Been MIA. Taking a look around.
Tue, 02/05/2013 - 15:36
Been MIA. Taking a look around.
Hey all,
I used to be a moderator of the site, and I disappeared due to a lot of real life events. I apologize to those that I abandoned, and for not doing a better job of staying in touch. Stopping in to say hello, and see who all is still around from a few years ago.
I'm still gaming, and mostly playing WoW (have a tiny level 11 guild, Horde, Dragonmaw - that's an open invitation), though I have Halo 4 and I am feeling like my forehead has not been teabagged in far too long.
Hope to see some familiar faces.
EDIT: New gamer tag: MisterDutchOven. Guild is named "After Hours."
Welcome back to the site!
welcome back!!!
there is a site wide customs room every thursday from 9-11 eastern.
check out the Halo Division for more info.
Jesus, how have you been? If you need some teabagging get out for Deep's Thursday night between 9-11 EST and I should be on. You should see some old familiars if we break off after 11 for some matchmaking I'll keep the GT in mind when I get on again.
Holy Shit it's AG!
What's up my friend. I'm still rolling on LIVE with my Capt Rock tag on occasion, and spending a litle time on Ravencrest with VotH, and alliance on Aggamagan.
Hope to see you online.