New around here
Mon, 01/21/2013 - 10:55
New around here
Hi everyone, my gt is lamia61, I love racing games , and forza in particular. Im looking for friends who enjoy clean fair racing, not bumper cars, I paint and tune a little, I would really like some more info on the club as I find the site a little confusing, thanks and good racing.
Welcome Jay.
It's pretty crazy in here at first. There is a lot of info to absorb.....everywhere.
Where abouts are you situated? We've got 2 or 3 clubs running in NA (Central, East, West (?)) and also a European division. But don't let the club divisions limit what you want to do. If the count could exceed 100, we'd only have 1 club.
Bunch of good chaps around here.
Cheers. (Damn them Brits.....I think they are starting to rub off on me.)
Welcome Jay.
First off, bookmark the front page of the 2O4F forums so that you come directly here and don't have to constantly navigate to it.
Alternatively for reference, to navigate to our corner of 2old2play from the front page its top right of page FORUMS > all forums > scroll down to DIVISIONS > 2O4F is 4th down.
Have a good read through the threads, both where your post appears and in the sub forums a the top of the page.
Don't be shy. If you have a question ask it. If you fancy getting involved in an event sign up/post in the thread.
And yes, this place is full of jolly good fellows ;) Sherb.
Welcome aboard bro. Churchpro will be sending you a club invite in-game. Take some time to look around our forum here. If there's anything you need, just ask.
Whwn you get a chance, send a Friend request to our Friends of Friends gamertag A2Old4Forza. Then you can pull this tag up on your friends list & view it's friends in order to find other members to play with until you've made some friends on your own list.
Welcome aboard jay!
Jolly good show around these parts.
Bunch of good chaps as well :-)
Thanks Church. That's the nicest thing you've ever said to Parcells, has me all choked up..gif)
do you watch the regular show? Or, maybe people other than Pop's say jolly good show?
Ok everyone thanks for the welcome, I live in England ( yep dam Brit). I would like to know the size and skill levels of the community , i would like to think that it s not just for the pros, I'm an average player I would say, also how many members are involved and is joining the club compulsory? Sorry to ask what may seem like dumb questions but I am rather new to online gaming. Cheers folks.
Oh and I will have a good read around the site today.
Being a member of the in car club is not required. Just means you don't always get immediate access to club cars being tested for possible events etc and invites have to be done via friends.
Skill levels right across the board. Insanely fast to a comfortable cruise.
As for member numbers, can't say precisely, but we are at times looking like 3 rooms for an event in Euro land. Has not happened yet but its very busy. And then there are the US clubs.
I had to stop signus for the BTCC at 40 drivers!
Also the MX5 races needs 2 rooms and Wednesday night'sTrack Night has been hitting 14+ drivers coming and going.
Jay they have me in here and im as Pro as they are you will never beat me at doing slow times and crashing and burning as much as me..Welcome to the group mate.
So am I correct in thinking that I would need an event invite from a 2o4f club member who is on my friends list in order to participate, assuming I don't join the car club? Paul love the comment, cheers guys.
Our club is pretty freakin' huge. I'd send Fr's to everyone you meet. that way you'll be able to join those folks without an invite if you see them online. that's also why we have the club friends of friends tag. Joining the club in-game isn;t required, but it will allow fellow club division members to invite you without you being on their friends list via the "invite club members" feature in mp lobbies.
Jay i will add you to my Fr list when i log in..I am th only person you need as a Friend round these parts.
Only sound bit of advice i can give you mate is DO NOT LISTEN TO WHAT Parcells has to say.. Most will agree with me..
That's a shame Paul. Parcells had great expectations of you but now you've only disappointed me. May I remind of you another helpless soul I've taken under my wing...
yeah, that was broken, I fixed it...
Paul your learning fast :-)
Serenity now!
Hahahahaha Parcells.. A little bit off wee leaked when i giggled then..
Must be your age that fella!
Not that Old but i do have a tenna lady stuck too my chair.
Okay, my translator's on the fritz again...
TENA Lady: (Piss Pads)
Oh, Depends!
Nice discussion fellas...these are the same individuals questioning Parcells sanity? Good grief.
Continence, not sanity...