HALO Motorsports ...Updated...

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#1 Fri, 11/30/2012 - 14:02
Kenjamin1 MI's picture
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HALO Motorsports ...Updated...

H4 Mongoose Racing? - I know you've been waiting for me to Go-OFF!! on the missing RACE gametype. ...But, I was patient, and it paid off. In the spirit of Halo 3 VIP Racing - clever mongoose speedsters and race map forgers have adapted the King of the Hill gametype for scored race matches. Sweeeeet!!!

The gametype is RACETRACKS and can be suited to any of the Halo 4 map variants. I discovered a boat-load of maps in the fileshare of a Forge ace I've been downloading race maps from since H3, - CoookkieMonster - Try his SplashMountain on Ravine. He's has already set up H3-style race maps on every H4 variant. (*show-off)

I'll put the gametype into My Fileshare and recommend, I'm unsure of original author, but halotracks was in on it.

Tested, and with a cheater-proof Hill Marker, works great, and if you fill the map with full allotment of Ghosts, Hogs and Mongeese, they all spawn Mongoose, giving you 20+ that keep your respawn area full of wheels. Pretty Cool! 

Race maps on the way!!! - JAMN    (*H4 Laguna Seca is in the works...23)


UPDATE: HALO Motorsports –


(Gametypes listed by mayhem level, least to greatest) Items in BOLD can be downloaded from my fileshare [JAMN fileshare]

RACETRACKS – Non-Combat Racing (KotH) - Masta Hippie/Halotracks.org

Excellent adaptation of the King of the Hill gametype for competitive Lap/Forge Track Racing.

ALL Players on SAME Team. Player with most Time in Hill Wins. *Set Time Limit to approx. 5-10 min.

Default Loadout - AR and +1 Frag – Mongoose Vehicle Set

Straight-forward Mongoose Racing. Developed by halotracks.org for their Community Forge Map Contributors. No Passenger, Non-combat, Fast-as-you-can, make it to the Finish Line (Hill) more often than the other players. This gametype is based on a One Hill setup, usually with cheat-protection around the Hill. The ALL SAME TEAM format is to allow all players to score, even when crossing the hill with another driver. Same team also allows for everyone to talk to each other during the race and laugh together when you fall to your death. …How Suicide? [more MAPS and details elsewhere in this thread]

TRACK WARS – Combat Racing (KotH) - Kenjamin1 MI

Adaptation of RACETRACKS to include battle, to slow down your teammates. Friendly-Fire Enabled.

ALL Players on SAME Team. Player(s) with most Time in Hill Win(s). Time: 10 min.

Default Loadout - Plasma Pistol OR Sticky Launcher with Rocket Launcher – All Human Vehicle Set

RACETRACKS, but… after a few at the UNSC Tavern. Full-Battle Racing. Hogs, Rockets and Betrayals. Choose to go Lone Wolf on a Mongoose or pick-up someone with Rockets? Splatter that pedestrian, or stop and get them in your Warthog turret? Choose Wisely!! It’s still a race to get Hill Points. Works on most race maps that are setup for RACETRACKS gametype. *You should test to see that Warthogs will spawn, and can finish a complete lap, on your map. ALL SAME TEAM = Sweet Talk OR Smack Talk? [MAP: Red Wheel v2 – Kenjamin1 MI]

WRECK IT RACE – Team Rocket Race (KotH) - Kenjamin1 MI

Adaptation of King of the Hill, functions similar to Rocket Race (H3/Reach).

Teams. 2-4 teams recommended. Team with most Hill Points Wins. Time: 8 min.

Default Loadout - Plasma Pistol OR Sticky Launcher with Rocket Launcher – All Human Vehicle Set

Similar to classic Rocket Race this gametype uses multiple hills to lure you and your team all around the map trying to control the Hills. The Default Hill Point Limit is 10 points (seconds), it can be set to 1 point (second), for faster action or smaller maps. Multiple team members together in the Hill will boost the speed it is taken. Ex. One player on a Mongoose alone – hill takes 10 seconds, but a Warthog with passenger and gunner (3 players) – hill takes 3.3 seconds approx. Multiple teams in the Hill – nobody scores points. The Hill has 10 Points to give, the next Hill location appears when the 10 points are taken. Vehicles are indestructible, and will protect you when using them. Find yourself on your feet and you will soon visit the ReSpawn Zone. [MAP: WRECK IT - narok (ragnarok) – Kenjamin1 MI -use Red-Blue-Gold-Green]

*RACETRACKS – TRACK WARS and WRECK IT RACE can all be adjusted in the Game Options Menu to change Game Duration and change Vehicle Sets (Mongoose, Warthog or All Human). Modify to suit the map you are using and the vehicles available at spawn. Some racing maps may not support the Warthog, and very few support the Ghost. Test and enjoy. You Control The Hill!

HOGMANIA – (Slayer) - Spidey2222

Team Vehicle chaos with bonus points for Splats, Sticks and Kills.

Teams. 2-4 teams recommended. Team with most Total Points Wins. 150 pts. or 20 min.

Default Loadout – Shotgun with Magnum and +1 Sticky – Map Default Vehicle Set

Team Slayer Amped-Up. Find your Team and find a HOG! You May Begin… [MAP: Hogtown 1.2 (ravine) – Spidey2222]


EDIT: Modded gametypes for select forge maps..

RACE v1.1 - by synth - operates similar to Race in REACH

Rocket Race - by Gabo - operates similar to Rocket Race in H3 and REACH



...more info in thread below...


Sat, 12/01/2012 - 12:59
Quadricept's picture
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I enjoy these at the social gatherings. Curious to see how roller-coastery the new forge tools can make them.

Mon, 12/03/2012 - 08:43
Kenjamin1 MI's picture
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Update: That Splash Mountain has one jump that may frustrate many, but is really fun to drive those curves.

I tried the ducain23 - Star Wars Space Battle race featured on Waypoint, awesome thrill jumps and gravity assists. But also has some frustrating spots. I modified the Hill location for racing, as the original encourages cheaters/fallers.

My sons and I built a race map - Needs More SILO's - on Impact. In my fileshare, more like an ATV terrain race, with less risky parts. Have fun!

(The RACETRACKS gametype is setup for all players on the SAME team, each scoring points for time in the Hill - different teams crossing the hill together would cause "Hill Contested" and neither player gets the score.) - Try a most points in 5 minutes race. On LIME Team!!!

*Thanks to Nunder and Squatter for the test laps on Sunday!

Mon, 12/03/2012 - 09:41
SquatterBag's picture
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Next time we need to do it in pairs so we can shoot at each other durring the race. A well timed plasma pistal can cause some fun.

Tue, 12/04/2012 - 15:15
BCyclops's picture
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This is great news. I thought that Halo racing was gone forever, but leave it to clever forgers to find a way to make it work once again.

Fri, 02/01/2013 - 13:34
Kenjamin1 MI's picture
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I found another fun track by CoookkieMonster - Hazardous Sewage on Erosion. 

... sad because I can't do my Forge DREAM Map. Well, at least not without using teleporters, the 3 forgeable maps are too small. 67


I tried to do it in REACH but ran out of budget, I may try doing it in layers on Impact. ?? maybe for Warthogs?

(Use RACETRACKS gametype, everyone on same team, set time for 10 to 12 minutes - to avoid thumb pain, most time in Hill wins)

btw - what can you build in COD?? 

Mon, 02/04/2013 - 09:00 (Reply to #6)
hyghwayman's picture
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Kenjamin1 MI wrote:


btw - what can you build in COD?? 

 114 you said it!

This is awesome news, ty for sharing this info. I and a few friends had a blast racing on Planet Reach. I wonder if DEEP would ever include a race or two on custom nights?

Here is a vid of a race we had back in 2011





Mon, 02/04/2013 - 12:11
Kenjamin1 MI's picture
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Thanks Hyghwayman. hit me up if you are looking to drive a few laps.

He (DEEP NNN) did once or twice back in the Reach days, but not all the Halo playing members are mongoose race fans. (my blog page has a couple clips from Reach race maps I did).

Mon, 02/04/2013 - 15:48 (Reply to #8)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Kenjamin1 MI wrote:

Thanks Hyghwayman. hit me up if you are looking to drive a few laps.

He (DEEP NNN) did once or twice back in the Reach days, but not all the Halo playing members are mongoose race fans. (my blog page has a couple clips from Reach race maps I did).

All I need is a reminder so I can hand you the room to set it up. smiley

One good Race map is not a problem, even for the less inclined.

Mon, 02/04/2013 - 16:38
MTPathy's picture
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yeah i heard about this game type in the other halo games, curious to check it out. is this something thats just being played in user created maps or is their an actual community of people that play?

Mon, 02/04/2013 - 18:50 (Reply to #10)
Kenjamin1 MI's picture
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@ DEEP - I'll try to remember, but I usually like the maps and gametypes you pick anyway.

MTPathy wrote:

...is this something thats just being played in user created maps or is their an actual community of people that play?

It was a specific gametype only in Reach, not yet in Halo 4. This RACETRACKS gametype is a modified King of the Hill. The maps are all user-made, some are much better than others. You can find them at ForgeHub and Halotracks and other Halo websites. The die-hard race map folks even break them down into classifications, Rollercoaster, Doublewide, Terrain, SX-MX, etc. Try out some mentioned above, they are fun with a room full of friends!

Tue, 02/05/2013 - 10:20
FreeRadikal's picture
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Awesome! Can't wait to try them out!

Tue, 02/05/2013 - 12:37
Quadricept's picture
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I like the goose maps. extra fun with a passenger and some shooting.

Tue, 02/05/2013 - 13:05
Kenjamin1 MI's picture
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I'm working on a "tweaked" Race-KotH for full-on battle races, but it needs some group testing. (uses Warthogs - Plasma Pistol or Sticky Launcher with Rockets loadouts. Still a race for hill points but with two or three in a Hog... could be fun?) 

Tue, 02/05/2013 - 14:50 (Reply to #14)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Kenjamin1 MI wrote:

I'm working on a "tweaked" Race-KotH for full-on battle races, but it needs some group testing. (uses Warthogs - Plasma Pistol or Sticky Launcher with Rockets loadouts. Still a race for hill points but with two or three in a Hog... could be fun?) 

If it works for 16 players, bring it. smiley

Sun, 02/17/2013 - 12:08 (Reply to #15)
Kenjamin1 MI's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Kenjamin1 MI wrote:

I'm working on a "tweaked" Race-KotH for full-on battle races, but it needs some group testing. (uses Warthogs - Plasma Pistol or Sticky Launcher with Rockets loadouts. Still a race for hill points but with two or three in a Hog... could be fun?) 

If it works for 16 players, bring it. smiley

All Right Then!!! - TRACK WARS ( in my fileshare ) is based on the King of the Hill settings used in RACETRACKS, with the addition of blowing each other UP! - I'll post a better description later, it still needs everyone on same team. It is still a contest to get the most HILL TIME, the battle is just to slow down the opponents, uh, teammates, um... Choose friend and foe wisely.., passenger and gunner also get hill score.

So far, ...it works on any track map that supports RACETRACKS gametype.

Vehicle Sets: All Human - (Default), Mongoose or Warthog. Change in -Game Options-General Settings.

Some track types may not suit warthogs, run mongoose for RocketRace!!!

Wed, 02/06/2013 - 18:47
SquatterBag's picture
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me me me, the only tracks i have are the ones i saved from our last run.

Thu, 02/07/2013 - 12:33
Kenny Grindall's picture
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I'd been meaning to check out C-Monster's tracks for a long while. Finally browsed Halo 4 fileshare last night, and now have over twenty tracks to try out... Question for all — any favorite tracks from earlier games I should go find? Question for Hyghwayman — any chance you remember the deets (name, gamertag) of the track in that video?

It's been great fun doing Halo 4 with friends instead of all solo. Ops, MM, cheevo farming, co-op...

Now I hope we can round up a "Wild 'Goose Chase" session once in a while!



Thu, 02/14/2013 - 08:15 (Reply to #18)
hyghwayman's picture
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Kenny Grindall wrote:

I'd been meaning to check out C-Monster's tracks for a long while. Finally browsed Halo 4 fileshare last night, and now have over twenty tracks to try out... Question for all — any favorite tracks from earlier games I should go find? Question for Hyghwayman — any chance you remember the deets (name, gamertag) of the track in that video?

It's been great fun doing Halo 4 with friends instead of all solo. Ops, MM, cheevo farming, co-op...

Now I hope we can round up a "Wild 'Goose Chase" session once in a while!




Highpoint MX was the name of the race map. What else are you asking for?
Thu, 02/07/2013 - 12:50
BCyclops's picture
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Some of my favorite racetracks from Reach were Mario Kart remakes like Bowser's Castle, Rainbow Road and that icy one with the penguins.

Thu, 02/07/2013 - 18:25 (Reply to #20)
SquatterBag's picture
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BCyclops wrote:

Some of my favorite racetracks from Reach were Mario Kart remakes like Bowser's Castle, Rainbow Road and that icy one with the penguins.

Loved those Mario Kart tracks.

Thu, 02/07/2013 - 13:45
Kenjamin1 MI's picture
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@ KennyGrindall - check out halotracks site. They have postings for H4, Reach and H3 tracks. 


My most downloaded map 'ever' was a Reach race map - RACE: Loopy Runes - try it. 

I've found 8 or 10 Halo 4 track maps that I really like, maybe we can run some before DEEP starts open-site activities. All 2o2p members welcome.

Fri, 02/08/2013 - 09:25
FreeRadikal's picture
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How does the game type work? I want to do something crazy.

Thu, 03/07/2013 - 18:07 (Reply to #23)
Kenjamin1 MI's picture
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FreeRadikal wrote:

How does the game type work? I want to do something crazy.

I answered Free by PM...

but now I can do screenshots!


RACETRACKS HILL - Shield walls push/pull driver through for just one point to score. Teleporter zaps cheaters (on foot) off to their doom.

Thu, 02/28/2013 - 09:27
Kenjamin1 MI's picture
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I have a NEED for SPEED!!! - ...talk to me goose...

Halo Motorsports Thursday? ...goose says, beep! beep!...

Any interested Mongoose or Warthog drivers can find me test driving some race maps that I've downloaded, tonight (2/28). Testing which are best for my gametype TRACK WARS and which can handle Warthogs, many of these race maps can't. I hope to be on after 7:30 eastern. Probably joining the Open-Site parties later on.

Run some laps and save the maps!

Thu, 02/28/2013 - 09:31
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Hmmmm, I wonder when my wife will give up the TV.

Thu, 03/07/2013 - 18:00
Kenjamin1 MI's picture
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Rocket Race is Ready!  - WRECK IT RACE!



Sun, 12/29/2013 - 14:09
Kenjamin1 MI's picture
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Some other FUN, HALO Motorsports compatible maps... (*I hope to continue to update this list-JAMN)

MAP NAME - AUTHOR ...JAMN comments


Copperhead - Tripmine413 / CoookkieMonster …all human vehicles

DrainWorks - treez0 ...mongoose only

Filtration - Anopisthograph ...wierd starting line, twisty, mongoose only

GREEN Prix - Kenjamin1 MI ...all human vehicles - updated for Race v1.1

Hazardous Sewage - CoookkieMonster …mongoose only


ALLSPARK - Noble Forger - ...mongoose only, steep corners and twisty turns

Battle on the Blue - CoookkieMonster ...mongoose only, MX/SX style

BLUE Gate v2 - Kenjamin1 MI ...all human vehicles - Race v1.1

Foolproof - Noble Forger ...mongoose only, grav assists

Fossilized - Noble Forger ...mongoose only - Race v1.1

Paradise - Noble Forger ...mongoose only - Race v1.1

Submerge - Noble Forger ...mongoose only, grav assists - *Hon.Mention for aestetic touches.

Tangarine - Kenjamin1 MI ...mongoose only - Race v1.1

Thrillseeker - Version sniper ...mongoose only - Race v1.1


Infinity - Noble Forger …mongoose only

Below Zero - Noble Forger …mongoose only, warthog maybe

Big Dipper - RLD HotTamale …long lap, serious rollercoaster, cedar point!

Don’t Look Down - KSI MilkMan …mongoose only, iffy jumps and Hill

Deep in Space - YouxxGotxxOwned ...mongoose only, fast and twisty, grav assists

Red Wheel v2 - Kenjamin1 MI …all human - updated for Race v1.1

Rainbow Road - oomishday3 …mongoose only, iffy jumps/ramps

Star Wars Space Battle - ducain23 - …long lap, cool jumps - ducain has another version also, for Race v1.1

Unknown Tournament Track - Tripmie413 …all human, short lap, enclosed track


WRECK IT - narok (WRECK IT RACE) - Kenjamin1 MI ...all human


Dry Dock - TheRedEyedDevil ...mongoose only, may lag a bit

Splash Mountain - CoookkieMonster …mongoose only, iffy Hill

Hogtown 1.2 (HOGMANIA) - Spidey2222


for ROCKET RACE modded gametype

Rocket-Narok - on Ragnarok - by Kenjamin1 MI

Rocket-Vortex - on Vortex - by Kenjamin1 MI

Dirt Roads v3 - on Forge Island - by Kenjamin1 MI

*Many of the maps above ARE NOT by 2o2p members, some ARE. These are for your entertainment and is not a list all the great maps that the Halo community has made, just the ones I've tried. Cheers!!

Fri, 04/19/2013 - 10:01
Kenjamin1 MI's picture
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But Wait! There's more...

If you liked WRECK IT RACE (Team Rocket Race) on Ragnarok (WRECK IT - narok)


Then try these other exciting JAMN - WRECK IT RACE-specific maps.



on Landfall (dlc), teams spawn near each other, mongoose only or all human (no warthog).



on Impact in the EmptyBowl, teams spawn apart, best with Hill Limit at 1 point.



on Erosion, teams spawn apart, try with 1 or 10 point Hill.



Fri, 03/22/2013 - 18:34
Kenjamin1 MI's picture
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GREEN Prix on Erosion... Kenjamin1 MI... All Human Vehicle Set. (works all mongoose or all warthog too).


[IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m155/kenjamin1/Forge%20Team/GPstart29... [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m155/kenjamin1/Forge%20Team/GPfinish2...


I found that this track is pretty good in either direction, so I built a version for the WRECK IT RACE gametype. 4-Team Rocket Race.


This, and a few other tracks, have been added to the Map Listing above. also Added WRECK IT - green prix to Wreck It Race post above.

Wed, 05/08/2013 - 12:50
Kenjamin1 MI's picture
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Added FOUR more race maps to the list! Three are on Forge Island. All excellent smooth maps for RACETRACKS gametype. Pedal to the Metal!!!

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