Final Mass Effect 3 SP and MP DLC comes out Tuesday! Protheans, Primes, Omni-Bow added to MP!

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#1 Sun, 02/24/2013 - 14:25
GbHaseo's picture
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Final Mass Effect 3 SP and MP DLC comes out Tuesday! Protheans, Primes, Omni-Bow added to MP!

BioWare has announced the final batch of single-player DLC for Mass Effect 3, titled Citadel, with the developer promising players an "emotional ride with their favourite characters."

Citadel promises to bring fan-favourite characters along for "one final, sentimental journey" in Commander Shepard's trilogy, including Miranda, Garrus, and Wrex.

The file size of the content is so big that Xbox 360 owners will be required to download it in two chunks b/c it breaks the Microsoft's 2GB DLC limit, it's rumored to be close to 4GB in size, having to pay 1,200MSP for the first part and then getting the second for free. Citadel will not function on the Xbox 360 without the first pack.

PC and PS3 users will get all of Citadel in one download. The pack will be released on March 5 for $14.99/1,200MSP.

"When a sinister conspiracy targets Commander Shepard," wrote BioWare community manager Chris Priestly on BioWare's forums, "you and your team must uncover the truth, through battles and intrigue that range from the glamour of the Citadel’s Wards to the top-secret Council Archives. Uncover the truth and fight alongside your squad--as well as the cast from the original Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2."

In addition to Garrus, Miranda, and Wrex, BioWare has teased a return for Liara, James, and Kaidan in the pack's screenshots.

After players have finished the main chunk of content, Citadel will contain an additional hub to explore, promising both minigames and additional story content.

"When the adventure is over, reconnect with your favorite characters from the Mass Effect Trilogy, try your luck at the Citadel's Silver Coast Casino, blow off steam in the Armax Combat Arena, or explore and furnish Shepard's own living quarters on the Citadel. With unique content and cinematics featuring your friends and romance interests in the Mass Effect trilogy, Mass Effect 3: Citadel offers one final chance to see the characters you have known for years and rekindle romances."

"The team has poured heart and soul into Mass Effect 3: Reckoning and Mass Effect 3: Citadel. As the launch of these chapters near, the feeling around the studio is bittersweet," said executive producer Casey Hudson.

Alongside Citadel, BioWare formally announced the previously rumoured Reckoning multiplayer pack, which will be released for free on February 26.

"Newfound allies join the multiplayer war for survival in Mass Effect 3: Reckoning," said Priestly. "The Geth Juggernaut, Female Turian Cabal Raptor Vanguard, Talon Mercenary, the EDI Alliance Infiltration Unit, and more take up arms to stop the Reaper threat. Smash your enemies with the Biotic Hammer as you lay waste to the battlefield as the Krogan Warlord. Along with over 12 new powers never before seen in either SP or MP"

"Wield 7 new weapons for multiplayer, including the Geth Spitfire Assault Rifle, Venom Shotgun, Lancer Assault Rifle, and amplify your arsenal with new equipment and weapon mods featuring the Geth Scanner and Assault Rifle Ultralight materials."

Sun, 02/24/2013 - 14:28
GbHaseo's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/29/2012 - 14:35

For those who are really interested in the MP here's all the info I've gathered so far:

Information we know:

-All kits will be available on release, not staggered as with Retaliation

-5 confirmed kits, and more... There's enough that Chrish Sanche could "narrow it down to four favourites"

-There are more new powers in this pack than in any previous DLC, much of which have not been seen in SP

-Possible Hazard variant of Hydra, though unconfirmed.


-Female Turian Raptor: has three brand-new powers, never before seen in either MP or SP

-Geth Juggernaut: seems to use the model for the Geth Prime, and is in the Soldier class. He has reduced mobility and can't take cover, but has higher health/shields and stagger resistance than any previous character, though he can climb ladders. He has Geth Turret and two new powers. Possible immunity to sync kill. Juggernaut will also have a pulse cannon, as with existing enemy primes.

-The Alliance Infiltration Unit appears to use the EDI-model as a base. Go figure.

-Krogan Warlord: Has a unique rage mechanic, and is able to buff his hammer with various effects. May be similar to the Paladin's shield.

-The Talon Merc, Female Turian, and Infiltration Unit all cater towards a similar playstyle based on the Warlord and Juggernaut, these seem to be the more lightly-armoured, agile characters.

Mon, 02/25/2013 - 08:30
Caduceus's picture
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"Wrex." "Shepard." Just repeat that interchange for 4-6 hours and I'm good.
Mon, 02/25/2013 - 22:03
GbHaseo's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/29/2012 - 14:35

Lol, I loved doing that over and over again. For those of you interested here's a lot of info from the livestream!

Geth Juggernaut:
-NO sync kills
-CAN sync enemies with heavy melee, which drains shields
-Cannot be staggered
-Extremely high Shields/Health, regens health by default
-[Hex Shield] power: Deploys a wall which blocks both player and enemy fire. Does not block explosions and can be walked through.
-[Geth Turret] power: Same as Engineer
-[Pulse Cannon] power: Like a Geth Prime's Pulse Cannon; player didn't go into specifics
Talon Engineer (Human)
-Unique ranged Heavy Melee, an Omni-Crossbow
-Omni-Crossbow light melee is a spread blast of bolts, heavy melee is a concentrated shot. Aims like a power, not a gun.
-All powers are ammunition based (like grenades), but his passive gives grenade regeneration based on your weight.
[Concussive Arrow] power: Buffs your Crossbow to use concussive bolts for a set amount of uses. Ragdoll'd a shielded target.
[Trip Mine] power: Fires like Prox Mine or Recon Mine, and has a laser trip detonator. Deals huge damage like recon mine
[Armor Piercing Arrows] power: Huge single Target damage, looks like it one shot a Dragoon in the video.
Turian Cabal Vanguard
-Best mobility: has the fastest teleportation dodges
-Player remarked on being a 'skill intensive' character
-Unique poison/corrosion on melee attacks and powers (cannot be detonated)
-[Poison Strike] power: Cabal's Biotic Charge replacement. It is NOT a target attack, you teleport forward and damage enemies inbetween. Also does NOT regenerate shields. Can go through walls and objects.
-[Nightshade Blades] power: Reminiscent of Ballistic Blades, but faster. Counts as a grenade power
-[Biotic Focus] power: Biotic version of Adrenaline Rush. Boosts biotics and melee
Krogan Warlord Sentinel
-HAMMER TIME: Hammer heavy melee, light melee combos into hammer attack. When sprinting, you can use the normal Krogan headbutt
-Cannot take cover, CAN be sync killed
-Health regen always, easiest Rage (last melee fitness rank allows Rage to trigger on one melee kill)
-[Biotic Hammer] power: Charges your hammer with biotics for a set amount of uses. Not grenade based. Meant for single target spike damage.
-[Electric Hammer] power: Charges hammer with electricity. Meant for Crowd Control.
-[Tech Armor] power: Normal Tech Armor
Alliance Infiltration Unit
-EDI-like robot with unique dodges
-Looks to be the new scrub character
-Kick light melee, Uppercut Heavy Melee
-[Tactical Cloak] clone power: Like Tactical Cloak, but with a SHOTGUN evo
-[Repair Matrix] power: An ammo power that repairs shields. If you die while its on, you get back up.
-[Snap Freeze] power: Normal Snap Freeze
Collector Adept
-Not played, only showed on select screen for a moment
[Dark Sphere] power
[Dark Channel] power
[Seeker Swarm] power


[Geth Spitfire] AR, Ultra Rare
-Heaviest weapon in the game, slows walking speed, ridiculous clip size

[M-7 Lancer] AR, Ultra Rare
-Lightest UR rifle, reminiscent of ME1 weapons

[Venom Shotgun] Shotgun, Ultra Rare
[Blood Pack Punisher] SMG, Ultra Rare
[Blood Pack Executioner] Pistol, Rare
[Adas Assault Rifle] AR, Rare

Power Enhancer for Pistols and SMGs
Ultra-light Materials for Shotguns, Snipers, and ARs

[Batarian Gauntlet] - Overrides your Heavy Melee to the Batarian punch, with base 800 damage
[Geth Scanner] - Hunter Vision-like sight, without Hunter Vision's buffs or shield penalty. Does not stack with Hunter Vision

No new Maps
No new Enemies

Tue, 02/26/2013 - 13:42
Slater's picture
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Hey, you should join us sometime. Have a pretty regular crew.

Tue, 02/26/2013 - 18:13
GbHaseo's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/29/2012 - 14:35

Yeah, I've heard there are some people here that play it, I just never saw any of them til now. I'll send ya a FR and if anyone is looking for someone feel free to do the same to me.

Fri, 03/01/2013 - 19:48
MrGuster's picture
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I've been thinking of popping this in lately. This may give me an excuse to do it. I miss the simplicity and fun of the multiplayer when compared to other games. Plus the MP just works in this game.

Sat, 03/02/2013 - 08:01
Caduceus's picture
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I am not a huge multiplayer fan and even I managed to get into it ;)


Mon, 03/04/2013 - 03:09
GbHaseo's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
Joined: 10/29/2012 - 14:35

It's definately fun, and addicting.

The final MP dlc was pretty bumming though honestly. The talon with the Omni crossbow is really weak on gold and above, the Vanguard is really glitchy and her main attack doesn't hit enemies most of the time, the new Krogan isn't as powerful as he should be for the reduced speed and size they gave him so I've been sync-killed a lot with him. 5-6 of the 7 new weapons are almost useless, there was no new maps, no new hazards. Just 6 characters the Collector is a ultra rare, 2 new gear, Ultra light materials for every gun now, and 7 new guns 3 of which are ultra rare weapons. Hopefully after some buffs, things will improve though, at least I hope.

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