should i buy halo 4

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#1 Thu, 01/31/2013 - 16:25
oO_mohawk_Oo's picture
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should i buy halo 4

 I play CoD but getting sick of that and want to try something new. should i give halo 4 a shoot or go for something more like battlefield 3? Both games look like alot of fun any help from you guys on which one should i get would be great thanks.




Talsma 77

Thu, 01/31/2013 - 17:14
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I vote yes.

Thu, 01/31/2013 - 17:47
Double T's picture
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It's pretty much a hybrid of CoD and Halo Reach.  So I vote rent it first.

Thu, 01/31/2013 - 18:05
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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If you're looking for a change of pace, it should provide you that.  Do you play the campaign or multiplayer?  Either way, it doesn't hurt to give it a rental.

Thu, 01/31/2013 - 18:21
Matt Likes Beer's picture
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You come to the Halo forum to ask if you should buy Halo lol. I guess you wouldnt know it if you read through a lot of the threads, but this game is fantastic, go buy it, you wont regret it! 1

Thu, 01/31/2013 - 18:47
oO_mohawk_Oo's picture
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So far it sounds like i cant go wrong with halo. I am looking for something that has a good story and good online. i have played halo 3 online I was just really bad at it so i didnt play it and the would just god back to CoD. The only reason i have ever played CoD was because my friends play it. I am at the point now where i dont think CoD online is fun. I have spent most of the week watching videos on halo 4 and it looks really good and fun.

Thu, 01/31/2013 - 19:09
LegendcalledJim's picture
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Halo is awesome. The there are a few things like CoD, but gameplay is nothing like CoD IMO.

Thu, 01/31/2013 - 19:16
MTPathy's picture
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oO_mohawk_Oo wrote:

 I play CoD but getting sick of that and want to try something new. should i give halo 4 a shoot or go for something more like battlefield 3? Both games look like alot of fun any help from you guys on which one should i get would be great thanks.




Talsma 77


well halo4 is the first fps ive played in almost 10years, so yeah its pretty good.

Fri, 02/01/2013 - 08:51
Capcom Warrior's picture
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Absolutley a must have title. There's something for everyone in this game. Multiplayer, spartan ops, and campaign should give any FPS fan something to enjoy. The multiplayer playlist are great too. SWAT is more COD based with one shot headshots dominating, BTB is 8 on 8 with vehicles, grifball which is 343's take on football, infinity slayer which is 4 on 4 close quarters combat, and you also have a slew of objective based modes like Oddball (keep away), CTF, and Dominion. Awesome game.
Fri, 02/01/2013 - 11:00
Lbsutke's picture
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I would say make some long gaming time available to you and rent before you own. Like most other fps games their are definately issues with H4. Some of them may or may not bother you, but spending a minimum of 45 bucks on a game you were not sure about at launch is good enough reason to try it before you buy it.


I have finished the campaign, only done the first episode of Spartan Ops, maxed out my SR rank and played over 1100 MM matches. Just to give you a little background.

Fri, 02/01/2013 - 12:14
FreeRadikal's picture
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Halo is fun, and most fun with others...

Fri, 02/01/2013 - 15:20
BCyclops's picture
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I would say that the Campaign and Spartan Ops alone make H4 a worthy purchase or at least a rental. The controller setup is very similar to CoD also.

Sat, 02/02/2013 - 07:31 (Reply to #12)
YEM's picture
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BCyclops wrote:

. The controller setup is very similar to CoD also.


Especially when you change to fishsticks 

Fri, 02/01/2013 - 18:22
Lou_Keymia's picture
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I am very happy with Halo 4, I'd say its worth it.
Sun, 02/03/2013 - 14:39
wamam87's picture
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there were some lag issues related to the game that just drove me crazy!

the title update fixed the problem. you'll still get lag, but nothing like it was.


now there have been a ton of connection issues over the past week or so, but i don't think it's related to H4. i think it all lies in XBL.


other than that, like Lb said, the other stuff may or may not bother you. the only way to tell is to play the game for yourself.

Mon, 02/04/2013 - 07:40
hyghwayman's picture
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Rent it, play it and have fun = BUY!

Tue, 02/05/2013 - 16:00
oO_mohawk_Oo's picture
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I think i'm going to pick up Halo 3 and try that out and see how much i like the online play. Do people still play Halo 3 online?

Tue, 02/05/2013 - 16:23 (Reply to #17)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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oO_mohawk_Oo wrote:

I think i'm going to pick up Halo 3 and try that out and see how much i like the online play. Do people still play Halo 3 online?


There was a large, community-cenered push this past weekend to play some Halo 3.  You're going to run into a lot of very good players if you head into those waters.  If you want to get brought into it at a normal pace, Halo 4 is going to be your best bet.  Also, the game is a lot different in the nuts and bolts of multiplayer between those two titles.

Tue, 02/05/2013 - 18:10 (Reply to #18)
w0rm's picture
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oO_mohawk_Oo wrote:

I think i'm going to pick up Halo 3 and try that out and see how much i like the online play. Do people still play Halo 3 online?

There are still a fair amount of people playing H3.  Search times are fairly quick in the social playlists but if you're wanting to play ranked, you'd probably be better off searching solo or with folks of similar ranking if you want to find a game. 

I wouldn't worry too much about running into great players as there are a lot of lower level players playing too.

As for the question in the OP, it's hard to say whether or not you should buy H4.  I personally enjoy playing Halo 3 more but I'm pretty sure most of the Halo community here is playing Halo 4.  If you want to play Halo 3, hit me up.  I'm always looking for people to play H3.

Tue, 02/12/2013 - 16:01
oO_mohawk_Oo's picture
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I bought halo 3 about a week ago and have been having a good time playing it. I'm not very good but having fun. Today i saw that I could get Halo 4  from amazon for $40. Thinking about buying it cause it sounds like a really good game and at $40 its a good deal.

Tue, 02/12/2013 - 18:21
Shadow's picture
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hey mohawk, looking forward to playing with you.  I accepted your request to join the Halotards.  We play mostly Halo 4 if anything, but you may also want to join 2old2play Halo.  They are much more active in Halo than we are currently.

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