forum - clarity and comprehensibility
Wed, 01/30/2013 - 12:42
forum - clarity and comprehensibility
I am old and ..... confused.
Here in this part of our forum I can find many threads about racing series (BTCC, Retro DTM, Playboy (closed),.....) and in this subforum "racing series,..." I'll find also infos (Yaris Cup, Porsche GT Cup. American stockcar,......).
Would it be better, if we would combine those informations again? Just for reasons of clarity and comprehensibility?
I think you need to talk with someone older and more confused and see if they have problems navigating the site. I'm sure he will be along shortly.
Shame on you Jdankert, you're confusing poor Fitzy. Very few of us "understand" what comprehensibility means let alone pronounce it. Be best if you use words with 4 or less syllables from here on.
There he is, that didn't take long.
Ok. Will do that.
2 4 (2+4=) 6
Hey, that's my race number: #246
Will have a tidy round shortly Jean :-)
Moved the following (and changed the titles slightly) topics to the Racing Events & Series Information sub forum located at the top of 2Old4Forza's main forum.
It can also be found here:
[FM4] 2Old4Forza BTCC (Qualification in progress)
I'd say anything asking for interest, or in fact anything not specific to an established and ongoing series with specifics such as date/time/ standings, etc. should be out in the main forum to divert people to the correct thread IN the racing subforum if and when it does become legitimate...
Of course I'm not as old or confused as some around here...
Changing titles will only make it harder to find something after it has been moved BTW...
If any of this seems redundant, obtuse, or simply too simple to discuss, I refer you to our older or perhaps less comprehensible members who might struggle a bit with the idiotic english language such as it is...
Where's Lawyer, I bet he can legalize this even worse with a little effort? (SHAMELESS!!!!)
With the exception of the mx5 series, all of those threads are gauging interest for upcoming series. I'll try to get everything back where it belongs asap.
V8s start in a week
BTCC is closed to sign ups
MX5 closed.
Wouldn't it make sense though that any series, either for interest or otherwise be in the place called Racing Events & Series Information?
C-Pro...In a Week???...I haven't even seen a tune from Tourni yet!!!!
My "opinion" is that many only dig into the sub forums looking for specifially what they want to find, specific information, schedules, builds, and the main forum out here is what alerts them that they may want to go look.
Just what I've observed. And as I said, if someone's looking for something they can't find, that moved, changing the names only a further complication.
Sorry, it's part of what I do for a living, and curse you Church, I come in here to get away from all that!
I agree that it should all be in one place, but some people don't seem to grasp the concept of how to put them there when they start them, myself included occasionally.
Wow, sorry guys, it was not my ...... english word for "Absicht ... I didn't want to start such a "serious discussion". Keep calm and forget my note. It's not such a big issue. Let's have fun with racing and in this forum too.
Week on Sunday wheels
Thanks Bro C-Pro!!

Awesome thread Jdankert!
We've learned that OldSchool (and I got to say, Parcells is very jealous of this one) criticizes people for a living, Cotter remains confused, you got Church to do some work and then in comes Wheels who doesn’t have a clue what thread he’s in and totally derails it, priceless. And since I had that talk with Fitzy he’s been on some of his very best behavior, you go girl!
But most importantly we've learned that one of our nicest members (You) actually can be a troublemaker by starting such a threatening post :)
Very enlightening
haha, you need to frame this one Parcells, hang it on the wall.
I don't know if criticism and Quality Assurance are quite the same, I guess it depends on which side of the conversation you reside...
SHAME!!!!..SHAME on YOU Parcells!!!!...Just got back from the Emergency Room where I was treated for wounds from being thrown under the Bus with some of 2O4F's most "Noted" Gentlemen!!!...To defend myself I only have to state the obvious....Comments on Topics are "Liquid"!!!...What is "Liquid"??..Liquid is when you post a comment on a topic that may flow in a different direction than the orginal post. Quite Innocent!!..Happens all the time! All it takes is a innocent remark that which causes the conversation to flow in a different direction. No Disrespect Intended..It Just Happens!!! But "Calling the Kettle Black" has to be Epitome of Parcells Most Viscious Attacks!!
i havnt lmao for a long time untill reading this post, well said jdan.
Case in point, moving and renaming confuse our senior members...treat Wheels with the respect his years demand!!!
Luv ya big guy!
After Parcells and I had our little talk I do feel more in touch with my femine side, and I do look pretty hot if I do say so myself.
I thought with your people, "Bob" was a verb?
I must be getting a little dense in my old age!!!!...I could of swore that BOB was a acronym for "Big On Boys"!!!!...
WHATTTTTTTTT???...Say IT isn't So!!!!!!
Like all things it depends on your perspective and the people you hang out with. My wife's work crowd which is Nurses, unit secretaries and MD's at the hospital say thet Bob stands "for battery operated boyfriend". No backtalk and always does what you tell it too.
No he's a character from Blackadder.
I can only offer perhaps that's a blind man and his seeing eye dog? Surely that outfit can be explained no other way?
Of course I've seen Fitzy's attempts at painting cars. I consider Fitzy my "community service" sometimes.
Isn't that a verb too?
I Stand Corrected 'Ol School!!!!

What was this topic about again????