They're re-re-releasing Lockout... (not)
Tue, 01/22/2013 - 13:13
They're re-re-releasing Lockout... (not)
I'm truly pissed. So much for innovation. They take our money to fall back on bungie's success. The map will not play well with AA's, and now ordinance...unless they are going back to old school play.
Um's in the new Community Forge playlist called Shutout.
However, I'll glady pick this over maps like Complex.
Yes, Infinity Slayer and AAs ruin the map - but these things ruin the others too so why not have them destroy one of the best Halo maps ever made.
Well, it's funny and sad at the same time..gif)
If they deliver anything polished soon, I just might.
At least we have one good map in the Forge Test playlist.
Two. Simplex is really good.
i only played a few of them so far. simplex is the bar far the best i've seen. the rest seemed ok. i hope to see the rest of them tonight.
If 343 was smart they work make Simplex as more stable none forge map. It would be awesome to have a contest where 343 would take 3 community maps and make them into real maps. In Reach all my favorite maps where Forged.
There were a lot of good Forge maps in Reach. All the ones that were made by professionals had major problems (Sorry Mrs. Doublefire. Zealot was the closest without the space portion of it.)
it works great for SWAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and that's because it isn't infinity slayer
what happened to Slayer Pro playlist? I swore it wasn't there the last time I fired up H4.
They removed it for the oh so awesome Infinity Challenge/Crimson stuffs
No, they removed it because it was broken and nobody played it. Meant to be re-released in the upcoming weeks, but we'll see.
what was broken about it?
We played a couple of IS games on shutout last night and the ordinances did not even influence the game. Both sides fought for sniper on S3 like always, and both teams sat up like old times. It was very enjoyable. The game was close until the end and they started rushing to make a move.
how is a community made map of a beloved halo map a bad thing?.
Amen brother! I'll take all the remakes I can get, the more options I have to play on the better.
Well, in their message when I logged in it said to help them test out the maps. So I went into it all expecting things to be off.
I thought it was awesome! SaLoT deserves a lot of credit for doing such a good job.
Can't wait to play, just gotta find the time.
Another Lockout version - see also... "Deadlock" on Erosion by GT: Respect the Hat
Tan is the new gray.