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#1 Tue, 01/29/2013 - 13:37
smurfus's picture
Last seen: 10 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 01/27/2013 - 20:02


Just wanted to take moment and say hello and give a little info about myself....

I am new to the forums but not MTG.  Started in 93ish, just after the release of Unlimited.  Joind the Beta of MTGO in 2002ish.  I do not rememeber what years exactly but right on the heels of each one.  I have played at many FNM at the local shops, tournaments, and even PTQs at Wizards in Seattle.  I didn't do particularly well, my best was missing the cut due to an intentional draw in the first round.  Finishing something like 6-1-1.  Yep.  My buddy and I drove 4 or 5 hours to a tournament with 250-300 people in it and we draw each other in the FIRST round!  We decided a ID was the fairest solution.  True story.

My current format of choice is Modern.  I have found that the collection I have online falls mostly into that catagory.  I don't like standard much because the envoirnment changes so often and it gets hard to keep up.  I tried to for a while, thus the glut of Modern cards, but it was just too much.  Reading through the recent topics here on the forums I notice you folks play some formats I have never tried.  I will have to see if I can find the time to build something to join in here and there.

I live in Oregon thus in the Pacific Time Zone.  I have found from experience running a guild in WOW for three years that coordinating with dem Easterners is a tad difficult with that 3 hour gap in between.  I will give it some effort though.

I am usually on in the evenings when I am home.  I go bowling 3-4 nights a week depending on what is happening that month.  My youngest is on a local Juniors team and my oldest and I bowl a league each week.  I like to catch the Swiss tournaments when I can afford to enter them.  Works out much better when you win for some reason.  Must be that prize money!  To quote Pearly from another thread "There is more to gaming than Magic.."  and that would be bowling! 

At anyrate, that is a little about me and I look forward to meeting folks as time goes by.


Wed, 01/30/2013 - 07:27
pearly_54's picture
Last seen: 8 years 3 months ago
Joined: 01/18/2006 - 23:00

Nice intro, Smurfus!  And welcome to the clan and our forum.  The formats you are reading about are just fun things that we do in an informal tourney every Sunday at 11:00 eastern time.  Sometimes we just make up a format to see how it goes.  We do have an active clannie that is on the west the forum he is DrStrange and in game he is LordStark.  Is that right, Bill?  Oh, yeh, in real life he is Bill.  LOL.  I have also played WoW, but am not atm.  It is hard enuff keeping track of my magic clan and keeping my hubby happy.  Even tho we are 3 hours apart, hope to see you in game!

Wed, 01/30/2013 - 07:44
parottthead's picture
Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
Joined: 06/12/2006 - 23:00

Welcome Smurfus!

I'm a bowler also..I met my wife at a bowling alley in a jr league in 1984. I just bowl one night a week though..

We usually play classic format, in part because we don't have all the power cards, so we like to use whatever cards we have. I agree with your comment on takes too much effort/money to keep up with the cards. I'm to the point that I just buy new cards when I see one that strikes my fancy.

I'm in TN, so I'm on EST.

Welcome to the clan! My nick online is also parottthead.


Wed, 01/30/2013 - 08:28 (Reply to #3)
H2Daddy's picture
Last seen: 7 years 6 months ago
Joined: 02/11/2007 - 23:00

parottthead wrote:

Welcome Smurfus!

I'm a bowler also..I met my wife at a bowling alley in a jr league in 1984. I just bowl one night a week though..

We usually play classic format, in part because we don't have all the power cards, so we like to use whatever cards we have. I agree with your comment on takes too much effort/money to keep up with the cards. I'm to the point that I just buy new cards when I see one that strikes my fancy.

I'm in TN, so I'm on EST.

Welcome to the clan! My nick online is also parottthead.


Hey Parottthead,

What part of TN? I am in a small town in upper east TN called Greeneville. I grew up in Oak Ridge.

Wed, 01/30/2013 - 10:55
parottthead's picture
Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
Joined: 06/12/2006 - 23:00

Small world H2..I grew up in Kingsport..know GreenEville fairly well. My nephew lives in Mosheim. I've lived in Knoxville since 2001. A couple of good friends are from was on the '91 state champ football team.



Wed, 01/30/2013 - 11:47
H2Daddy's picture
Last seen: 7 years 6 months ago
Joined: 02/11/2007 - 23:00

I moved to Greeneville in '94 to teach at South Greene High School. I like the area but I miss OR. Especially Big Ed's Pizza.  I graduated in '85.  I am in Knoxville just about every weekend once baseball season starts. One of my sons plays on a travel team that plays in Knoxville all the time. Had some younger sisters who would have gone to school with your friends. It is a small world. Sorry to have hijacked the thread. Welcome Smurfus.

Wed, 01/30/2013 - 12:19
fortunecase's picture
Last seen: 9 years 6 months ago
Joined: 09/08/2008 - 23:00

Welcome smurfus .

I also live on the west coast.......from europe that is88so i'm 9 hours ahead of you.

Hope to see you in game soon.

Thu, 01/31/2013 - 06:32
DrStrange's picture
Last seen: 9 years 1 month ago
Joined: 04/30/2007 - 23:00

Smurfus, bowling, really?  How can you bowl when there are darts to be played?!

Anyway, welcome!


Thu, 01/31/2013 - 11:47
smurfus's picture
Last seen: 10 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 01/27/2013 - 20:02

Odd that you mention darts.  A few years before I got into Magic I played relentlessly.  Mostly soft-tip because that is what the bars had in town.  Bonus was you didn't have to keep score with the machines!  Darts is sort-of the reason I got married.  The then girlfriend/fiance` and I had been together for about 7 years at the time, engaged for 3 and our oldest was almost 2.  I had qualified for the first ever Soft-Tip World Championships held in Reno NV by an outfit I believe was called Medalist.  I had entry to 5 of the main events and a slew of sub-events.  We were sitting around the dining room table with the "team" having a few drinks and discussing plans for the trip to the tournament.  Someone mentioned how easy it was to get married in Reno and I said out loud... "Maybe while we're down there we can do that." in a moderately drunken state.  That was all it took.  She had everything arranged in two days and there was just no getting out of it at that point. 

It was such a fun trip, none of us had ever been there before so we stayed a week with the tournament being the first three days.  The team took 1st in our division, and I cashed money in the singles, doubles and mixed doubles events.  There were 5 divisions called Flights: AA A B C D - Our team was A flight and the rest in B.  Those people in the AA singles were AMAZING to watch by the way.  I did well in several of the blind draw sub-events too.  The winnings paid for the trip, the wedding and a small reception back home.  I haven't played much over the last 15 years or more.  Couple games now and then but that is about it.  This is mainly because all of the machines at the bars have since dissappeared, (not to mention I don't hang out in bars much anymore) and none of my firends like to play me since I win most of the time.  For a time they made me play left handed, but I had gotten to where I was better than average left handed too.  Anytime they offer to bet me at something I say "Sure, yer on... BUT...  We getta go double or nothin on one game of darts."  Yeah... seems I don't gamble much.  :)

There is a board in a box in the storage room here in the basement with the same set of darts I used in Reno right with it.  Never unpacked it when we moved into this house near 3 years ago.  Might just have to get that out and on the wall now that ya got me thinking about it.  Been a while... 

Fri, 02/01/2013 - 06:12
DrStrange's picture
Last seen: 9 years 1 month ago
Joined: 04/30/2007 - 23:00

I only played with the toy darts once in a blind draw in some random bar and came in 2nd.  I only play about twice a month now, as you said, there's just not that many opportunities/venues to play any more.  I played in  301 and/cricket  A leagues from the 70 until early 2000's.  Best run was 12 of 15 1st place finishes.  Never did play in the tourney circuit though.  I knew I'd never come close to making my money back.   Afew of the guy in our league did quite well though.  One was ranked #2 in the world at one point (beat Eric Bristow in a finals) and another won the Bulls shooter soft tip  world championship in the 90's, the Chicago open and the Queen Mary(both steel) at various other times.  As soft tip started gaining ground our team name became "Men of Steel".

Where in Oregon are you?  I live in Medford and work in Ashland.


Be seeing you.


Mon, 02/04/2013 - 22:48
smurfus's picture
Last seen: 10 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 01/27/2013 - 20:02

Salem..  Pronounced SO-LAME...   cause it is..


Had some decent weather on Saturday and I used it  to cut a load of firewood for next year and did a little yard work out front of the house.  Here in the Valley it only rains once per year... September until June!  Nice to take advantage of the sun breaks when you can.  HOPEFULLY the ground hog was right and sping is early this year...  Got some pretty ambituous projects I would love to get done and an early shot of nice weather would go a long way towards completing them this year...





Tue, 02/05/2013 - 15:46
pearly_54's picture
Last seen: 8 years 3 months ago
Joined: 01/18/2006 - 23:00

I have had a nasty case of the crud all weekend and even thru today.  I have missed work and feel like doggy doo.  I think the roller coaster that we have called Virginia Weather this year has taken its toll with me.  Glad you could get some yard work done.  I am not going outside again until it is at least 60 degrees and sunny.  That is, except to go back and forth to work!

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