A new problem I never knew existed.

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#1 Tue, 03/05/2013 - 16:50
brntguy's picture
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A new problem I never knew existed.

Has anyone ever had this happen to them?

Well this popped up last nite and I have never seen this problem or heard of it happening to anyone else ever. I have been working on a livery for a few sessions now but have just been saving my work on the car and not the catalog since it has the ford manufacturer logo in it. So I finish it last nite and swap the manufacturer ford logo with a custom ford logo instead so I can save the whole livery without having to drop the ford logo. When I go to save it to catalog it saves fine, but saves it as being a locked livery complete with lock icon. I can't gift the livery or sell it cuz it's locked but if I take a new car and load that locked livery I can edit it in the livery editor. I have tried saving it a couple times and each time it locks the livery. I deleted them, then tried to save, same problem. So I take another car with a livery I have been working on and try saving that, it locked that livery also. But if I load either of them I can take them into the editor and it doesn't give me the locked message, but If I try to gift it tells me I can't cuz it's a locked livery. Wtf?!!

Tue, 03/05/2013 - 17:17
jcotter13's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
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That's a new one to me.

I'm assuming the custom ford logo isn't locked right? if you use any custom logos that were purchased instead of gited, they will of course lock thehwhole livery too. Look through the layers &make sure you haven't missed one maybe. A manufacturer logo from the premade game logos shouldn't lock the car though. so it shouldn't have locked in the 1st place.

Tue, 03/05/2013 - 17:25
brntguy's picture
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No it's not locked, in fact I ungrouped it to change the color from black to light ford blue. After going into the game today to see if it was still acting funky. I believe I can take a just bought car, change the paint color of the car then go and save it to design catalog and it will save that livery as a locked design.

Tue, 03/05/2013 - 19:11
jcotter13's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
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That just makes no sense.

Tue, 03/05/2013 - 19:22
brntguy's picture
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Cuz apparently it's not, I did indeed have a locked vinyl in the livery. Dumb S.O.B. DOH!

Thu, 03/07/2013 - 09:06 (Reply to #5)
Fitzy's picture
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brntguy wrote:

Cuz apparently it's not, I did indeed have a locked vinyl in the livery. Dumb S.O.B. DOH!

It's ok brnt everyone is allowed a Parcells moment now and then.

Wed, 03/06/2013 - 00:07
Scorpio Asssassin's picture
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its almost as if tho you have forgotten about 1 or more other manufacture Logos you forgot about.

Wed, 03/06/2013 - 06:20
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Yeah, it sounded like a manufacturer logo hidden somewhere.

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