2Old2Shoot's BLOPs 2 Clan Night. Open invite to 2old2play! 3/6
Wed, 02/27/2013 - 10:20
2Old2Shoot's BLOPs 2 Clan Night. Open invite to 2old2play! 3/6
Tonight 2Old2Shoot will be running it's weekly Clan night. We'll be playing private games of Black Ops 2 all night long. Sticks and Stones or LMGs only on Nuketown is a friggin blast. We'll even try to squeeze in some of the new maps. If you're interested in hopping on for a few games, sign up here or send Gunny, Disneynut68, MNVikesfan or me a message and we'll get you in. We'll most likely be running two rooms and we'd like to fill both up.
I'm usually more of a Hardcore fan, but I might try to drop in. Any particular time?
My XBox tag is "TheOtherBeaker"
i'm intrested usually after 9pm on thursdays i'm available send invite to my xbl tag tg ragin cajun also send fr if u want
Bump for this weeks clan night. Hit me, Gunny, Disneynut68, or MNVikesfan up on XBox Live for an invite.