Going to be interesting this year. The cars are vastly different, especially underneath the skin. Can't wait. Adelaide is in a week or 2.
It's too bad the current crop of Nissans (with the exception of the Z) are so hideous to look at. The V8SC is better...but still not that pleasing to look at.
Old news..gif)
Going to be interesting this year. The cars are vastly different, especially underneath the skin. Can't wait. Adelaide is in a week or 2..gif)
It's too bad the current crop of Nissans (with the exception of the Z) are so hideous to look at. The V8SC is better...but still not that pleasing to look at.
Can't wait for May. Austin baby!.gif)
Love the sound of the Nissan's though!
i might be making the trip to austin myself.
Sweet. There is actually a few of us heading down for the races. Going to be a blast.
Why do they all look the same
That is just pure porn on the ears