Interesting Stats on Spartan Ops

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#1 Sat, 02/16/2013 - 22:11
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Interesting Stats on Spartan Ops

From David Ellis on NeoGAF


Off the too of my head I can answer one of those. The split between custom and matchmaking was 3:1 last I saw. And that split actually went up as the season went on. Since the matchmaking numbers similarly went up as we went along, players seem to have formed consistent groups of friends to play with weekly. Which is actually what we had hoped to see happen.

So if you see on Waypoint that 2000 people are playing Spartan Ops in MM then 6000 are playing via customs. These are the kinds of figures Halocharts can't get and may be what's behind Halo 4 still being the second place FPS on XBLive in spite of the continued Wargames MM population drop.

I haven't heard any numbers for campaign. Maybe they are as high or higher than previous Halo titles.


Sun, 02/17/2013 - 01:43
wamam87's picture
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that is indeed interesting.


so, does that in turn make all of the custom multiplayer games we play also diminish the perceived population?

Sun, 02/17/2013 - 07:25 (Reply to #2)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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wamam87 wrote:

that is indeed interesting.


so, does that in turn make all of the custom multiplayer games we play also diminish the perceived population?

I am not sure what you mean but will take a stab. 343 haven't offered figures for the number of players in custom Wargames. I'm fairly sure the more customs we play the lower the MM population has to be. I suppose more people could be playing custom Wargames than in previous titles but I kind of doubt it would be much different. Spartan Ops on the other hand is quite unique and it's population and patterns are probably still evolving.

Sun, 02/17/2013 - 03:47
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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Until he gives the average group size playing custom SpOps he can't make the claim that people have formed consistent friends they play custom SpOps with. For all we know, the majority could be playing them alone.
Sun, 02/17/2013 - 07:31 (Reply to #4)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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OMGaLaserPewPew wrote:
Until he gives the average group size playing custom SpOps he can't make the claim that people have formed consistent friends they play custom SpOps with. For all we know, the majority could be playing them alone.
I am assuming 343i is capable of extracting patterns from the data. There was a time I could have coded for a simple extraction similar to that. Ellis only said consistent groups and not how many in a group. Could be 2 to 4.

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