RaceRoom Racing Experience

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Thu, 01/24/2013 - 11:45
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Mutiplayer is on the cards, just not implimented yet according to the info on the forums from what I remember. 

Mon, 01/28/2013 - 09:47
KnightofRedemption's picture
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So they have moved to open beta and are asking real money for testing cars and tracks...they can feck off LOL

Mon, 01/28/2013 - 11:19 (Reply to #33)
MapoUK's picture
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KnightofRedemption wrote:

So they have moved to open beta and are asking real money for testing cars and tracks...they can feck off LOL

Agreed! It's okay, but it's not as good as I was hoping for sad

Mon, 01/28/2013 - 12:07
kurupt's picture
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Ive been testing this for a few months now there are some things in this game that i do enjoy...i like the homepage and how its linked to the store and forums, i love the sound and sense of speed immersion....ffb and graphics are good but could be better iam just getting tired of all this purchasing of content monthly fees and no modding.  I have no problem paying $100 for a game but not for only a 1/4 of the content and a few

after playing pretty much all the available betas ive quickly learnt that none of them have blown me away yet they all have a feature that is better than than the next.....i hope assetta corsa is sitting back and gonna take the best from all the games and put it in theres!

This would be the ultimate game combo IMOA

rfactor 2 FFB and modding from what i hear from knight ;)

Race experience 2 sound and sense of speed immersion

Project cars Graphics as long as they can polish them so that it only needs 1 high end card to run triples smoothly

i had an idea for helping eliminate online idiots that could allows us to get paid for sim racing ill reval in another thread :)

Mon, 01/28/2013 - 12:24
KnightofRedemption's picture
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I doubt we will ever see a Sim that ticks all the boxes, for a start so many of these things are subjective. rF2 yes for me the best FFB but for you who knows, we have different wheels so it will feel different to each of us. Graphics, well I like iRacings sense of scale, somehow big looks big in a way it doesn't in other sims. Profect cars is maybe a little over done, and I liked simraceways look a little more. rF 2 has a way to go and from what one of the better track modelers has to say there is more to come from the engine as it stands, it's last on the list of tweaks.

Single player modes? GTR 2 has a great one.

Whatever the next year is going to be interesting as the big players slug it our to be the next go to for the Sim community, rest asured most of us will have them all LOL

Mon, 01/28/2013 - 13:50
kurupt's picture
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yes track wise iracing is currently the best but for car models and cockpit view pcars....not a huge fan of single player like most but apperently pcars is supposed to follow ranks of a pro driver.

i dont know why someone doesnt sit back take the best from each and watch the cash roll in as the king of sims?

ATM the iracing is covering alot of the features iam looking for if they would just work on there sounds id be quit content with the game.

Is simraceway using laser scanned tracks or just partial scanned ?

I dont mind raceroom there going in a good direction, i just cant see enough people besides simbin supporters buying fictional non laser scanned content and sticking with a non moddable game? but time will tell.

The main issue iam having right now are none of the upcoming sims have base content cars that interest me?

My favorite cars are:

Touring cars, grand am style, mx5, DTM, V8's  and to get all that i want it its quit clear atm my only choices for this content will be through mods from rf2 and assetto corsa

Mon, 01/28/2013 - 14:07
Neverender158's picture
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kurupt wrote:

ATM the iracing is covering alot of the features iam looking for if they would just work on there sounds id be quit content with the game.

The new sounds in iracing for the V8 supercars sound sexy.  I have watched plenty of iracing vids from mazdas, radicals to the F1 cars and they all sound like electronic vaccuums or something.


I understand iracing's reason for a monthly fee, but I just can't do it.  That is why i was looking forward to R3E with microtransactions for cars/tracks but free to play.  Hopefully they can get it sorted out.  Also I don't really care for the eyecandy that much. I mean when I am racing I am only looking at the track or car in front of me. I could care less about people in the stands, leaves on the trees and stuff like that.  As long as the physics are really well done, that is what I am most concerned with. Shiney cars and shadows are nice, but get the physics and  tracks down first, then add the pretty stuff later. 

Mon, 01/28/2013 - 14:25
CProRacing's picture
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Mon, 01/28/2013 - 14:53
Sherb's picture
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I need to try it.  I heard they changed the exterior sounds.....but no mention if the interior sounds changed.  Why would you specifically note exterior if you didn't only change exterior.  We will see.  I may load it up here in the next day or 2.

Mon, 01/28/2013 - 15:14
Neverender158's picture
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interior sounds uploaded from last week


Mon, 01/28/2013 - 17:41
kurupt's picture
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its not much different than before....and its handles horribly :(

Mon, 01/28/2013 - 18:31
Neverender158's picture
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That is too bad.

Wed, 01/30/2013 - 09:47
Neverender158's picture
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So i just read this article about how much the cars/tracks will cost.  http://www.virtualr.net/r3e-open-beta-launch-pricing-confirmed

single cars will regularly sell for 199 vRP to 329 vRP (2-3.50€) while tracks will be available for 349 vRP to 549 vRP (3.50-5.50€).

For US dollars that is anywhere from $2.75 up to $7.50 which seems to be much cheaper than iracing.  The tracks in iracing are $15 and the cars are $12, right? If so I can justify the lower prices and no monthly fee for R3E over iracing, unless of course the physics are terrible. But I think simbin has a pretty good handle on physics.

Please correct me if I am wrong on any of the prices.

Wed, 01/30/2013 - 11:53
kurupt's picture
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Ive been testing it for a while and i find its an overal good product, hopefully there will be even more advancements.  For me it will be on my computer cause like you said simbin has always made a solid product, but for me to purchase content it really gonna depend on the cars released ....currently there is only 1 or 2 that interest my style, and if enough friends/leagues run it.  I told myself i was only gonna run 1 pay as you go games and currently as  expensive as iracing is its got that spot.  laser scanned tracks may not be important to most but being able to run my favorite cars on tracks that are exactly the same as realife in digital form is the main reason i play race games.  I would like to know what is going on with gtr3? theres a rumour they turned there focus of the gtr3 production into to this game but no conformation.  Unfortunatley beside simbin supporters buyingit  i cant see this game lasting very long and not due to a lack of quality by no means but due to the cost factor and non modding support.....until the remaining moddable games lock out modding people will always turn to those games for free content leaving room for only 1 king of pay as go.....how i look at it if iam gonna pay to rent something i want the best quality and product...iracing does have some flaws but i hope with the rise of pay to play it will pressure them to get there shit together and possibly lower there prices.......will just have to see where this will go in the coming months, but for someone that enjoys simbin and is on a limited budget i can see it being very appealing and  can honestly recommend it. 

Knowing you have a free lifetime subscription for rf2 and the wife has you on a racing sim budget your more than set with possibly the best upcoming sim for quit a while.

word of advice dont follow suit like knight and myself and buy every sim available unless u can get it free or for pennies cause it honestly a waste of cash and wont get ran....run what the majority has dabble in 1 or 2 if its really cheap and take that saved wasted money and put it into your machine and rig to heighten your overall racing experience :)

Wed, 01/30/2013 - 12:13
Neverender158's picture
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I am excited for RF2 but I haven't run it in months just because of my focus with Race 07.  I have dirt3 and that was the first game i bought when i bought my wheel last january.  Then i got race injection and it is really the only sim I touch. I dabble a little with GTR2 now that I have my duals working, but my main focus for the time being is Race 07 and competing with you guys.  I am doing my best to recruit more people. keep giving links to new people on reddit, just hope they decide to give us a go. 

Wed, 01/30/2013 - 18:59
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Well said Kurupt, I have more than a few sims gathering dust on my hard drives. There are only four that get used a lot, rF1/2 R07 and now iRacing. It's a shame because there are some great titles I have, but unless they are being run by us or GBR there is just not the time to spend any time playing them.

I look forward to the time the next gen sims have settled and we know where best to put out time, I think rF2 is a given for GBR sooner or later, so the question is were is 2O2R going to go in the following year...

Wed, 01/30/2013 - 20:55
kurupt's picture
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good question knight.....but ill put money on who every release a game with touring cars and the most available  fwd cars to drive will be the one lol.

Iam quit surprised raceroom has no wtcc content? but on the other hand iam a bit glad cause we would all have to buy the tracks and car to run a series

Its funny you mention that knight, us all being fans of similar style racing like btcc/wtcc ....currently there isnt one future sim with content that suits our style and we can only sit back and hope that something comes out of rf2 or AC and who knows how long that could take?  ATM our best chance is raceroom cause it will take yrs to create a decent mod so

pay money or wait a long time.....pick your poison?



Thu, 01/31/2013 - 06:17
KnightofRedemption's picture
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LOL, spot on mate, that was my thoughts too. As much as I like rF2 the only mod that comes close to my favorite kind of racing is the Clio. The Megane is not bad, but nothing yet close to a field of touring cars. But it is early days and your right of course, the first to get a decent field of BTCC cars will be the winner for us, smiley

Thu, 01/31/2013 - 07:27
Neverender158's picture
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Thu, 01/31/2013 - 13:39
kurupt's picture
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Thanks for the link never, ive never seen that site before.

another issue that arrises i havent come across a new sim yet that has multi car support yet....seems to be single spec car so far.

Thu, 01/31/2013 - 14:12
CProRacing's picture
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Its a shame that all new games are becoming so expensive! Forza DLC, iRacing now Race Room. Even the new Flight simulator requires you to buy more planes as DLC.

All this DLC action I think will be the death of Mods. No company will want you to get "free" extra content when they can sell you some.

Thu, 01/31/2013 - 14:18
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Arrrggg I still can't delete my own posts, and I'm supposed to be a bloody Admin...This forum hates me!

Thu, 01/31/2013 - 14:19
KnightofRedemption's picture
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You can mix cars in rF2...often by accident in single player. More than once I have found myself on the grid in a Clio surrounded by Formula 2 cars...

Sun, 05/12/2013 - 12:10
kurupt's picture
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Not sure if anyone is still following this? 

Anyways I fired it up this past week with the release of some new content and tested it and quit enjoyed it and ended up throwing $20 in think I got 4 cars and 5 tracks which I thought was very reasonable :)

beining it's only had 2 updates it still has along way to go


overall graphics are beautiful I didn't even have to turn on AA or fxx and had no zaggies...it's the perfect happy med between rf2 and pcars....personally I think it's the all round cleanest of the next gens so far

car models are awesome performance on triples was always above 60 fps

sounds are the best I've heard in any game 

many thought the interface was confusing I thought it was easy to navigate and had a shinny iracing feel with homepages, portals forums, store etc

easy auto setup for controllers


no multiplayer yet or single races

i don't like the pay to play....but simbin has never been greedy and I hope they will continue that trend? 9 items for $20 seems pretty good I figure it will cost about the same as the race 07 series....why they just didn't release a full game?  Also don't know why they left there mod ability roots either?

Seems like you can by extra skins that doesn't impress me at all and there has been no word if you can create or load customs? Sure u can ?

ffb and grip are decent but not great....again it's only build 2 and was released just 4 months ago...word from the devs is the ffb and physic will have a major overhaul shortly and races will be added as well.

build updates like rf2 are a bit slow but I think it just seems like that cause pcars does weekly builds


should be interesting to see where this game goes cause right now nobody really knows much, but if they nail the ffb and physics it should be a very good game...which I believe they will do based on there previous games 

Sun, 05/12/2013 - 12:44
KRGDRK's picture
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When I signed up for the beta and then couldn't even race as it kept crashing on my machine with no feedback from the devs, I walked away and haven't looked at it since.  I may try it again but can't offer any feedback because I never got past the main menu.


Sun, 05/12/2013 - 13:08
kurupt's picture
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When they went open beta the the old build was closed and a new build was issued....worth a try with the new one....but in all respect I would wait a bit till multiplayer and ffb has been addressed its currently a hot lapping game which gets boring quick.

ill keep you guys posted 


Sun, 05/12/2013 - 13:50
KnightofRedemption's picture
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I dropped out after they had me download 12 gigs of data and then went to open beta and rendered my downloads useless, all within two days. Said goodbye and screw you (I paraphrase) It is pretty, but like pCars a long way to go. I'll come back when it's done. pCars and rf2 are a given both bought and paid for in advance, AC and Raceroom can both wait until they are finished, and of course they will end up on my hard drive.

Yes pCars weekly build do make it look like they are fast but rF2 doesn't release it's weekly builds to the public, only internal. you can see how many builds go through internal testing by the version No. What's the latest  public? 198 I think, bet the next release is close to 220. And of course we are seeing car and track updates rolling out. But I just wish they all started a year earlier and we had them all ready to race now, I hate waiting LOL


Wed, 05/22/2013 - 14:15
kurupt's picture
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There was a major update released yesterday 4.6gb that overhauled every aspect of the game! Still no multi player or races but hey it's only build 3....must admit after running a handful of laps iam really enjoying where this is starting to head....the game looks and sounds beautiful, performance is great set to max...ffb isn't perfect but feels much better and the additional fanaleds support enhances the over all feel.... Admit tingly I thought this game was gonna be an absolute fail with the pay to play method but its quickly been winning me over!  I've put in $20 and got more content than most the other titles offered in there base package and content that actually excites me.  I figure with its current pricing its only gonna cost approx. the same as the avg console game and put in mind it's on steam so iam sure there will be some good sales along the way.  Just hope they add some current touring car content and some more licenses.

updates are slow but can't wait for the next one :) 

Wed, 05/22/2013 - 14:30
KRGDRK's picture
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I will download the new build and give it a try to see how things are.  Hopefully I can actually play it.

Wed, 05/22/2013 - 15:14
kurupt's picture
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try the saleen gt1 :)

Hopefully you got the free "Get Real" package they were giving away during the first month of release to get the full experience

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