, see that you do," "C'mon Donald, let's go get some icecream."

Jaws on the floor.

As I'm walking out I'm telling Donald "Son, quit holding back, he touches you, trash him".

It did come to that later on. Fortunately the bully quit growing and Donald still hasn't.

Same bully, basketball playoffs, gets into a fight in front of 10 teams, parents, and who knows who else, right out in the middle of the floor, and the Sheriff hauls him off.

And all I can think is " They should have done something years ago and this might not be happening now. He's dropped out, has two kids, and would be in his last semester of high school now.

Wed, 01/23/2013 - 02:36 (Reply to #7)
RabbitC's picture
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oldschoolsmart wrote:


That was an excellent story. :)


Wed, 01/23/2013 - 03:03 (Reply to #8)
CProRacing's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
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RabbitC wrote:

oldschoolsmart wrote:


That was an excellent story. :)



+1 on that Rabbit.

Mon, 01/21/2013 - 19:48
wamam87's picture
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i know what that's like oldschool.


sounds very similar to what went on with my son.

biggest difference is we took him for steak! lol

Wed, 01/23/2013 - 08:43
YEM's picture
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Ha! When I was in 5th grade, we were outside playing b-ball at recess. There was this d-dag kid who was always in trouble on the other team who was getting lippy with a kid over an out of bounds ball. So I tell the kid to relax and just take the ball. He turns to me and starts giving me lip and doesn't react when I toss him the ball. The ball bounces right off his face. So he comes at me and I'm backing off just lightly shoving him back saying "chill out." After the 3rd shove, he scratches the shit out of my neck. BAM! He get's a left, followed by a right and goes down.


Teachers come over and bring us to the Principal. My dad comes down and meets me in the Principal's office. She says she's sorry, but I'm going to be suspended for 2 days. After she says that, she smiles and follows it up with "I'm glad D-bag (I don't remember his name) finally got what he deserved"


Needless to say, my dad wasn't mad and I wasn't in trouble 106

Wed, 01/23/2013 - 08:50
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Yeah, I got suspended back in the 8th garde once, for 15 minutes...another case of a guy being an ass on the field and me not putting up with it.

Touch football and he's tackling everyone.

I also got in trouble a bit once for breaking a kids finger in front of a teacher. He was doing this pointing his finger thing in my face and then on my chest. I told him if he did it again I was gonna break it. He did, I did, trip to the office...of course the teacher made a great witness.

These are the stories you don't tell your kids...

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