marvel heroes

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#1 Wed, 01/23/2013 - 12:44
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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marvel heroes

Anyone done any reading on this? It looks like it's a free to play PC game?

Hell, is this even the right forum?

Help a gear head out!

The information on the site from the ad playing on our site says more info, and it's sadly lacking on that end, Although they did talk about a $200.00 ultimate pack, again without even mentioning what damn platform it was using or where to get it when it comes out. 

Wikipedia had a bit, but not too much.

Wed, 01/23/2013 - 16:03
LocGaw's picture
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There was talk that it was comming to the 360 and when that fell through I let this fall off my radar. I bet it is going to turn out like a Marvel Ultimate Alliance thing. It should be releasing some time this spring. I don't know of anyone in the beta Old School. There was talk that it was going to be a true MMO featured in the Marvel universe, something akin to City of Heros but it isn't so.

If you do happen to try the game, please let us know. For what it is worth, David Brevik is the COO of Gazillion.

Wed, 01/23/2013 - 17:39
beefynutcase's picture
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I got into the beta this weekend and played some yesterday.  It's basically just a Diablo-style PC game set in  the Marvel Universe but other players also share the same world .  Plus, while they say it is free to play it really isn't, unless your fine playing only as one Hero and never being able to change costumes or the look of your character.  You get to pick one of five or six heroes when starting the game then if you want to play as someone else later on you have to buy them in the cash store.  Costume changes also cost money. 

Thu, 01/24/2013 - 09:24
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Yeah, micro transaction funded game. Kinda like League of Legends. You can build up in game cash or pay for upgrades if you're the impatient type.

There is a "Founders" pack with all heroes and all alternate costumes available at release for $199.00. i don't know their pricing structure but 100 costumes at a buck a piece wouldn't be hard and gets $100.00 right off the bat, and it looks like they might have 100 characters eventually but definately not on release.

Tue, 06/04/2013 - 11:12
beefynutcase's picture
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Game goes live in about hour.  If anyone's playing add me as a friend in-game: beefynutcase.  I'm playing as Black Panther, around level 17 atm.  

I was somewhat wrong before, while you are limited in choices for starting heroes, you choose one and will receive a second as a quest reward very early in-game.  All playable characters are obtainable as rare drops from bosses as well.  Not sure how rare, I haven't found one yet and I'm roughly more than halfway through the game I think.  So the only thing you'd need to spend cash on is optional cosmetic stuff is you choose to.

I recommend the game if you like Diablo or comics, it's fun and free.

Tue, 06/04/2013 - 13:24
TANK's picture
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I'm playing MH.  It's free to play in the sense that you can finish the game without every spending a penny.  They give you the choices of 4 or 5 different heroes to choose from to play as.  I personally like Hawkeye out of the list, i played him a lot in the betas.

SO then once you get your hero, off yougo on your adventure.   EVERYTHING with the exception of a few specialty costumes can drop in the game as random loot.  As an example, before I finished act 1 i got  a random Storm drop so now she's unlocked in my roster and I can play as her if i choose to.  YOu can get character drops, costume drops, equipment drops and crafting element drops as well as money to be spent at vender shops.

Now if you don't wish to pray to the RNG gods, you can spend real money to get in-game currency and unlock other characters right away as well as character costumes, loot/xp boosts and things like that.  Each character costs between 600G and 2000G depending on popularity, like Black Widow i think is on the cheaper end at 600G i believe but if you want Deadpool or Iron Man, those guys are 2000G.   G is sold in chunks, but as an example 2100G is 20 bucks.  But you have a random chance of getting Deadpool free in a drop, you don't have to spend the money if you don't want to.

You can change on the fly anywhere in the game to one of your other characters in your roster.  While I like this feature, it's really not practical unless you've been playing multiple characters and they're all about the same capabilities.   So if you're the type of person who just likes to play one character thru into endgame content, you're probably not going to care much about charracter drops and how many characters you have.  Practically speaking, you can't be in say Act 3 with a character you've played to that point and then swap out to a new character and expect not to get beat down again and again.  It just doesn't work.  YOu'd really need to start the story again from scratch with that new character and play them thru to act3 before you could be successful switching between two different characters.  Your stash is shared by the way so can move gear between heroes.  However the stash is fairly limited in capacity but everything no mtter what it is only takes 1 square of space unlike pretty much every other arpg.

As far as I can tell, the game truely is free to play and not pay to win.  The character customizations are about as deep as they are in Diablo 3 which is to say, not very but good enough.  Since i've been playing Path of Exile a lot, I find the game somewhat simplistic and lacking some depth but it's really fun so it's not hindering my gametime at the moment.  But ultimately over the long haul, it might.

If anyones playing, shoot me a friend request, my in-game name is TANK.  Currently playing as a level 9 Wolverine.



Tue, 06/04/2013 - 13:21
beefynutcase's picture
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I bought the $20 Black Panther Founder pack.  None of the starter heroes really appealed to me from what I played of them during the beta but I really dig Black Panther.  So far I have Hawkeye (my starter hero), BP, and got Scarlet Witch as a quest reward.  I plan on saving the 1000G I got with my Founder Pack to spend on a future hero, hoping for Iron Fist or Nightcrawler to be playable some day, though Nova is kinda tempting.

My Hawkeye is currently level 7 or 8, I don't mind running through the game again with a low-level hero if anyone wants to party up.

Tue, 06/04/2013 - 13:35
TANK's picture
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I have black panther, played him some during the beta as well.  Also have wolverine, spiderman, storm, hawkeye and punisher.  Would like to get Deadpool but I typically like to stick with one character in ARPGs so not sure it's really worth dropping 2000G on him.  I'll maybe wait and see if the RNG gods smile on me.  I was thinking about running all my roster thru to that random character drop quest to see what I get.  I have 5 other opportunities at this point to get a random character, might do that this weekend, figure out what quest it is and grind that out and see if deadpool drops.  Best part is every new character drop means another spin at the RNG wheel LoL.


Ahh crap i guess you can't repeat the mission.  First that mission that unlocks a character will only drop one of the starter hero options.  Second, you only get the reward once per account not per character.

On the plus side though, I found this handy Wiki that lists missions and rewards


Wed, 06/05/2013 - 12:42
beefynutcase's picture
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I finished the game last night with my first hero, kind of suprised how quickly it went by.  My Black Panther was just under level 26 after beating the last boss.  Now to start grinding daily missions I guess or level another hero.  There's the PvP to check out to, though it's not in a finished state yet.

You get a hero as a quest reward after beating the final boss.  Of course, I got Hawkeye who I already chose as my starter hero...

Wed, 06/05/2013 - 16:21
TANK's picture
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I believe if you get a character you already have, it powers up the costume or somethign like that, it's not wasted.  I couldn't play last night, took too long to download the patch, also figured since it was public launch day the servers would be fubar.  Should be on tonight as long as there's no huge patch to download again tonight.  I'm only starting act 2 tho, you must have been powering through the game huh?

Wed, 06/05/2013 - 16:48
beefynutcase's picture
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I uninstalled the game and reinstalled through Steam yesterday.  Their patcher client is buggy, stops working a lot.  Steam went super fast and had no problems for me.

I wouldn't say I powered through it.  Throughout the whole beta I never played further than Chapter 2 so as not to spoil the game or get sick of it before launch, which I tend to do with betas.  It just isn't a very long game, the 8 chapters go by really fast, especially when you group up for instances and boss fights.  It almost becomes too easy, kind of wish I disabled the auto-grouping feature.  There is currently also a rested xp bug, you have constant rested xp bonus, so people are leveling faster than intended.

Ok, I see that now, you need those hero tokens to level up your big level 30 hero power.

I'll look for you in-game tonight.  You have to be online to be added to friends list.

Sat, 06/08/2013 - 20:33
beefynutcase's picture
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In the latest patch notes is says that getting a duplicate starter hero at the end of the game is a bug and that you shouldn't delete it or sell, they'll be issuing a fix and anyone who got a duplicate hero will be given a new one.

Mon, 06/10/2013 - 13:35
Rau's picture
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I downloaded and beat this with my son in 2 days.  Hit me up for an invite...Raumalan.  I chose Hawkeye because its my son's favorite avenger.  I also have the scarlet witch and daredevil.

Mon, 06/10/2013 - 18:41
beefynutcase's picture
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Yeah, the campaign is way too short.  I've already completed it twice, once with Black Panther and once with Hawkeye.  In both playthroughs I never got a new hero drop or even a costume so now I'm just grinding dailies with Panther.  Still need to try the group dailies.

Thu, 06/13/2013 - 10:38
Rau's picture
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I cant seem to add any of you as friends.  Anyone starting a guild?

Thu, 06/13/2013 - 10:59
beefynutcase's picture
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Someone has to be online at the time to be added as a friend.  I managed to add you the other night right before you logged off.

Thu, 06/13/2013 - 13:54
beefynutcase's picture
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This new patch has supposedly increased the chances of getting Heroes to drop in the game.  I really hope so because the drop rate now is really a joke.  I know they need to make money off the cash shop but I wouldn't pay for another hero knowing how short the game is and that all there is to do once you beat the story is grind dailies.  My Black Panther is lv 31, I like playing him and I enjoyed the game but I seriously doubt I'll have the desire to keep grinding dailies to get him to 60. 

Thu, 06/13/2013 - 15:53
Rau's picture
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Limbo survival in a group, is ridiculous exp

Thu, 06/13/2013 - 15:59
beefynutcase's picture
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The auto-group for dailies that they just added is really nice, makes the grind a lot faster and more fun.  Gonna try the group missions tonight.

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