VGLeaks posts Xbox720/Durango Specs

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#1 Tue, 01/22/2013 - 10:17
TANK's picture
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VGLeaks posts Xbox720/Durango Specs


Not quite the monster push forward I was expecting, the GPU seems pretty weak.  Better than the 360 yes but todays Gaming PC's destory this never mind in 5-7 years near the end of Durango's lifecycle.



- x64 Architecture

- 8 CPU cores running at 1.6 gigahertz (GHz)

- each CPU thread has its own 32 KB L1 instruction cache and 32 KB L1 data cache

- each module of four CPU cores has a 2 MB L2 cache resulting in a total of 4 MB of L2 cache

- each core has one fully independent hardware thread with no shared execution resources

- each hardware thread can issue two instructions per clock


- custom D3D11.1 class 800-MHz graphics processor

- 12 shader cores providing a total of 768 threads

- each thread can perform one scalar multiplication and addition operation (MADD) per clock cycle

- at peak performance, the GPU can effectively issue 1.2 trillion floating-point operations per second

High-fidelity Natural User Interface (NUI) sensor is always present

Storage and Memory:

- 8 gigabyte (GB) of RAM DDR3 (68 GB/s)

- 32 MB of fast embedded SRAM (ESRAM) (102 GB/s)

- from the GPU’s perspective the bandwidths of system memory and ESRAM are parallel providing combined peak bandwidth of 170 GB/sec.

- Hard drive is always present

- 50 GB 6x Blu-ray Disc drive


- Gigabit Ethernet

- Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Direct

Hardware Accelerators:

- Move engines

- Image, video, and audio codecs

- Kinect multichannel echo cancellation (MEC) hardware

- Cryptography engines for encryption and decryption, and hashing


For comparison, here are the 360's specs:

Хboх 360 System Performance - Draft
Custom IBM PowerPC-based CPU
  • 3 symmetrical cores running at 3.2 GHz each
  • 2 hardware threads per core; 6 hardware threads total
  • 1 VMX-128 vector unit per core; 3 total
  • 128 VMX-128 registers per hardware thread
  • 1 MB L2 cache
CPU Game Math Performance
  • 9 billion dot product operations per second
Custom ATI Graphics Processor
  • 500 MHz
  • 10 MB embedded DRAM
  • 48-way parallel floating-point dynamically-scheduled shader pipelines
  • Unified shader architecture
Polygon Performance
  • 500 million triangles per second
Pixel Fill Rate
  • 16 gigasamples per second fillrate using 4X MSAA
Shader Performance
  • 48 billion shader operations per second
  • 512 MB GDDR3 RAM
  • 700 MHz DDR
  • Unified memory architecture
Memory Bandwidth
  • 22.4 GB/s memory interface bus bandwidth
  • 256 GB/s memory bandwidth to EDRAM
  • 21.6 GB/s front-side bus
Overall System Floating-Point Performance
  • 1 TFLOP
  • Detachable and upgradeable 20 GB hard drive
  • 12X dual-layer DVD-ROM
  • Memory unit support starting at 64 MB
  • Support for up to 4 wireless game controllers
  • 3 USB 2.0 ports
  • 2 memory unit slots


Tue, 01/22/2013 - 11:20
LocGaw's picture
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Geez, the specs do not impress me. XBL is nickle and diming people. Long waits for patches. No MMO games because of XBL. Rehashed garbage games year after year from devs.


I don't know... Both the last Xboxes were launch day purchases for me. Now, it is getting tougher to justify a purchase at all. Forget about a launch day purchase.

Tank, you thinking about going back to PC?

Wed, 01/23/2013 - 02:57 (Reply to #2)
RabbitC's picture
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LocGaw wrote:

Geez, the specs do not impress me. XBL is nickle and diming people. Long waits for patches. No MMO games because of XBL. Rehashed garbage games year after year from devs.


I don't know... Both the last Xboxes were launch day purchases for me. Now, it is getting tougher to justify a purchase at all. Forget about a launch day purchase.

Tank, you thinking about going back to PC?

This - and I just sold up all of my Xbox 360 gear after the last update rendered certain video codecs unplayable and Microsoft took 9 weeks to investigate and blame it on my connectivity (which only affects one codec apparently???)

Sitting back to see what happens with Steam and PS4.

Wed, 01/23/2013 - 08:23 (Reply to #3)
Biznass's picture
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RabbitC wrote:

Sitting back to see what happens with Steam and PS4.

Steam is Steam, you basically get back what you put in. Extend games with mods and the sales are nice. Personally I hate using a keyboard and mouse for gaming and good luck using a controller against mouse for mp.

PS4 is using the same procs as the Durango. A little better off the shelf gpu and less but higher bandwidth memory (4gb gddr bandwidth vs 8gb ddr bandwidth for the Durango). Durango seems to be focusing more on Kinect and more media and the Orbis is more traditional gaming with lighter media. This is all speculation of course.

Services services services to twist Ballmers words.


Wed, 01/23/2013 - 08:46 (Reply to #4)
YEM's picture
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Biznass wrote:

RabbitC wrote:

Sitting back to see what happens with Steam and PS4.

Steam is Steam, you basically get back what you put in. Extend games with mods and the sales are nice. Personally I hate using a keyboard and mouse for gaming and good luck using a controller against mouse for mp.



I'm pretty sure he's talking about the Steam console

Wed, 01/23/2013 - 09:09 (Reply to #5)
Biznass's picture
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YEM wrote:

Biznass wrote:

RabbitC wrote:

Sitting back to see what happens with Steam and PS4.

Steam is Steam, you basically get back what you put in. Extend games with mods and the sales are nice. Personally I hate using a keyboard and mouse for gaming and good luck using a controller against mouse for mp.



I'm pretty sure he's talking about the Steam console

If their using that 'piston' pc as the base line you're better off going full pc. I just don't see the performance for price with it. Linux can't do magic and the library will be tiny to start with. It's not like Valve is going to cover the cost of hardware and hope to make it up on software.

Tue, 01/22/2013 - 12:26
wamam87's picture
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yeah. not impressed at all. that's not even close to what i was dreaming about.

Tue, 01/22/2013 - 13:27
CProRacing's picture
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But consoles don't need a lot of specs to make epic eye candy.

Look at the graphics we are playing with now on a donkys year old machine (Forza and Halo + tons of other eye candy rich games) and the specs of the new one in some area's are 16x better than the old system.

They just don't need the specs like a PC does.

You try and build a PC today to run a graphic intense game like Forza 4 at 60fps and you are looking at a bill of over £800. 

Never mind the constant cost of upgrades over the years to keep up with current games that will be released + all the shit that comes with it.

I love PC gaming don't get me wrong but the specs of the new system to me at least look awesome and I cannot wait to get my hands on one!

Also are these specs the "Offical" specs?





Tue, 01/22/2013 - 14:50 (Reply to #8)
fatLUNCH's picture
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ChurchPro wrote:

But consoles don't need a lot of specs to make epic eye candy.

Look at the graphics we are playing with now on a donkys year old machine (Forza and Halo + tons of other eye candy rich games) and the specs of the new one in some area's are 16x better than the old system.

They just don't need the specs like a PC does.

You try and build a PC today to run a graphic intense game like Forza 4 at 60fps and you are looking at a bill of over £800. 

Never mind the constant cost of upgrades over the years to keep up with current games that will be released + all the shit that comes with it.

I love PC gaming don't get me wrong but the specs of the new system to me at least look awesome and I cannot wait to get my hands on one!


As someone who played strickly with mouse and keyboard and upgraded my PCs everytime a new graphics card came out, it got to the point where I couldnt afford to play computer based games.  And if you didnt upgrade and a new game came out, then you could potentially not be able to play that game at the optimal resolution based on your PC specs.

At least I know with my xbox that everyone is playing with an equal console and not a super computer.

Dont get me started on the # of hackers/cheaters playing any PC game vs. Xbox game.  Sure there are always going to be people that cheat, but Xbox (AFAIK) has far less cheaters.

Im all for the next gen gaming..

Tue, 01/22/2013 - 16:11
TANK's picture
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Tank, you thinking about going back to PC?


I would say right now all options are open.  Im evaluating all options, but a gaming win8 notebook that can transform into a tablet or a tablet that would work decently as a gaming right i would say have my eye right now over a console.  It would let me game anywhere not just restrict me to the couch, if i want to console game I can hook it up to the TV put a controller on it and console game, if i want to game on myc ommute, i can use the touch screen or kbd/touch pad combo, if i want to PC game i can do taht with a traditional keyboard/mouse combo.  So ya i guess right now i'm leaning that way but really havent' decided yet.


Cheating is rampant on consoles, it's every bit as bad as it was on PC's when i left PC gaming 10 years ago.  At least Steam has launched their anti-cheating measures to dynamically deal with chaters and aptches come out way way way faster than consoles can ever hope to push them out.


I've also become bored with the status quo of console gaming, it's a sequel engine.  It costs so much to push games out to consoles that there's very little creative thinking or innovation going on because the risks are too high.


Tue, 01/22/2013 - 16:25
ekattan's picture
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With the the new Razor Edge and other tablets coming out, PC/Tablet gaming looks better by the minute. Xbox is becoming more of a home multimedia box rather than a gaming console entirely. 

That new box will costs at around $500 min to $750 sure bet. 

Tue, 01/22/2013 - 17:12
CProRacing's picture
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$500 - $750 and will last a few years (if not more)


A tablet / PC / laptop peak lifespan is what a year then is upgrade time.

IPad 5 anyone?


Last post in here BTW but I will read and taske note of your comments.


Tue, 01/22/2013 - 17:17
fatLUNCH's picture
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I'd like to find a PC that can handle a minimum of 60fps at 2560x1440 that didnt cost me $2000 (or more).

Don't get me wrong, if i could get back onto PC gaming from a decent laptop I might.  But to find something that can push the limits of gaming, you need to spend a few coins!

I highly doubt the next gen Xbox or PS4 will cost more than $499.  No way would the average consumer buy one of these.  From a marketing perspective this would be a nightmare trying to sell the new xbox for $750! Are you kidding me!?! just sayin

Tue, 01/22/2013 - 18:14 (Reply to #13)
Autarch's picture
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fatLUNCH wrote:

I'd like to find a PC that can handle a minimum of 60fps at 2560x1440 that didnt cost me $2000 (or more).

Don't get me wrong, if i could get back onto PC gaming from a decent laptop I might.  But to find something that can push the limits of gaming, you need to spend a few coins!

I highly doubt the next gen Xbox or PS4 will cost more than $499.  No way would the average consumer buy one of these.  From a marketing perspective this would be a nightmare trying to sell the new xbox for $750! Are you kidding me!?! just sayin

I'd be surprised if the next Xbox cost more than $400 to be honest.  You definitely have the right idea with regards to marketing.  They are sold at a loss per console sale, and that initial loss is more than made up for with game sales, accessories, subscriptions, services, etc.  There's no way they'd try to make a profit per console on hardware, as that would cripple their sales.  They might profit each one, but have far fewer overall, and lose tons of money because there aren't enough people with the console to buy the games and such.  Definitely a reason why a consoles attach rate is a good measure.

I hear ya about the PC gaming bit.  I spent enough coins on my PC to the point where even if the new consoles support native 4K resolutions for those upcoming Ultra HDTVs, they'd still be playing at a lower resolution than me hehe

Tue, 01/22/2013 - 18:09
Autarch's picture
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TANK wrote:


High-fidelity Natural User Interface (NUI) sensor is always present

See this system here?  This is Hi-Fi... High fidelity.  What that means is that it's the highest quality fidelity.


In any event, I'm unsure why unconfirmed hardware specs for a console that isn't even announced would cause some people to question if they will purchase it.

For me personally, I'd rather base whether or not to buy a console based on the games, features, and services available for it in that order.

Is the number of floating point calculations per second much more important than the amount of fun games on a system?  Would you prefer to buy a competing console if it had 100x as much processing power, but not even one fun game on it?

Tue, 01/22/2013 - 18:38
TANK's picture
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See, i don't think it's necessary to constantly upgrade your graphics card in a gaming PC.  I think that's legacy thinking and a bit of a myth right now.  Only gear heads that want the absolute maximum graphics fidelity need to bother doing this.  If you just want to game on a PC, you can buy a 2013 edition graphic card and I would expect I could run any game on it with as good or better than xbox 720 graphical settings enabled.  If you're not looking for the game to look better than on the console, I don't currently belive it's necessary to upgrade cards.  Drivers yes, cards no.

Also PC games since they're designed a lot of the time either for xbox and ported to PC or PC with an xbox port in mind are designed for standard HDTV resolutions.  The xbox right now isn't pushing 720p at 60fps because it can't.  Games that are running 60fps on 360 right now are lower res than 720p, they're in the 500 to low 600p res.... FACT.   Gaming PC's have higher resolution than that for quite some time, predating HDTVs.  But as we see PC games designed for HDTV resolutions, the GPU needed to run a game at that res is kind of low end from teh PC graphics perspective. 

Now if you're a real gear head, sure maybe you want a graphics card that'll push 2560x1600 at 60fps, maybe that card exists and if you have a shit ton of money to spendon something like that, it's an option.  That's the great thing about PC is you have a world of options to pick and choose from, no one is spoon feeding you what you must use.  But i imagine the majority of us don't care, if it looks and plays good at 720p, that's good enough.

But I think as we see more gaming tablets emerge and these transforming tablet/ultrabooks for gaming, we're going to see a little less flexibility available for mobile PC gaming.  However that compromise i would expect is goign to mean less fussing around with settings and drivers and a higher degree of 'it just works'.  Not to the extend of consoles for sure but cetainly more than a tower based fully open flexible gaming pc.  I would say something like this combined with steam and bluetooth for wireless accessory attachment is a VERY compelling consideration for what to go to after the 360.



Wed, 01/23/2013 - 08:15 (Reply to #16)
fatLUNCH's picture
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TANK wrote:

See, i don't think it's necessary to constantly upgrade your graphics card in a gaming PC.  I think that's legacy thinking and a bit of a myth right now.  Only gear heads that want the absolute maximum graphics fidelity need to bother doing this.  If you just want to game on a PC, you can buy a 2013 edition graphic card and I would expect I could run any game on it with as good or better than xbox 720 graphical settings enabled.  If you're not looking for the game to look better than on the console, I don't currently belive it's necessary to upgrade cards.  Drivers yes, cards no.

Also PC games since they're designed a lot of the time either for xbox and ported to PC or PC with an xbox port in mind are designed for standard HDTV resolutions.  The xbox right now isn't pushing 720p at 60fps because it can't.  Games that are running 60fps on 360 right now are lower res than 720p, they're in the 500 to low 600p res.... FACT.   Gaming PC's have higher resolution than that for quite some time, predating HDTVs.  But as we see PC games designed for HDTV resolutions, the GPU needed to run a game at that res is kind of low end from teh PC graphics perspective. 

Now if you're a real gear head, sure maybe you want a graphics card that'll push 2560x1600 at 60fps, maybe that card exists and if you have a shit ton of money to spendon something like that, it's an option.  That's the great thing about PC is you have a world of options to pick and choose from, no one is spoon feeding you what you must use.  But i imagine the majority of us don't care, if it looks and plays good at 720p, that's good enough.

But I think as we see more gaming tablets emerge and these transforming tablet/ultrabooks for gaming, we're going to see a little less flexibility available for mobile PC gaming.  However that compromise i would expect is goign to mean less fussing around with settings and drivers and a higher degree of 'it just works'.  Not to the extend of consoles for sure but cetainly more than a tower based fully open flexible gaming pc.  I would say something like this combined with steam and bluetooth for wireless accessory attachment is a VERY compelling consideration for what to go to after the 360.

I get what you're saying, and I agree with most of your points.  

I dont consider myself a "gearhead" when it comes to computers - but I do consider myself someone who likes the better quality products.  However with computers many people typically have smaller screens for their computer vs console and computer hardware AFAIK can struggle keeping up with the higher resolution.

If you also look at console vs PC for gaming - sure games might be "made for" PC gaming and converted to xbox/ps3, but so are books made for pages and converted to the big screen for movies.  I also know for a fact that my xbox is virus free and 99.5% of the time will play the game at optimal resolution.  Whats more, the cost of console gaming vs PC gaming is much more cost effective.  PCs break far more often and have more issues than my xbox ever has.  

What about the PC game hardware spec requirements??  With each new game released, dont the minimum hardware specs required go up too?  AFAIK - yes.  

IDK, dont get me wrong if i could game on a PC I would, but its easier and more cost effective to game on a console right now.

Wed, 01/23/2013 - 07:13
SoulTerror's picture
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I'm thinking of going back to PC gaming for battlefield 4. I love my 360, but miss the bf2 days.

Wed, 01/23/2013 - 11:08
TANK's picture
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@Yarr, I was more talking about gaming convertible ultra books or tablet PCs (running full windows8), not really Piston.  But Piston is a great example of something that's going to bring PC gaming to the living room but in a more closed nature.  It's not going to be very upgradable, as I understand it the inside is modular so they can release new modules that can plug in and upgrade something. But ou can't just shop on newegg and have a choice of 500 video cards to choose from, you'll just have the upgrade option of going fro piston video card A to piston video card B.

@fatLUNCH It is true that system specs do go up slightly as the years go on.  But i'm looking at Black Ops 2 and Far Cry 3 for PC and minimum system reqs are a 2.66 core 2 duo proc.  I imagine any ULV sandy bridge i5 found in almost all convertible ultrabooks and full windows based tablets is going to handle that just fine.  Again you may be stuck playing the game at 720p with some of the eye candy turned down but it'll play good enough, I would expect you could play it with settings making it look as good as xbox 360 just fine.

@Biznass I think you'd be surprised at the number of accessories available to eliminate the need for a keyboard but still let you use a mouse.  YOu don't need that many buttons for a shooter so something like the Razer Orbweaver or even a PS3 MOVE controller (onthe 360 i have a kbd/mouse adapter and use a move controller and a mouse for FPSs) could be used to play shooters with on PC without needing a clunky keyboard.  There are also plenty of wire d and wireless controller options out there though i fully agree with FPS games anyway you probably don't want to use a controller vs a mouse.


Anyways, i'm not here to thump my chest and proclaim PC gaming is king, i've been a console gamer for 11 years.  When the xbox to 360 transition happened i never had a second thought about buying the 360.  But this time it's different for me.  Where i want to game has changed, i dont' want to be tied to the living room all the time or have to buy the same game multiple times for multiple devices so i can get that game anywhere ability.  PC games are becoming more consolish in design, steam brings most of the xbox live features to PC gaming if the dev chooses to use them and PC's have HDMI out combine that with many console type accessories available and you can get the traditional console experience if you want to game in the living room.  There's also a lot more creativity going on in the PC gaming space bringing new and intersting gaming experiences where as consoles it's just <whatever> #2 or #3 or in some cases #6 at this point.


Wed, 01/23/2013 - 11:46
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Up to the first Xbox I was a confirmed PC gamer, and laughed at the console games that couldn't get close to what I had on my PC. Then the first Xbox came out, more powerful, and better specs than my PC and great games...I switched, the 360 was the same, I could not get a PC with the same specs for the money so stayed with the console.

Now this...not as powerful as my a fair amount. I have triple screens, I have cheaper games, better games and to lure me back to console I was expecting to see true next gen hardware.

No, this one is going to be harder to sell to me.

Wed, 01/23/2013 - 13:15
LocGaw's picture
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Knight, I totally agree. I was thrilled to see a console that had easy peasy networking and good graphics. The 360 software was chock full of awesomeness but the hardware was unreliable... I have to expect that these specs are leaked by the devs themselves. At this stage they have had alpha kits for some time. Perhaps, they have 2nd gen kits.


The fact remains that I can deal with lesser hardware. I can't get by the fact that the games I want to play are not going to come to Xbox. I don't want to buy a new "updated" version of the same game every year. I don't want to buy an online pass to play a used game. I don't want to wait for a patch to play a game that was "broken" new. Worse yet, I don't want to pay for a game that the dev won't release a patch for because it did not sell well and they won't pay to have the patch certified. I don't want to pay a second time for the content on the disk. I don't want to pay $40 from the marketplace for a 5 year old game that can no longer be found.

I am tired of being gouged. I am tired of substanderd products being relased on the consoles. The hardware was not all that reliable the last couple generations; PS2 and 360. If I got to deal with all that and I lose the ability to take my game save to a friends by memory card then I simply might as well just get a PC, Mac or Tablet.

Having a console meant having the sure thing. It worked, always worked. It was good afordable fun. Somewhere along the way, it became a hassle.


Sorry about the rant guys.


Fri, 01/25/2013 - 07:29
Big0ne's picture
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I didn't see the spec that describes how they will light the RROD.

Fri, 01/25/2013 - 12:49 (Reply to #22)
fatLUNCH's picture
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Big0ne wrote:

I didn't see the spec that describes how they will light the RROD.


that will be an added feature with the next update! 

Sat, 01/26/2013 - 06:45
pyro13g's picture
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Has anyone seen any guesses at the retail price of the unit?  Certainly not buying a new TVto use the console.  I stick to 720P now, just gave  away an aging 1080p DLP and the 360 looks better on the 720p to me. Launch reliability will surely stick in the back of a lot of minds (mine included).  Truth be told, the 360's in my house are just fine for all our gaming desires for many more years to come.  I'm inclined to ride the 360's out until they die. 

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