Bit of a mixture, some are dire, some are so so, some are okay and a handful are great. most are conversions from one game or other. Tuttle is another good track modder so anthing that has his mark is good.
Iam excited for the the coming DTM & FVR Supertourers mods :)
the FVR mod should be fun i ran the race 07 version and they were really well done and handled very nicely. They quoted they are working with a driver from the RL series to make sure the car seems as realistic as possible.....i gotta give it to the modding teams that go get drivers to test and give feedback, so you know your getting a quality and realistic handling version
Insidesimracing just did a recent show about mods you pay for. A team released a mod of fictional cars based on the DTM series. Shaun tried them out and said it they released them too early and that pay mods probably aren't the best way to go, since so many free mods are out there.
I've come to the conclusion, that releasing vehicle mods before the physic and tire models are done is just not smart....its gonna end in a 100 updates and people complaining.
As for paying for mods iam not against as long the devs have some serious rl data and pro drivers giving them feedback for the vehicles ill support them for there hard work.
Okay after some false starts I have packaged up a Mod and got a server up, so though I don't imagine for one minuit anyone could actully race in it I will leave it up to see if you can use the get mod feature to download the mod, if that works then I can talk Kurupt through the process of him getting it up.
I tried the FVR V8s in rF1, and didn't really care for them.
Too grippy. Felt Forzaish to me. They behaved more like a high downforce, stiff sprung touring car (BTCC, WTCC). If you watch the races from both series, the cars behave nothing alike. Didn't have a real good feel of weight transfer in corners and over curbs. That said, I haven't run them in R07 or rF2, so I can't really compare there.
We tried them out in rF1 at GBR a year and a half ago or so, as a potential replacement for the ORSM mod. In the end we stayed with the ORSM mod due to the better feel and sounds, even though they were a trickier to drive.
FVR soupertourers are v8's but not the aussie version there the NZ version there built to be grippier than the aussie version, Ive ran them in r07 and its an all round good mod, better corner entry and control but still a handful to master overall.....I sure hope those 2 mods are good when released cause from what i saw in rfactorcentral wip discussion there were no other mods currently in developement that interested me :(
Seems like alot of rf1 conversions going on....i dont mind them for tracks a few look pretty damn good and are very close to raceroom experience quality, alot of people fuss about the track graphics but i dont think there that bad....could be better by todays standards but not bad at all.
Not sure why modders are even trying to release stuff at this point without the physics and tire model being complete? its just gonna end up getting trashed reviews and a million updates which just ends in a bad mod rating and more work for themselves......which is showing on rfactorcentral currently, i think the best rating so far is a mid 300's on the megaine
I quit enjoy the game i just find the lack of isi base content a bit of a let down, i find it hard to really get into a race sim when your driving stuff that doesnt interest me which is the my current isue in iracing. Which is a bummer cause now iam at the mercy of the modding community/devs to produce stuff so i can really enjoy things
rFactor has always been at the mercy of modders, take a look at the base content for rF1 and see if anyone is running it. ISI have more stuff than they had before but, they are not yet ready to releace it, and it is not yet gold so the fact stuff isn't quite ready is what it is. Trust me work is going on and at the fastest rate a small team can do it. They cannot just stop what they are doing and move onto content, and as you have already said why release content before it is ready. The tire model is done there are just some tweaks needed to older content to update it and that is ongoing.
A little time spent learning cars you may not at first be into can be very rewarding, I have to drive all kind of stuff that normally I would avoid with GBR, still have fun. The Vintage F3's in rF2 are a gas, and make a good fun series, not that hard to drive and a bit of a change from the norm. You are always keen to push me into cars I don't want to drive, so when it comes to rF2 you will have to do the same.
It's all I have driven in real life so I have the correct built in instincs, I am going to do a race school at mondeo park in the summer to try and get a handle on RWD hows that for commitment
I need some help with pitstops in rf2. I have a button for a pit request but I don't see where I can setup my pit options and how do I know which paddock is mine? In race 07 I used the autopit option so my car would just go to the right spot by itself.
Okay you need to map a button for digital display, and buttons for up down left and right to move around the display. Your pit at the moment is denoted by a glowing red square on the floor of your box. Stop on that square. Don't worry there will be a crew there sometime soon, if you run in dev mode you can see them in the pits, it might well be animated which is probebly why it is on the back burner for the moment.
Anyway once you have mapped that button it will switch the HUD through it's functions. Pitstop options are set up in the Garage and what is there depends on what has been set up by server admin.
Kurupt, if you click Host from the launch window it is fairly straight forward to set up a server using one of ISI's mods, one that has cars and tracks combined. The Mod creation tool is in rF2/ (core, maybe)/support/tools. I managed to put one together after one or two false starts so maybe not exactly easy but not impossibe. This process will become much simpler in time.
I am fairly sure there is an autopit option but don't dare go to my rig, will have a look tomorrow.
The Marissui F1 car has just been released, Marissui have given more Data and access to ISI than any other team have ever released to a Game company and this results in the most accurately modeled F1 car ever. Roll on the arrival of my F1 rim and Clubsport Pedals, this is not such a hard car to drive, but to drive fast? that is not so easy. Brake and Tire management is vital with this thing, I can mess up a set of tires in 5 laps, flat spotting your tires is all to easy and that can be seen and felt. The sense of speed works really well, I'm still rubbish in open wheelers but this is a very a point
Picked up rF2 last night - installed a bunch of stuff but was getting an error on 1 or 2 of the modules (have to look at it again tonight - was tired last night). Still I was able to try some tracks and cars and I really dug it. I never played rF1 but I know its a racing community favortie - figured I'd get onboard with 2 :)
You come in to this sim at an interesting time, be prepared for a fairly major update soon. Things to be aware of...Unlike other sims, ISI have gone the route of throwing just about everything into the sim from the off. This means much of it is work in progress. rF1 first saw the light of day in I think 2005 and here we are in 2013 still using it. rF2 will be the same, developing and being added to for years to come.
I advised Kurupt to hold off on running a Clio series in rF2 for a short while, with a bit of luck in a few days all will be revealed.
I ran 20+ laps in the updated clio @ mills park this morning....looks a bit better and the rear feels more stable. I need to dial in the ffb settings. I feel every bump in the road but its way to harsh making it feel clunky on my wheel and not turning smoothly ?
Any suggestions you might know of? :)
Regarding the TM i feel every bump but iam assuming due to the strong road effects its drowning out the tire feel in corners. With my wheel i feel resistance but no flex in the tires...the resistance will get stronger to a point than once the limit is reached nothing it goes lite and breaks lose with little to no warning....if they was a patter ffb feeling when on the edge of the tires traction limit i think it would really enhance the model and make it more realistic
Not sure if the base set up is off or if grip levels are.....after 20 laps i was finding it a bit strange that a performance tuned race car with low power was losing grip of all 4 tires in turns @ 55mph = 88 kmh. Iam no race car driver or been in a race car but the other day i drove my untuned audi a3 with traction control off and winter tires still on around the new airport service road which had a few somewhat sharp turns i was able get it up to 1xx kmh on the sraights and took a few corners at over a 100 kmh with noof lose of traction. I know my car has a few built in assists...ill try the game with some assists on and see how it compares.
From what i read in Nic Hamiltons (Pro Clio driver now etcc) review of the clios was they where extremely grippy and easy to handle, only time they got a bit unstable was when smashing curbs do to the lite weight. I know its still a wip and in no way am i bashing this....this is just my feedback that might help in the development of the car and would be interested if they gave a response if mentioned :) .....i dont like posting on there forums everytime i look for info i find a thread which starts off good than is bashed and turned off topic by the fan boys :(
i was reading one thread that someone posted about icy feeling the 5th response was "suck it up bitch and learn to drive" lol point taken
I know you think iam a pcars fanboy but iam actually not my ultimate goal is to find a game that best represents a cars characteristics and close to actual grip levels. Many pros have come forth about every available sim and said the biggest downfall of them all is the lack of grip available in them which there fore doesnt represent the actual cars characteristics ingame. Somewhere in sim world the hardcores have made everyone believe that to be sim it should be hella hard to drive like me sim means to come as close to simulating rl. Real life race cars are tuned with best available parts to make them easier for the driver to handle not harder..... Best example is the 18 yr old kid with no license won season 1 of gt academy and finished 2nd at le mans in his division.
I wanted to pm u this instead of the forum but after typing all this i thought i could copy and paste but i cant......Didnt want officer KRG seeing i was racing around in his city lol ;)
Yeah the forum is virtually un-moderated and this is a mistake I think, as you have said many threads degenerate into a slagging match or are spoiled by arrogant twats.
Dunno about your clunky feel, it could just be the fact that what you are feeling is the difference between canned and real FFB but seems unlikely...Personally I find the loss of grip feel is gradual and I can sense very easily when the car is starting to loose grip. If you overheat the tires the grip will fall off, quite dramatically but I will say comments have been made about grip level falling off But FFB is a subjective thing, what you are looking for is actally felt through the seat of the pants so any tranfer of that to the wheel is as I say subjective.
On saying that, folk that don't push the tire to the limit lap after lap maintain grip levels for much longer, as I use a fair amount of engine braking and try not to smoke my tires on corners I dont find grip levels falling off much at all. listen to the tires, if they are squealing then push more and they will let go, you do have to take in all the cues, audio, visual and FFB. Get onto the marbles or off the racing line and grip falls off as well.
It's also worth noting that Mills is an early track and due to be overhauled, part of this entails track grip, better to test the newest content on the newest track releases, in this case a good one is Lime Rock.
Bit more research has thrown up this little snippit, the Clio Cup tires IRL are tuned to last for a thirty minuit race, if you have time accelleration set at times 5 then your tires will be toast in five laps, so check in race settings and make sure your Time is at x1, might help.
besides feel3 are those tracks all new or converted from rf1? ill check some of those out later...thnx
Bit of a mixture, some are dire, some are so so, some are okay and a handful are great. most are conversions from one game or other. Tuttle is another good track modder so anthing that has his mark is good.
Iam excited for the the coming DTM & FVR Supertourers mods :)
the FVR mod should be fun i ran the race 07 version and they were really well done and handled very nicely. They quoted they are working with a driver from the RL series to make sure the car seems as realistic as possible.....i gotta give it to the modding teams that go get drivers to test and give feedback, so you know your getting a quality and realistic handling version.gif)
I need to get this.
Insidesimracing just did a recent show about mods you pay for. A team released a mod of fictional cars based on the DTM series. Shaun tried them out and said it they released them too early and that pay mods probably aren't the best way to go, since so many free mods are out there.
What domu guys think of pay mods?
That was pretty much what Shaun for Isr said.
Okay after some false starts I have packaged up a Mod and got a server up, so though I don't imagine for one minuit anyone could actully race in it I will leave it up to see if you can use the get mod feature to download the mod, if that works then I can talk Kurupt through the process of him getting it up.
I tried the FVR V8s in rF1, and didn't really care for them.
Too grippy. Felt Forzaish to me. They behaved more like a high downforce, stiff sprung touring car (BTCC, WTCC). If you watch the races from both series, the cars behave nothing alike. Didn't have a real good feel of weight transfer in corners and over curbs. That said, I haven't run them in R07 or rF2, so I can't really compare there.
We tried them out in rF1 at GBR a year and a half ago or so, as a potential replacement for the ORSM mod. In the end we stayed with the ORSM mod due to the better feel and sounds, even though they were a trickier to drive.
FVR soupertourers are v8's but not the aussie version there the NZ version there built to be grippier than the aussie version, Ive ran them in r07 and its an all round good mod, better corner entry and control but still a handful to master overall.....I sure hope those 2 mods are good when released cause from what i saw in rfactorcentral wip discussion there were no other mods currently in developement that interested me :(
Seems like alot of rf1 conversions going on....i dont mind them for tracks a few look pretty damn good and are very close to raceroom experience quality, alot of people fuss about the track graphics but i dont think there that bad....could be better by todays standards but not bad at all.
Not sure why modders are even trying to release stuff at this point without the physics and tire model being complete? its just gonna end up getting trashed reviews and a million updates which just ends in a bad mod rating and more work for themselves......which is showing on rfactorcentral currently, i think the best rating so far is a mid 300's on the megaine
I quit enjoy the game i just find the lack of isi base content a bit of a let down, i find it hard to really get into a race sim when your driving stuff that doesnt interest me which is the my current isue in iracing. Which is a bummer cause now iam at the mercy of the modding community/devs to produce stuff so i can really enjoy things
rFactor has always been at the mercy of modders, take a look at the base content for rF1 and see if anyone is running it. ISI have more stuff than they had before but, they are not yet ready to releace it, and it is not yet gold so the fact stuff isn't quite ready is what it is. Trust me work is going on and at the fastest rate a small team can do it. They cannot just stop what they are doing and move onto content, and as you have already said why release content before it is ready. The tire model is done there are just some tweaks needed to older content to update it and that is ongoing.
A little time spent learning cars you may not at first be into can be very rewarding, I have to drive all kind of stuff that normally I would avoid with GBR, still have fun. The Vintage F3's in rF2 are a gas, and make a good fun series, not that hard to drive and a bit of a change from the norm. You are always keen to push me into cars I don't want to drive, so when it comes to rF2 you will have to do the same.
because your only happy when driving fwd 4 bangers made by Seat and occasionally a mini lol :)
It's all I have driven in real life so I have the correct built in instincs, I am going to do a race school at mondeo park in the summer to try and get a handle on RWD hows that for commitment
jealous yet impressed! :)
That should of course be Mondello Park...
I need some help with pitstops in rf2. I have a button for a pit request but I don't see where I can setup my pit options and how do I know which paddock is mine? In race 07 I used the autopit option so my car would just go to the right spot by itself.
Okay you need to map a button for digital display, and buttons for up down left and right to move around the display. Your pit at the moment is denoted by a glowing red square on the floor of your box. Stop on that square. Don't worry there will be a crew there sometime soon, if you run in dev mode you can see them in the pits, it might well be animated which is probebly why it is on the back burner for the moment.
Anyway once you have mapped that button it will switch the HUD through it's functions. Pitstop options are set up in the Garage and what is there depends on what has been set up by server admin.
Kurupt, if you click Host from the launch window it is fairly straight forward to set up a server using one of ISI's mods, one that has cars and tracks combined. The Mod creation tool is in rF2/ (core, maybe)/support/tools. I managed to put one together after one or two false starts so maybe not exactly easy but not impossibe. This process will become much simpler in time.
I am fairly sure there is an autopit option but don't dare go to my rig, will have a look tomorrow.
`Never Auto pit is under settings, difficulty, Auto pit lane.
The Marissui F1 car has just been released, Marissui have given more Data and access to ISI than any other team have ever released to a Game company and this results in the most accurately modeled F1 car ever. Roll on the arrival of my F1 rim and Clubsport Pedals, this is not such a hard car to drive, but to drive fast? that is not so easy. Brake and Tire management is vital with this thing, I can mess up a set of tires in 5 laps, flat spotting your tires is all to easy and that can be seen and felt. The sense of speed works really well, I'm still rubbish in open wheelers but this is a very a point
Made this a Sticky if its ok Knight
Still need to buy this.
Grand mate, seems I can't sticky again but I can edit....gif)
Strange as a lot of mods ect have lost all powers.
I only have them here but not at 2O4F?
Picked up rF2 last night - installed a bunch of stuff but was getting an error on 1 or 2 of the modules (have to look at it again tonight - was tired last night). Still I was able to try some tracks and cars and I really dug it. I never played rF1 but I know its a racing community favortie - figured I'd get onboard with 2 :)
Smart move! I think most of us have RF2 so we might move to that sim in the near future.
You come in to this sim at an interesting time, be prepared for a fairly major update soon. Things to be aware of...Unlike other sims, ISI have gone the route of throwing just about everything into the sim from the off. This means much of it is work in progress. rF1 first saw the light of day in I think 2005 and here we are in 2013 still using it. rF2 will be the same, developing and being added to for years to come.
I advised Kurupt to hold off on running a Clio series in rF2 for a short while, with a bit of luck in a few days all will be revealed.
I ran 20+ laps in the updated clio @ mills park this morning....looks a bit better and the rear feels more stable. I need to dial in the ffb settings. I feel every bump in the road but its way to harsh making it feel clunky on my wheel and not turning smoothly ?
Any suggestions you might know of? :)
Regarding the TM i feel every bump but iam assuming due to the strong road effects its drowning out the tire feel in corners. With my wheel i feel resistance but no flex in the tires...the resistance will get stronger to a point than once the limit is reached nothing it goes lite and breaks lose with little to no warning....if they was a patter ffb feeling when on the edge of the tires traction limit i think it would really enhance the model and make it more realistic
Not sure if the base set up is off or if grip levels are.....after 20 laps i was finding it a bit strange that a performance tuned race car with low power was losing grip of all 4 tires in turns @ 55mph = 88 kmh. Iam no race car driver or been in a race car but the other day i drove my untuned audi a3 with traction control off and winter tires still on around the new airport service road which had a few somewhat sharp turns i was able get it up to 1xx kmh on the sraights and took a few corners at over a 100 kmh with noof lose of traction.
I know my car has a few built in assists...ill try the game with some assists on and see how it compares.
From what i read in Nic Hamiltons (Pro Clio driver now etcc) review of the clios was they where extremely grippy and easy to handle, only time they got a bit unstable was when smashing curbs do to the lite weight. I know its still a wip and in no way am i bashing this....this is just my feedback that might help in the development of the car and would be interested if they gave a response if mentioned :) .....i dont like posting on there forums everytime i look for info i find a thread which starts off good than is bashed and turned off topic by the fan boys :(
i was reading one thread that someone posted about icy feeling the 5th response was "suck it up bitch and learn to drive" lol point taken
I know you think iam a pcars fanboy but iam actually not my ultimate goal is to find a game that best represents a cars characteristics and close to actual grip levels. Many pros have come forth about every available sim and said the biggest downfall of them all is the lack of grip available in them which there fore doesnt represent the actual cars characteristics ingame. Somewhere in sim world the hardcores have made everyone believe that to be sim it should be hella hard to drive like me sim means to come as close to simulating rl. Real life race cars are tuned with best available parts to make them easier for the driver to handle not harder..... Best example is the 18 yr old kid with no license won season 1 of gt academy and finished 2nd at le mans in his division.
I wanted to pm u this instead of the forum but after typing all this i thought i could copy and paste but i cant......Didnt want officer KRG seeing i was racing around in his city lol ;)
cheers mate
Yeah the forum is virtually un-moderated and this is a mistake I think, as you have said many threads degenerate into a slagging match or are spoiled by arrogant twats.
Dunno about your clunky feel, it could just be the fact that what you are feeling is the difference between canned and real FFB but seems unlikely...Personally I find the loss of grip feel is gradual and I can sense very easily when the car is starting to loose grip. If you overheat the tires the grip will fall off, quite dramatically but I will say comments have been made about grip level falling off
But FFB is a subjective thing, what you are looking for is actally felt through the seat of the pants so any tranfer of that to the wheel is as I say subjective.
On saying that, folk that don't push the tire to the limit lap after lap maintain grip levels for much longer, as I use a fair amount of engine braking and try not to smoke my tires on corners I dont find grip levels falling off much at all. listen to the tires, if they are squealing then push more and they will let go, you do have to take in all the cues, audio, visual and FFB. Get onto the marbles or off the racing line and grip falls off as well.
It's also worth noting that Mills is an early track and due to be overhauled, part of this entails track grip, better to test the newest content on the newest track releases, in this case a good one is Lime Rock.
Bit more research has thrown up this little snippit, the Clio Cup tires IRL are tuned to last for a thirty minuit race, if you have time accelleration set at times 5 then your tires will be toast in five laps, so check in race settings and make sure your Time is at x1, might help.
Is that a glitch to be fixed later or a permanent feature ?