What's your favorite weapon in BLOPS2

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#1 Tue, 11/20/2012 - 07:51
Lala Calamari's picture
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What's your favorite weapon in BLOPS2

I just unlocked a beast of an AR last night.  The M8A1.  It's a 4 round burst fire weapon and you can spam that burst very quickly.  It's also extremely accurate.  It will require 2 burst to the body to drop someone but you can get those shots off rather quickly.  It has very good iron sites so a sope or red dot isn't neccessary.  I'm running it with the quick draw grip and the Adjustable stock. This way I can move and aim at full speed.


For SMG, I'm running the MSMC.  It's a beast of a gun.  I put a silencer and laser sight on it.  Very good SMG.


I haven't played with too many sniper rifles.  I tried them out real quickly and I think I like the first one the best.  The SVU-AS is pretty accurate and it's semi-auto.  Works pretty well for me.  The other ones felt so slow to ADS.

Tue, 11/20/2012 - 08:20
SubT's picture
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For the AR's I'm an SMR fan myself. Love the high damage semi-auto  weapons and it's superior to the FAL. Second place for me would be the HAMR, especially if you get down the burst fire. When the lag gets bad it's time to spray bullets and bring the HAMR down...

Tue, 11/20/2012 - 08:58
Cerberus4417's picture
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AN-94 wiht fast mag and foregrip

M8A1 with red dot and extended mag.  Want to try full auto

SMR with foregrip, target finder, and fast mags



MSMC with silencer and laser.  

Chicom CQB with silencer and selct fire.  

Skorpion with silencer and fastmags or extended mags



LSAT with target finder, forgrip, and extended mags or fmj



R870 with laser and long barrel



I dont snipe. Any of them will do. 



Betties and shock chargers.  

Started using the black hat on some games.  Nice to hack a betty and kill its own dude.  

Tue, 11/20/2012 - 13:43
InfernalGiggler's picture
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Swat-556 with Acog and quick aim. 

I've always been a fan of the 3 round burst and this one just clicks for me.  Already mastered it tbh and been using others for the xp bonuses.

Tue, 11/20/2012 - 21:08
Whiskey's picture
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I took the MP7 all the way through to max weapon prestige and was pretty happy with it. 


Since then, started using the MSMC with rapid fire, extended mags, and scavenger.  The MSMC is either the highest, or 2nd highest damage smg, and putting out that much lead quickly makes it a real killer.  Liking it a lot so far.

Sat, 11/24/2012 - 13:39
Full_Tilt_Panic's picture
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I've been using the MTAR with FMJ and Foregrip and the MP7 with FMJ, Silencer, and Exteneded Mag. Everything else I've tried I either didn't like as much or at all. I don't really care about XP, so I haven't felt a need to try and level up the rest beyond just trying them. I just prestige those intial two for the hell of it.

Sat, 11/24/2012 - 16:57
KamakazeTaco's picture
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I love the ksg with the long barrel. On the connections where the SMGs seem to take extra bullets, that'll still get em in one shot most of the time.


Sun, 11/25/2012 - 02:03
Fetal's picture
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PDW for my SMG.

50 bullets with a lazer sight and silenced running ghost, cold blooded, scavenger, dexterity, and extreme conditioning. No need for grenades or tac stuff, or even a secondary. With scavenger I can run all day with it, and routinely run killstreaks in 10 or more with it. No other gun performs for me like this one does.

is great for those tight spots when you run into 3 or more enemy guys. No need to reload with 50 bullets. If the clip on the MSMC was bigger than 30 I'd run it, but with only 30 bullets you're only looking at a max of 3 kills before reload.

Mon, 11/26/2012 - 13:10
Grex's picture
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I like the PDW as well.  I cannot get more than two kills with the MSMC without having to reload. 

Tue, 11/27/2012 - 15:01
YellingYeti's picture
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Chicom submachine gun with target finder/foregrip/FMJ!

3 burst LASER of death and I just love the look of it, really interested to see what rapid fire does to it...46


The FAL with full auto/foregrip/supressor is pretty silly too...48


To be honest though, it does seem that SUBMACHINE GUNS rule MOST maps.80

Tue, 11/27/2012 - 18:15 (Reply to #10)
Fetal's picture
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YellingYeti wrote:

Chicom submachine gun with target finder/foregrip/FMJ!

3 burst LASER of death and I just love the look of it, really interested to see what rapid fire does to it...46


The FAL with full auto/foregrip/supressor is pretty silly too...48


To be honest though, it does seem that SUBMACHINE GUNS rule MOST maps.80


this gun on auto is almost uncontrollable, and the ammo spits out so fast you'll only get 2 kills before you have to reload. I tried it out, and I like it as a burst fire, but it has deficiencies other smgs just make up for by being well-rounded.

Wed, 11/28/2012 - 10:57
bynx's picture
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I just unlocked the M8A1. It is my favorite so far. 

Thu, 02/07/2013 - 14:17
clewis199's picture
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PDW w/ Sliencer and Laser Sight

Perk 1 Greed - Lightw and Ghost

Perk 2 - Toughness

Perk 3 Greed - Ext Conditioning and Dex

All this adds up 2 = U WILL RAGE QUIT

I do like the MSMC but the 50 bones in the PDW clip is 2 good to pass up.

Fri, 02/08/2013 - 14:45 (Reply to #13)
IAmTheLiquor's picture
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clewis199 wrote:

PDW w/ Sliencer and Laser Sight

Perk 1 Greed - Lightw and Ghost

Perk 2 - Toughness

Perk 3 Greed - Ext Conditioning and Dex

Yeah this is the most op try hard class in the game. It's the MP40 of this treyarch game. Honestly number 1 combo by timmies and YouTube tryhards. But yeah if you need an op class to beast this is definitely the one to use.


Wed, 02/13/2013 - 13:08 (Reply to #14)
birdseye's picture
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IAmTheLiquor wrote:

clewis199 wrote:

PDW w/ Sliencer and Laser Sight

Perk 1 Greed - Lightw and Ghost

Perk 2 - Toughness

Perk 3 Greed - Ext Conditioning and Dex

Yeah this is the most op try hard class in the game. It's the MP40 of this treyarch game. Honestly number 1 combo by timmies and YouTube tryhards. But yeah if you need an op class to beast this is definitely the one to use.


I use this class and I don't have to try hard at all.

Thu, 02/14/2013 - 10:39 (Reply to #15)
clewis199's picture
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birdseye wrote:

IAmTheLiquor wrote:

clewis199 wrote:

PDW w/ Sliencer and Laser Sight

Perk 1 Greed - Lightw and Ghost

Perk 2 - Toughness

Perk 3 Greed - Ext Conditioning and Dex

Yeah this is the most op try hard class in the game. It's the MP40 of this treyarch game. Honestly number 1 combo by timmies and YouTube tryhards. But yeah if you need an op class to beast this is definitely the one to use.


I use this class and I don't have to try hard at all.

That right there was funny. And I agree.

Sat, 02/16/2013 - 06:39
KamakazeTaco's picture
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Scorpion with rapid fire and laser sight.




Dexterity and Engineer

Black Hat

I've stolen so many care packages with that black hat. And the occasional kill from a stolen claymore or bouncing betty is fun too.

Wed, 02/20/2013 - 07:11
Maryland Maverick's picture
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New guy here, just joined yesterday. I've been running the AN-94 with a stock and silencer and it just tears people up at range. Blops 2 is certainly an SMG centric game, and most people tend to run SMGs or shotguns (blergh) so it's nice to be able to range opponents. I generally play on the PC, so having the stock on the AN-94 is invaluable when it comes to evasion while returning fire.

On the other hand, you're right on the money with the MSMC. My rushing class has the MSMC with Laser Sight and Fast Mag, which I run with Ghost instead of a Suppressor. I figure, by the time I'm done firing, I'm either dead, have moved on from that location on the radar, have a good enough idea of where the next enemy is coming from to engage effectively. Plus, I tend to run Scavenger so I always have plenty of stuns and nades.

I almost always run 4 perks, with Toughness ALWAYS in the second slot. It helps win head-to-head gunfights WAY too often to not have a permanent spot there. 1st tier I rotate fairly regularly between Flak Jacket (for Domination, Demo and Hardpoint), Hardline (for KC and TDM) and Lightweight (CTF). 3rd tier I generally rotate between Tac Mask (Dom, Demo and Hardpoint), Dead Silence (Search) and Dexterity (KC and TDM).


Wed, 02/20/2013 - 07:29 (Reply to #18)
clewis199's picture
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Maryland Maverick wrote:


New guy here, just joined yesterday. I've been running the AN-94 with a stock and silencer and it just tears people up at range. Blops 2 is certainly an SMG centric game, and most people tend to run SMGs or shotguns (blergh) so it's nice to be able to range opponents. I generally play on the PC, so having the stock on the AN-94 is invaluable when it comes to evasion while returning fire.

On the other hand, you're right on the money with the MSMC. My rushing class has the MSMC with Laser Sight and Fast Mag, which I run with Ghost instead of a Suppressor. I figure, by the time I'm done firing, I'm either dead, have moved on from that location on the radar, have a good enough idea of where the next enemy is coming from to engage effectively. Plus, I tend to run Scavenger so I always have plenty of stuns and nades.

I almost always run 4 perks, with Toughness ALWAYS in the second slot. It helps win head-to-head gunfights WAY too often to not have a permanent spot there. 1st tier I rotate fairly regularly between Flak Jacket (for Domination, Demo and Hardpoint), Hardline (for KC and TDM) and Lightweight (CTF). 3rd tier I generally rotate between Tac Mask (Dom, Demo and Hardpoint), Dead Silence (Search) and Dexterity (KC and TDM).


Welcome to the site, it's a great place to game 

Wed, 02/20/2013 - 16:26
jlw's picture
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New to the site here and thought I would jump in to the frey.

I typically run and gun and like to go fast so usually I like the SMG's but here lately I have been working on gold camo for the AR's When I first used the SCAR i didn't like it and put it away. Then picked it up last week and my favorite set up is Grip, Holographic and FMJ's. When I get into a groove it's a beast.

I also really like the SMR with the auto switch and foregrip.

For the SMG's I like the Vector with a red dot and I also like the MP7 with Red dot and Grip

Thu, 03/14/2013 - 10:52 (Reply to #20)
Markus's picture
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The only guns I can get to work for me are LMGs.  Although I have mainly been using the MK-48 I've recently branched out to the LSAT and am digging it.  The higher rate of fire seems to give it a slight edge over the 48 and despite putting more bullets down range I am a bit more accurate.

I switch between two different setups:

Hardline - Toughness - Engineer for perks

Dualband - Silencer - Foregrip for attachments.



Flak Jacket - Toughness - Tac Mask

Dualband - Silencer - Quick Draw


The first I run in TDM with maybe a shock charge.  The second is for objective with a smoke grenade.  I've tried a few other setups, messing with target finders, ACOGs, the stock, and/or FMJ but I always fall back on the main two setups.

Fri, 03/15/2013 - 15:25
BayouGeorge54's picture
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Depends on the map or game type:

TDM or KC large map: AN-94 or MTAR silenced with the stock

TDM or KC small map: MSMC, or EVO silenced with extended mags

Dom on Large Map: AN-94 with primary gunfighter

Dom on small map: Evo with extended mags

On Slums, any game type: I like the 870 with laser sights and either long barrel or (occaiionally) silencer



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