common sense things i should know about this game

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#1 Sat, 02/16/2013 - 10:51
MTPathy's picture
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common sense things i should know about this game

but dont...ready, set start!

Sat, 02/16/2013 - 11:01
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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It's more COD than Halo.
Sat, 02/16/2013 - 11:48 (Reply to #2)
LegendcalledJim's picture
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OMGaLaserPewPew wrote:
It's more COD than Halo.

Not. I play both and while there are CoD influences the gameplay is nothing like CoD.

Use the DMR its the best gun. It maybe getting nerfed in the future, but right now it should be your go to weapon.

Sat, 02/16/2013 - 22:51 (Reply to #3)
KamakazeTaco's picture
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OMGaLaserPewPew wrote:
It's more COD than Halo.


Pretty much this. The days of needing to communicate and hold down areas of the map are gone. Now you spawn with the boltshot which has better range than the shotgun and sit in a corner while invisible and let the rocket launchers fall at your feet.

Sat, 02/16/2013 - 12:10
Lbsutke's picture
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Dexterity, promethian vision and Thruster pack are probably your most usefully perks. 

Bolt shot as a secondary is common for a lot of people and will cause you to punch puppies.

Sticky detonator and rail gun are very nice weapons to use.

Maps are generally medium large to large.

Oddball is a game to keep away, usually holding up in one spot is not the norm anymore.

The specializations are not supper powerefull, they are usefull, but not over the top powerfull.

Tournement style playlist is coming on Monday, if that is your thing (think MLG settings) keep an eye out for it.

On I side note I will try to use the term tournement in replace of comp settings. IMO the term comp does not accurately depict the settings. People can be competitive and play BTB or Infinity Slayer.

Sat, 02/16/2013 - 12:44
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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What times do you play?  Sometimes, it's easier to see and hear, instead of read.

Sun, 02/17/2013 - 12:08 (Reply to #6)
MTPathy's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

What times do you play?  Sometimes, it's easier to see and hear, instead of read.


central around 8:30-9:30ish, playing lots of SpecOps at the moment cause i got bored with the normal campaign. i jump into multi on a pretty regular basis but it always seems like everyones much stronger than myself, after looking through my lvl and other stuff apparently i havent even unlocked wetworks or the other classes? yet. im thinking thats probably the issue cause its not that i cant point & shoot it just seems like everyone has much stronger weapons/abilities than myself.

Sun, 02/17/2013 - 13:38 (Reply to #7)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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MTPathy wrote:

Dixon_Tufar wrote:

What times do you play?  Sometimes, it's easier to see and hear, instead of read.


central around 8:30-9:30ish, playing lots of SpecOps at the moment cause i got bored with the normal campaign. i jump into multi on a pretty regular basis but it always seems like everyones much stronger than myself, after looking through my lvl and other stuff apparently i havent even unlocked wetworks or the other classes? yet. im thinking thats probably the issue cause its not that i cant point & shoot it just seems like everyone has much stronger weapons/abilities than myself.

No SpecOps or campaign. That won't get you to be a better player.  Shoot me a friend request and we'll see if we can't sync up some time.

Sun, 02/17/2013 - 19:50 (Reply to #8)
ks63's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

MTPathy wrote:

Dixon_Tufar wrote:

What times do you play?  Sometimes, it's easier to see and hear, instead of read.


central around 8:30-9:30ish, playing lots of SpecOps at the moment cause i got bored with the normal campaign. i jump into multi on a pretty regular basis but it always seems like everyones much stronger than myself, after looking through my lvl and other stuff apparently i havent even unlocked wetworks or the other classes? yet. im thinking thats probably the issue cause its not that i cant point & shoot it just seems like everyone has much stronger weapons/abilities than myself.

No SpecOps or campaign. That won't get you to be a better player.  Shoot me a friend request and we'll see if we can't sync up some time.

This isn't COD, Bud. Everyone gets the same weapons and damage. Stop playing Spec Ops and and get better playing against real players. Octagon anyone?

Sat, 02/16/2013 - 13:42
wamam87's picture
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have cover and  escape routes.

stay in reasonable proximity of teammates

grab power weapons. better to waste the ammo then let the other team have it.

you're not looking for a fair fight. you're looking for the upper hand. landing one or two shots before the enemy knows you are there is huge.

in a 1 on 1 fight start shooting at the enemies mid section. you don't need a headshot until their shields are gone.

shoot the same people your teammates are shooting. one bullet can save a teammate.


*revenge is sweet*

on the smaller maps, respawn (by pressing x) quickly. you will probably spawn near where you just died and can catch your opponents before their shields recharge.




Sat, 02/16/2013 - 16:16
Lou_Keymia's picture
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My best loadout is a LightRifle, BoltShot, Resuuply, Stability, Plasma nades, and Thruster Pack for my AA. In midrange maps I use the BR and small maps I have the AR, both with BoltShots, Resupply, Explosives, Frags and Thruster Pack. In vehicle maps I use LightRifle, Plasma Pistol, Plasma Nades, Gunner, Wheelman and Thruster Pack. In objective games I use Regeneration Field, AA Efficiency, and Pulse nades, with weapons comparable to map size. I find these loadouts highly effective. When playing SpOps I use LightRifle, Plasma Pistol, Plasma Nades, Ammo, AA Efficiency, and AutoTurret. I find loadout options that complement each other to be the most effective.
Sun, 02/17/2013 - 23:39
FreynApThyr's picture
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tweak your look sensitivity . there is probably a setting that will feel right to you. I've changed mine in every Halo game.

Mon, 02/18/2013 - 08:00
Matt Likes Beer's picture
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Spartan Ops is a great story! If you haven't played through all the episodes then you are really missing out. Its a great addition to the campaign and really adds to the story, it gives you a look at whats happening outside the story of Master Chief. I find myself looking forward to every Monday and a new SO Episode. I believe that this weeks newest episode will be the last one in Season 1.

Mon, 02/18/2013 - 12:35 (Reply to #13)
FreynApThyr's picture
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Matt Likes Beer wrote:

Spartan Ops is a great story! If you haven't played through all the episodes then you are really missing out. Its a great addition to the campaign and really adds to the story, it gives you a look at whats happening outside the story of Master Chief. I find myself looking forward to every Monday and a new SO Episode. I believe that this weeks newest episode will be the last one in Season 1.



I don't think anyone is saying Spartan Ops will make you a worse multi-player-player.  Except maybe Dixon, who is so mired in issues of his own sexuality that his judgement is not to be trusted in most matters.

However, I will agree that it will not noticeably improve your mutiplayer ability unless you are at the lowest levels of introduction to console FPS games.

That doesn't mean don't play it.  It's fun and only someone as self-loathing and seething with unresolved conflict as say, Dixon, would tell you to sacrifice fun in the name of a goal that only has a relative value to your overall appreciation of the game that you decide.

I absolutely view both aspects of the game (Campaign/Spartan Ops and multiplayer) as completely different game experieces as this point.  I would even go so far as to say that they have markedly different skillsets except for a tiny overlap.  However, I'm a fully actualized, emotionally mature heterosexual in a culture that favors people like that. 

Which is not say that anyone else (like Dixon for instance) is not.

Mon, 02/18/2013 - 13:18
FreynApThyr's picture
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Also, Throw more grenades.

Grenades have many uses and if you are dying with any it means you don't have enough uses for them.  Looking for more grenades on the map will also give you more purposeful movement which is another key to raising your level of situational awareness during multiplayer.

Check out the only film in BC Kinetic's fileshare for a lesson in getting a perfection.  Yes, he is playing terrible players.  Yes, he caught a nice piece of luck at the end.  However, the thing you will notice if you are reading this thread looking for help is how little he moves.  He moves when there is a reason to, and until he has one he is watching the map looking for a reason to go.

Now compare it to any film of me ever.  I'm bouncing around like a frog on a skillet.  Don't do that.

Mon, 02/18/2013 - 14:29
Duke12's picture
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Dixon is an excellent player, so I recommend his FR offer. Matchmaking with other 2o2p members is a lot of fun and great for boosting morale. As to how this easygoing amateur keeps matchmaking enjoyable but still challenging when he's going solo: I set minimal goals for myself.  I ideally try to play each gametype at least once, starting with least favorite and ending with most favorite (usually not all in one gaming session. I try to keep track of where I left off. And if I only play 3 or 4 games, I may play a "favorite" for my last one). If it's a Slayer type and I get less than my own "par" of kills (I won't tell you what that is, only that it is greater than zero :-) ), then I play that match again until I cumulatively reach that number. If it's an objective type (Capture the Flag, Oddball, etc.), I try to win one out of three matches before moving on to the next gametype (If I lose all three, I still move on, unless I had zero kills).
Not saying you should copy this approach: but finding any way to truly say "I played well" even though you came in dead last or next to last will keep you enjoying matchmaking and inevitably improving your abilities.

My skill level has also definitely improved (at least I tell myself that) from playing Deep's Thursday (and Tuesday "50 and over") custom games

Mon, 02/18/2013 - 18:57
Duke12's picture
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Another way I improved my matchmaking kills was to create a basic Forge map consisting of a grid, 2 initial spawns, 2 respawns, and a whole bunch of weapons so I could I could place myself and a dummy guest player to test how many shots it takes to kill with various weapons. Remember that unless you're playing Swat or Flood, you first have to bring the shields down (even if you're making all headshots) before you get to the kill shots. Some sample data from my "experiments" using a bit of shorthand: DMR: 4 shots (shields down), 3 (body kill), or 1 (headshot kill) (in other words, 5 to 7 shots total to kill. 3 to 1 shots to kill if playing Swat. Magnum: 5 (shield), 3 (body), 1 (head). BR: same as DMR. Assault or Storm Rifles: 4 bursts (shield) 2 bursts (kill) (results may vary depending on distance). Bolt shot, average distance (didn't measure): 10 (shield). 6 (body). 1 (head). Bolt shot, very very close: 1 shot kill (I've never pulled this off in matchmaking as yet. I mostly avoid boltshots).  If you're interested, I can provide more weapons data. But testing them yourself and counting shots while you're playing may help increase your score.

Tue, 02/19/2013 - 15:12
FreeRadikal's picture
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Step one: Turn on Xbox.

Tue, 02/19/2013 - 17:12 (Reply to #18)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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FreeRadikal wrote:

Step one: Turn on Xbox.


A very underrated and important step.  Take notes, guys.

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