I'm here. Haven't had much gaming time lately. And what little I've had has been playing Gears of War 1,2, and 3. After that I've got the Bioshock series to play through, though I have been playing some Diablo 3 lately as well. Plus Skyrim came with my new Xbox so I suppose I should see what all the fuss is there too. :)
Sorry I'm not posting let alone looking at the forums on a daily basis; but medical school is taking up a huge portion of my life right now, so video games are a second priority, I still squeek in some time here and there with a few games such as SkyRim and Borderlands 2 for the 360, and Dishonored for the PS3. But once this semester concludes and I'm free for the summer (with the exception of working full time for the City of Windsor) , so I'll be able to actually enjoy these newer games coming out.
I read it and do the occasional post. Lately though, life has gotten in the way of gaming. I have some games that are still wrapped.
I am around.
yep check it out when I see a new post :)
I also check on a regular.
I left town for 2 days. I have returned though!
i am sporaticat best ...
That's ok man. We still love you. Say hello to the family. :)
I don't post but I lurk around daily.
This (I'm that lazy)
I'm here. Haven't had much gaming time lately. And what little I've had has been playing Gears of War 1,2, and 3. After that I've got the Bioshock series to play through, though I have been playing some Diablo 3 lately as well. Plus Skyrim came with my new Xbox so I suppose I should see what all the fuss is there too. :)
I follow the group the pretty regularly
Sorry I'm not posting let alone looking at the forums on a daily basis; but medical school is taking up a huge portion of my life right now, so video games are a second priority, I still squeek in some time here and there with a few games such as SkyRim and Borderlands 2 for the 360, and Dishonored for the PS3. But once this semester concludes and I'm free for the summer (with the exception of working full time for the City of Windsor) , so I'll be able to actually enjoy these newer games coming out.
Manbat has been offline for awhile. I did talk to him last night and he has some things to sort out. I am sure he will be back.
I did hear from Fale a while back. He is doing well but I don't know if he swings by at all.
Mostly lurk on the formus, but sometimes the inspiration strikes me!
Usually drop in about twice a week to see if there's anything new.There usually is but not the games i play.Oh well...
Sorry to have missed the Feb post. I read unless I am intensely working on a game and will write for tips as I need them.