Attention Gizzie Get The BMW M3 Unicorn
Sat, 01/26/2013 - 06:09
Attention Gizzie Get The BMW M3 Unicorn
This is especially for Gizzie, the next facebook challenge that starts next week should get you the unicorn of your choice. When they put up the poll for the unicorn to be awarded you will receive the unicorn that you vote for. Just make sure you vote with your Gamertag. So Gizzie the BMW should be yours just make sure to post a time in the Facebook Rivals Challenge.
You can thank me now Gizzie it won't hurt that much.
Fitzy...What a Class Guy!!!

kiss up...
luv u Gizzie!
Oldschool I wasn't sure if that is directed at me or Wheels, if it was me I would like to point out I was trying to help out a fellow member who has been trying to get this Unicorn for quite sometime. If this says to you that I am a "kiss ass" then it says more about you than me. I'm very disappointed in you Oldschool.
dont use social media sites fitzy but thanks anyway
Gizzie...Excellent Call!!...Me Neither!!...Personal Opinion of Course!!!

P.S. Don't own one unicorn..I have enough issues just driving!!!

You don't have to, just vote in the poll on and post a time in the rivals event. No need to use Facebook.
I knew you don't use those sites.
Is Gizzie undeground? What's he wanted for?
Fitz, you did see me critisizing you for it and then doing the same, no?
Irish have no sense of humor. I bet Gizzie got it...
Wheels who?
Who said I didn't get it, I was doing the same and you didn't get it. I thought you knew me better. Unless you knew I got it and said I didn't get it just to get at me. Got it.
Fitzy.."Like I Said"..A Class Guy!!!

I dont understand what the hell's going on here but if this is some underhanded cheap shot at Parcells, shame on you. Might I remind you I've been annointed interim 2O4F leader while Cotter takes a minor sabbatical you should use better discretion.
Fitzy..."Class Guy"...Gizzie..."Class Guy"....BUTTTTT....Parcells..."Classic"!!!!!.gif)
ok where is the feckin poll i cant see it.
and do i need a build someone send me one if i do
It will be on next week, I will keep you informed Gizzie.
thanks boss
All for an M3 :-)
Are they sellable? I haven't looked. I got so many damn duplicates...
only back to the game and not on the A/H. I sold the piece of crap Toyota back to the game as soon as I got it. I need the Subaru 204 and then I have a complete set of unicorns. To bad you can't trade or sell to other unicorn owners.
I'm trying to come up with a Spirit-R theme, got so many of shot.
60k to sell.
Funny I only looked yesterday. Quite a few of them have a very high sale price if you ever want to bin your unicorns.
My apologies for being an idiot. Could someone post a link for me to go and vote. I have spent the last 20 mins trying to find this Challenge's location.
Sorry Oldmelt the poll doesn't open till later in the week, all the details are to be in the rear view mirror on which should be out today.
The poll will open on Wednesday.
Balls sorry Gizzie I didn't know it was Horizon.
Fuck Horizon. I want a duplicate Murcielago LP640 or the Camaro SS. I have all the unicorns. I just want to be able to paint and tune my own. The ones I have of those have the KOTR (Camaro SS) and Juan Pablo Montoya (LP640) paints and I don't want to remove them. I have 2 M3 GTRs if you want one Gizzie......wait, nevermind, sorry, didn't mean to tease you.
Voting poll is up.