An interesting Halo 4 achievement last night
An interesting Halo 4 achievement last night
Namely, 'Mortardom' wherein you have to hijack a Wraith and kill 4 others with the one you hijacked.
Nasty surprise No. 1--get in front to jump on, then get boost splattered before you can react.
No. 2.--jump on the back, melee to kill the driver, and it explodes anyway.
No. 3.--use light rifle and nearly empty it on the Wraith's plasma gunner before he dies.
No. 4.--EMP with plasma pistol at close range, then have Wraith jump up and run away right as you get to it.
After much aggro, finally pulled it off last night at the second multi-Wraith encounter. The way the achievement reads, it sounds like you have to do the deed with the first one you hijack--turns out not to be so. You can wreck the first few at the first encounter, then finish off the achievement at the second.
Still can't find all those terminals, though.
nice. I know that feel bro.
thanks for the tip OMG. Haven't done this one yet.
Be warned, sometimes they don't get out. Askmehowiknow.
You don't even need to get that close to the wraith to get the driver to get out. Just do this...
1. Hit the wraith with an over-charged plasma pistol shot
2. Kill gunner
3. Repeat step 1
4. Driver hops out, kill him
* Sometimes a third over-charged shot is needed before the driver hops out you don't have to hop into the turret to get the driver out? If so, man, I beat my head against the wall for nothing! Funny how I NEVER figure out things like this....*am sad*
stole the first wraith at the beginning. Then killed one by the force fields. After that there were three more in an area ahead. Achievement popped!