Gun question (permits, & registrations)

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#1 Sat, 01/26/2013 - 19:09
sicrik's picture
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Gun question (permits, & registrations)

This is a "simple" question I have, which will undoubtebly turn into many answers and opinions....but here goes....


With all that is going on with gun laws, and such, and the unknown of what will happen.....would it be better to have guns, and be legal to carry and possess said guns.   Or, have guns, and not put yourself into the world database of owning firearms.

My opinion is, while it seems the right thing to do, getting your conceal and carry permit and registering all your firearms, it also puts a figurative "target" on you as a gun owner.  Meaning if these laws start going into get pulled over for speeding, cop checks his computer, see's that you own X ammount of guns, red flags you as a gun owner, and depending on what current murder spree just happend.....a simple traffic stop could turn into a huge 2nd ammendment debacle.

And if it ever got so crazy as the police or government, or private security forces going door to door from their list of gun owners, and taking their guns.

But if you had guns, and wern't on record of owning, and were an upstanding, non criminal, mass murdering psycho, you'd have that much more of a chance of Big Brother not knowing to put the hammer down on you because you have weapons.

Now I know that all this is still in the early stages of debate, and procedure, and it'll take a while before something solid is done, or unless someone goes on a butter knife killing spree, and we have to outlaw butter knifes lol.....But the way the world is going right now, the unknown is our biggest fear.  Its always tragic when one psychotic idiot ruins the lives of dozens of families....but its also tragic when we let 535 some odd idiots ruin the lives of an entire nation.

Sat, 01/26/2013 - 22:13
xBIGWIGx's picture
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I am a registered owner with a carry/conceal permit. I did it for reasons outside of those being debated. It was a personal decision after a couple in my apartment building was murdered as they left the building to go to work. It wasn't random, as in the people were targeted. But still, I sleep better knowing that if anything happened, I have a defensive weapon within arms reach. I have been trained with it and have been to a range.

That being said, the debate about "big brother" knowing I have one doesn't bother me in the slightest. I know that any new laws and regualtions are going to be aimed at assault, or other high caliber rifles, that are traditionally used by the military. And I support that. I also support stricter background checks and tougher penalties for those that buy guns then sell them to others who couldnt get one on their own. My 357 handgun is more than enough for my and my familys safety. I know the government has no problem with me or my weapon.

And any person who actually believes that the government is going to "Took mah gunssssss" may just need to unplug from the media for a minute and use their brains. It simply wont happen.

These are all my opinions, and Im sure there are those that disagree. We all have the right to our own opinion. This is America after all.

Sat, 01/26/2013 - 22:46
onthefritz's picture
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Don't know where you guys are at, but my CCW permit in Nebraska, doesn't have any firearms attached to it.  That means that technically, I might not own any firearms.  ;)  :)  

I know some states require that you register whatever firearms you plan on caqrrying on your permit.  

Also, the government (city, state, fed) have already tried to limit many different styles of firearms and accessories and rounds, so that means that MOST are already trying to make them illegal.  Even if you don't own a military styled modern sporting rifle, your handgun, shotgun, and/or rifle is targeted to be "illegal".  

You should read the current AWB that feinstein is trying to push through.  It would eventually get rid of all firearms.  You couldn't pass them on to your kids or sell them or anything.  

Don't stand idley by while they try to take away firearms that you don't own or care about.  You will be next.  


Sun, 01/27/2013 - 09:56
TANK's picture
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I don't believe that people comitting crimes got their guns the 'lawful' way so they wouldn't be in the database anyways.  The gun they used would be tagged to some innocent person who had their gun stolen.  Even though i'm not a gun owner myself, i don't beleive any of this database stuff helps keep anyone safer, it's just more uncle sam spying bullshit wrapped up in a 'safety' measure like so many other things.  I think there needs to be more enforcement of gun storage in residences and stiffer penalties for failure to comply with that.  if someone steals your gun, you both need to go to jail.  maybe that's a little harsh but you get my drift.



Sun, 01/27/2013 - 13:01 (Reply to #4)
Zikan's picture
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So if someone steals your car and then runs over a kid or gets in a big crash evading police, should you go to jail for that, too?

Sun, 01/27/2013 - 13:26 (Reply to #5)
wamam87's picture
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Zikan wrote:

So if someone steals your car and then runs over a kid or gets in a big crash evading police, should you go to jail for that, too?


or if someone steals your money and buys a gun to kill someone?


on topic...register one of two, hide the rest.

Sun, 01/27/2013 - 14:45 (Reply to #6)
TANK's picture
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Zikan wrote:

So if someone steals your car and then runs over a kid or gets in a big crash evading police, should you go to jail for that, too?

No because your car by it's very nature is at high risk for being stolen because it sits out in the public unprotected.  But if the law said your gun must be kept in your residence in a mounted and locked safe unless being used, then it's not a high risk item for being stolen.  So if you went out,  carelessly  left your gun on the coffee table and someone takes it and commits a murder, yes i believe there should be stiff penalties for the owner for being careless.  My opinion is that there doens't need to be regulation on the type of guns or number of guns or magainze sizes or databases, these things just need to be more secure in the home.  How many of these mass murders over the past 5 years have been from kids/young adults with metnal health issues who had easy access to weapons in the home?  I think most of them.

Sun, 01/27/2013 - 13:31
LocGaw's picture
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This is a political debate. I thought it was going to be more of a what gun should I get thread... With that being said, I don't think that the government can solve any problem we have these days. I wouldn't trust these guys to fix a sandwich.

That being said I own an M2 Field(I use that saying alot). It is a Semiauto shotgun. It is a 12 gauge. I use it for hunting rabbits and waterfowl. People ask me why I need a gun such as this and the answer is simple. The mechanics work. They always work. If I fall in water, it will still shoot. The gun will cycle more ammo than I will ever shoot. It is light. It is accurate. It has a synthetic stock with recoil reduction. It fits me well. It uses a wide range of ammo. It boasts the highest cycle rate of any shot gun. It is expandable with OEM parts to hold more ammo. Mine holds 3 shots due to my duck plug. 

I hunt in the cold of winter. I hunt in the driving rain. I hunt in the brush. I get dirty. Reliable hardware is needed. Part of my income relies around hunting. Legilation that limits what I can use hurts my way of life.

To an average schmuck, by looks, they think this is an assualt weapon.


I can't say anything more without being offensive. This topic should be deleted from 2old2play.

Sun, 01/27/2013 - 14:00
wamam87's picture
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Sun, 01/27/2013 - 14:32
sicrik's picture
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my point of this wasn't to create a debate or get the banhammer.  I recently aquired some firearms after my stepfather passed away....I've never been pro, or anti gun, never really had any reason to be either.  I'm all about taking gun saftey courses, and what not....i just had the permits, and registration questions in my head, with the way things are going right now,  and thought some people here would be able to give intellegent opinions and some facts.  If you want to offend or piss off people, I guess thats YOUR perogitive.  Kinda sucks tho when everyone is so opinionated about stuff....they cant have civil discussions about something.  But hey, it is what it is.

Sun, 01/27/2013 - 14:54
badmin's picture
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Lets be careful in this tread.  As we know politics is a no no on 2old2play for a pretty good reason.  While I get the need to discuss stuff like this given the recent media blitz, I also don't feel like banning someone because we all fell into the medias hype machine.  Think before you post.  No.  Really.  Think.  

Sun, 01/27/2013 - 16:26
RyanFromVegas's picture
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You should head down to a local gun store and get educated on the laws in your state.  Every state is different.  Hell, things could be different county to county within a state.  In Las Vegas for example, you have to register your gun with the Sherriff and carry the card with you when you have the gun in your posession.  To the best of my knowledge, that only applies if you live in Las Vegas..Reno-ites have no such restriction.

It used to be (in Nevada) that you had to get checked out for every make and model gun you wanted to carry..but now I think its just down to semi-auto vs revolver.  Im not a CCW so dont quote me.  Anyways, in other states you dont even have to go that far.

You have to become knowledgeable in you own juristiction.

Mon, 01/28/2013 - 06:55
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I completed my class and am in the process of waiting on them to finish up my app and send it back.

If you're truly into the "data base" scare going on, and IF you have to register something WITH your permit ( which if you don't own one yet, how the hell do you do that?) register something that down the road you "could" dutifully turn in if you had to.

And then secure the rest (everything) safely as Tank says. I looked over all the exexcutive stuff and the recommendations to Congress ( this is as political as I wanna get) and most of it seems like common sense issues to me, although I do feel next to none of it would prevent our last two or three major incidents. I do think interdepartmental communication in regards to mental issues, incarceration, criminal records SHOULD be increased.Other than that, it looks more like posturing and "feel" good legislation.

Better enforcement of what's already on the books would do wonders. Look up Florida's 10/20/30 law. It specifically targets illegal gun users and removing them from the streets for increased time periods. Not the guns, the users.

Don't read into this that I'm jumping up and down, I'm not. My opinion is this is a constitutional issue, not a political party issue. I don't agree with everything the NRA pushes, but they are one of the largest proponents of the 2nd amendment.

And please, if you have a family, educate all of them about weapons, and their proper use and storage. It removes the "curiosity" factor and renders them an ordinary tool. My boys have had shotguns in the house all their lives and they felt no need to "play" with them.

Turth is, in the theatre tragedy a couple of shotguns could have done massive damage compared to the weapon used. But the issue of safety isn't the weapon, but the perp's ability to pick the time, place and plan of his choosing. All the "victims" can rely on is flight or fight, and if you're pinned down, a larger clip might save you.

Laws are only followed by the lawful.

( if anyone wants to discuss futher, and calmly, I stress calmly, I'm game. Party chat would rock.)

Again, calm discussion, in general, would help this country immensely right now, and it seems to be a dying art.

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