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What year were you born? Obvious Question for an older gamer site right?
I don't know if anyone else has been watching this race on the Top Members list, but I have been rivetted by it all week!
(Moved by Dixon Tufar)
those whores don't deserve the time of day from a quality member like myself.
wamam87 wrote: neither. those whores don't deserve the time of day from a quality member like myself.
I win
ChurchPro wrote: I win
you cheat worse here than you do on the track.
now get back in the garage!
Does no one care about this epic battle? I mean it's the 2old2play super bowl!
FreeRadikal wrote: Does no one care about this epic battle? I mean it's the 2old2play super bowl!
I decided that I am going to delete posts from those with higher counts. I'll cheat to win, I don't care.
Lala Calamari wrote: I decided that I am going to delete posts from those with higher counts. I'll cheat to win, I don't care.
Start with Church.
{ that should keep him busy for quite a while.}
I'll also lock this thread.
Yeah, I'll cheat.
Hey, wait. Doodi gave me a set of keys too.
Don't shut our Pub!!
See what Radikal started?
Oh, my money's on the Squid, Knight gets tired out easily and his train of thoughts a tad erratic.
How about a Mod War sig match?
Tired easy! stabbed in the back by one of my own... Lala...who new anyone cared?
KnightofRedemption wrote: Tired easy! stabbed in the back by one of my own... Lala...who new anyone cared?
Yeah right? Most people hate me on the site. Go figure.
I too have a set of keys...They just are the wrong bloody keys and don't work, DOOOODIIIIIIII
© 2007 Media Crumb Inc. All rights reserve Media Crumb Inc.
those whores don't deserve the time of day from a quality member like myself.
I win
you cheat worse here than you do on the track.
now get back in the garage!
Does no one care about this epic battle? I mean it's the 2old2play super bowl!
I decided that I am going to delete posts from those with higher counts. I'll cheat to win, I don't care.
Start with Church.
{ that should keep him busy for quite a while.}
I'll also lock this thread.
Yeah, I'll cheat.
Hey, wait. Doodi gave me a set of keys too.
Don't shut our Pub!!
See what Radikal started?
Oh, my money's on the Squid, Knight gets tired out easily and his train of thoughts a tad erratic.
How about a Mod War sig match?
Tired easy! stabbed in the back by one of my own...
Lala...who new anyone cared?
Yeah right? Most people hate me on the site. Go figure.
I too have a set of keys...They just are the wrong bloody keys and don't work,