Sweet! I've suckered another friend in.

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#1 Wed, 02/27/2013 - 10:40
Sherb's picture
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Sweet! I've suckered another friend in.

Had a friend (one of the guys I race with) that mentioned he was looking at GW2.

With a little poking and prodding (well, ok, maybe not) he pulled the trigger yesterday.  I've got someone to run around with and try to complete out the PvE now.  Had fun last night for about an hour or so before I called it a night.  I'd still like to try WvW one of these days, though I still need to get my Ele up a bit higher (in the low 30's now).

Thu, 02/28/2013 - 21:40
Grex's picture
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nice another born every min.  j/k

go into wvw and look for the zerg just follow them around and you will level up real quick.  going in up levels your stats to 80. your just missing the gear.

Fri, 03/01/2013 - 00:34 (Reply to #2)
Sherb's picture
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Haha.  He was already looking at it, and mentioned it after a race earlier this week (might have been after the Playboy Cup races Monday night).  My response, "Oh really?  I got it, and really like it...as long as you aren't expecting a clone of WoW or D3."  He purchased it that night.  151

Sat, 05/25/2013 - 10:15
LocGaw's picture
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Is GW2 free to play or is there a sub?

Sun, 05/26/2013 - 00:44
Lala Calamari's picture
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It's completely free to play.  You can purchase items via the store but you can use cash or in game gold.  That said, I've given ANET a good amout of cash.  Not close to a $15 a month sub fee though.

Sun, 05/26/2013 - 07:58
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just 60 for the game.  it isn't a pay to win either all the stuff in the store is mainly cosmetic or boosters. so you can play all aspects of the game with only dropping the purchase price which is nice.  PvE is good, WvW is my favorite, PvP is kinda weak but playable.

Mon, 05/27/2013 - 01:37
Lala Calamari's picture
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The the things I buy are extra bag / bank slots. That's about it.  

Tue, 05/28/2013 - 12:21
Sherb's picture
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Locgaw, if you do pull the trigger, I believe most of us are still running around on the Fort Aspenwood servers.

I haven't spent a dime on it other than the initial purchase.  Though I can see the benefit of additional bags.....  But I'll be better off trying to upgrade to 15 slot bags first.....I think.

Tue, 06/04/2013 - 11:47
LocGaw's picture
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I was thinking about it. AoC just isn't cutting it for me. I can't play Neverwinter all the time either.

Tue, 06/04/2013 - 15:40
Sherb's picture
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It's been a HUGE time sucker for me here the past couple weeks (I really need to get on Neverwinter, but I can't get away).  If I'm at home and not racing, I've been on GW2.  Finding a good guild takes it to a whole other level.  While I enjoyed it before, after getting hooked up w/ PACT, it's been almost intoxicating.  I've been having a blast running in various parties.  And have even started to dabble in World vs World a bit.  I've heard lots of good things about sF (Lala's guild) as well.  I probably would've gone over there if I hadn't clicked w/ PACT as well as I have.  The only one I would probably steer clear of is GODS.

Tue, 06/04/2013 - 15:42
DasBoba's picture
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It's a great game.  I've played so many MMO's since way back when I started DAoC, and this is the first one that has held my attention as long as DAoC did.  If you like the action based combat of AoC, you'll probably love this game.  It's very fast paced, easy to get into yet tough to master.  The best part is you can go into wvw/pvp at any level and it will level you up to 80.  Now, in wvw you won't have the max stats or traits you'd have decked out in exotics at lvl80, but it's plenty good enough to have fun fights.  Lala, Grex, and I spent a ton of our leveling time on our necros levelled up in wvw.  It truly is free to play.  I've spent some money on non mandatory items, but you can also buy gems with gold so you don't really ever have to use real money.  Cheers, hope you get the game.

Wed, 06/05/2013 - 11:41
LocGaw's picture
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The 2 things about AoC I can't stand have to do with the combat. It is tough for me to program good custom macros into my lycosa given the directional layout of the game. Second, I am sick of people comming along and chopping me down from behind when I got 3-4 mobs on me.

Wed, 06/05/2013 - 12:33
Sherb's picture
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I can't really answer to the first item, as I've never used macros.  I did pick up a Razer Naga to gain the buttons on the side of the mouse for easy spell activation though.

As to the second part, that's why I gave up on WoW pretty quickly.  It got to where I couldn't even leave a town without getting killed w/in a minute, unless you were in a party.  The "help" I got was, "Well, you need to get your character leveled up before you can really enjoy the game."  Sorry, not going to dredge through leveling, not having any fun, in the hopes the game might get better.  Never made it past my 3 week trial.

That is one of the things I love about GW2, is the 3 distinct lobbies.  You've got options of how to play, depending on what mood you're in.  Player vs Player (PvP), which pits players either 1 on 1 or small groups against each other.  Most claim this is the weakest point of the game, but some people still love it.  I've never run in that lobby, so I've got no personal input.  World vs World (WvW), which pits 3 servers against each other on 4 different battlefields.  This is the part of the game some people live for (Lala 154).  It can get nuts.  Open battlefield battles, Keep seige (and defense).  Player vs Environment (PvE), puts you against the computer world.  This is the home of the storylines, exploration, open environment events, dungeons, and guild events.  No player kills here.  Some events will require a party (or in some cases several parties), though you will frequently find large groups gathering for the major events.  This is my perfered playground.  I really enjoy running around the map in a small party working on map completions, taking part in the world events, and eventually dungeon runs (I've only run one storyline dungeon so far).

The nice thing is, you can freely move about the different game modes with the same toon.  You don't have to switch toons when you're in the mood to jump to another mode.

One of the other things I really like about GW2, is the areas "adjust" your level based on the area your in (they will adjust down, not up 161).  The huge advantage here is you can have people that are vastly different levels, and it doesn't turn into a complete wipe-fest w/ the level 80 clearing the whole field before the new level 5 player can even get a shot in (my biggest gripe w/ Diablo3).  It allows more opportunities for friends to run together, even though they have completely different time availabilities.  You don't have to create a new toon for each group of people you run with.

Feel free to ask away if you got any questions.  I'm still "newish" (I kinda set the game aside for a couple months when I got really busy) even though I got it at release, so some of the others may be able to offer better insight.

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