Changing ISP - any recommendations from UK residents?
Fri, 01/25/2013 - 12:04
Changing ISP - any recommendations from UK residents?
I am out of contract with O2 broadband so thinking of switching. Best deals look to be from SKY, BT or Virgin. I know all of their speeds but don't know much about the routers/hubs they give you and don't want to end up with one that has issues with xbl. Anyone have any advice?
I'm about to jump too. But BT infinity is the only option that will improve my speed. Be interested to read responses.
I'm on Sky at the most. Customer services OK. Router OK, but despite setting it all up properly I still get occasional nat issues.
My speed is ok with O2, but like you I get the occasional, "cannot connect to other player due to NAT conflict" type messages which I could do without! I also get a bit of lag from time to time which I guess a faster connection would help with. Unfortunately I just checked with Virgin and they dont have fibre optic broadband in my area
Got to be Sky then fella.
Had them for 3 years now and they have never missed a beat. Just make sure your in there "network area". If you are your looking at £10 p/m for truly unlimited broadband. (If you have tv with them its £7.5p/m)
Thanks for the replies guys.
checked out SKY and I am covered by their standard unlimited and fibre services, can also get BT infinity, tricky!
If you can afford it and dont mind paying the price go with Infinity
My parents went with Infinity and have had nothing but trouble. SLow speeds, disconnects and poor service. In their opinion not worth it. o2 are good and fast but try the broadband comparison website for a good view of what is going on in the market.
Cheers for the replies gents. I just phoned O2 and said "I'm thinking of leaving......"
They responded by giving me unlimited broadband, free evening and weekend calls, line rental, a new router and took £10 a month off the amount I had been paying for just limited broadband and pay as you go calls!
Should have phoned them sooner.....