Frozen Synapse coming to PS3 + Vita

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#1 Fri, 02/01/2013 - 09:36
BlowMonkey's picture
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Frozen Synapse coming to PS3 + Vita

awesome game.  If you played XCOM and enjoyed it you will enjoy this game as they are somewhat similar (turn based tactical shooter).

‘Frozen Synapse: Tactics’ announced for PSN

The 2011 PC strategy title, Frozen Synapse, will be coming to both the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita in the form of Frozen Synapse: Tactics.

Double Eleven’s new digital publishing branch, D11 Games, will be working with Mode 7 to bring this highly touted title to consoles in 2013. The top-down, stylish RTS pushed around 430,000 units, according to a recent press release, but this new iteration won’t be resting on past accomplishments. Things will be different on Sony’s platforms.

“We are thrilled to be working on Frozen Synapse; our vision is to reinvent the game’s aesthetics and interactivity in the same way that Mode7 reinvented strategy gaming with this title,” Demi Gounari, the game’s new art director, said.

Little has been said about what’s actually going to be different, but COO Mark South knows this will be a great console game.

Frozen Synapse for us represents some of the best work coming out of the UK and onto the PC. We know there’s also a great console game in there as well waiting to be realised.” South said. “We don’t want to give too much away yet, but I will say that Frozen Synapse: Tactics is not simply a transition of the original onto console; we will be giving it a complete Double Eleven makeover.”

Sat, 02/02/2013 - 23:33
ONTHEGAS's picture
Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
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After reading this post I went to YouTube and watched some videos on this game. Holy shit it seems great. I never played these types of games before,took a shot with X-COM and really enjoyed it. This is a genre I never played before and I'm getting kind of bored with fps,racers,etc. This will be a hard wait for this game. Any news on release date?

Sun, 02/03/2013 - 11:39
BlowMonkey's picture
Last seen: 9 years 5 months ago
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Hey Poncho :)

Just "2013" is all I heard - so I'm not sure where it really falls.  I'm in the same head space as you right now - kind of burned out on all the "standard" stuff and playing more "off the grid" stuff.

I'm doing most of "non standard" gaming on the PC.  Not sure if you have a PC gaming rig but if you do I can give you some suggestions (a lot at the low low price of free).

Do you have XCOM on the console?  I have it on the PC but haven't ventured into the MP too much yet.

Sun, 02/03/2013 - 15:30
Biznass's picture
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Is this a reboot sorta deal? I could swear I heard about it many many moons ago.

Sun, 02/03/2013 - 20:51
BlowMonkey's picture
Last seen: 9 years 5 months ago
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yeah it's kind of a reboot - they are changing the game up for the console/handheld versions.  Some new ideas and improvments.

Mon, 02/04/2013 - 19:21
ONTHEGAS's picture
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Hey BlowMonkey. I wish I had a pc that could handle gaming,but money constraints keep me tied to just consoles for the time being. I have X-COM for the 360,but haven't tried any mp yet. I recently bought Guardians of Middle Earth on 360 for something different and really like it. I guess the kids call it MOBA. I love watching people play League of Legends on YouTube and would love to jump in and play,but I hear that community can be worse than Call of Duty's. OUCH!

Even though it is a cookie cutter fps I have really enjoyed the Crysis3 beta/demo as of late.

Talk to you soon man,hopefully we can play Frozen Synapse soon.  

Mon, 02/04/2013 - 21:31
BlowMonkey's picture
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Meh I lay some LoL and the LoL community isn't that bad.  HoN (Heroes of Newerth) was way worse - lol those guys were ASSSSSHOLES.


Anywho if you like the MOBA games there is a really good one you can get on the 360 (arcade title I believe) that I have for the PC called.  Asomenauts.  It's a 3v3 MOBA platformer - and I really enjoyed that.  Not sure if there is still a community playing it on the 360 (it has bot play but meh - that's not nearly as fun as playing real people).  The platforming would work really well on the console (where as the clickyness of LoL might not translate as well).

Tue, 02/05/2013 - 11:25
twitchy's picture
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I think there are assholes in every community. LoL has it's hardcore douchebags just as CoD does, and Battlefield, and WoW.

LoL can be good fun. I enjoy it... I should play again...

Sat, 02/09/2013 - 19:28
ONTHEGAS's picture
Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
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I guess playing shooters online since the PS2 days has eased my dislike for the try-hards within that community. Starting a new genre is where I'm not sure if I should jump in and be tolerant of the community. I know fucks are within every community,but it is just the total new genre that has me worried.

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