Great fun last night Burnt and the rest of the racers. I logged on late and was happily suprised to get in on the race. Even won some $$$ and a new car !!! Think capt nasties gets the award for making laps in reverse ; ) Thanks again to the guys who donated prizes for the last Sedona race. Thanks for all the fun !!!
Just kidding, I had fun last night. I'm glad some people got to win some credits just for having fun. I just wished I could have won one of the ALS cars. I really want one. Oh well, I'll try again in the future.
Yep Gunny we alternate with an oval then road course then oval and road course. Even when forced stock setup these cars are actually not too bad at all on the road courses and they will still get close to 220mph on the big ovals drafting. Of course if you want to have a customized paint you will have to actually buy a car and dl the livery of your choosing, but it's not necessary you can run the cars right out of the dealership. Will be looking for ya on Monday nite then, send me an FR so I can hit u up on an invite.
I just alternate for the 2hrs. Gunny. I hit all the ovals, Sunset, Motegi,Sedona, Indy, Test Track and we do the usual road course such as Road America, Road Atlanta, Sebring, Silverstone, Sunset, Indy. For these high powered monsters traction control is advised.
Hey Guys, I was alking with Brntguy last night and we are going to try something new this week as a test session for an upcomming series to take place on Monday nights in a few weeks and we need all the help we can get. We will run this during the Monday Night Maddness timeslot. In short, IROC Series
We are going to run laps on 6 tracks this monday with a spec car. You will need each of the three following builds for this test session. I will also provide them on my SF.
Brntguy will be doing a promo video for this event so if you are planning on making it out this Monday (or even if your not positive), please let sign up below with your choice of preferred color (from the list below) and your car number so I can get a livery out to you. Everyone must run with the assigned livery please.
Although tunes will be provided, this is an open tune so feel free to adjust the tune as needed, however the build must remain the same.
Drivers signed up (and color chosen)
GrimGrnninGhost - Dark Red
Gunny Bass - Meduim Orange
MaxPerforma - Black
Tonyssr427 - Medium Blue
Brntguy - Dark Blue
Prebuilt - Dark Green
CilettiDad - Dark Orange
Drivebye071 - Brown
InkaBODpaiN - Orange
BigDaddy1901 - Medium Red
HundredthShrimp - Yellow
Nunderw00B - Dark Teal
imjimeez44 - Gray
Stewies_Head - Pink
Colors Remaining
Light Red
Medium Green
Light Green
Medium Teal
Light Teal
Neon Green
Light Blue
Medium Purple
Light Purple
1990 Chevrolet Camaro IROC-Z
Car specifications:
PI = A600
Conversion - Engine Swap – V8 Chevy Camaro ‘02
Engine and Power - Street Air Filter - Race Exhaust - Sport Flywheel
Platform and Handling - Race Brakes - Race Spring and Dampers - Race Front Anti-roll Bars - Race Rear Anti-roll Bars - Race Chassis Reinforcement and Roll Cage - Race Weight Reduction
Tires and Rims - Race Tire Compound - Front Max Width - Rear Max Width - Advan RGII Rims - Front Rim Size – R18 (285/35R18) - Rear Rim Size – R18 (295/35R18)
Aero and Appearance - Forza Motorsport 4 - Race Front Bumper - Forza Motorsport 4 - Race Rear Wing
Tires and Rims - Race Tire Compound - Front Max Width - Rear Max Width - Advan RGII Rims - Front Rim Size – R18 (285/35R18) - Rear Rim Size – R18 (295/35R18)
Aero and Appearance - Forza Motorsport 4 - Race Front Bumper - Forza Motorsport 4 - Race Rear Wing
PI = R3-755 (otherwise known as the OMG I'm going to die in this thing!)
Tires and Rims - Race Tire Compound - Front Max Width - Rear Max Width - Advan RGII Rims - Front Rim Size – R18 (285/35R18) - Rear Rim Size – R18 (295/35R18)
Aero and Appearance - Forza Motorsport 4 - Race Front Bumper - Forza Motorsport 4 - Race Rear Wing
Below is the scuedule of events for this mondays (5/13/13) festivities
Track Type
Class PI
Indianapolis - Speedway
Sunset - Speedway
Road Course
Sebring - Full
Road Course
Sebring - Full
Road Course
Road Atlanta - Full
Road Course
Road Atlanta - Full
Road Course
Road America - Full
Road Course
Road America - Full
Benchmark - Speedway Reverse (DLC Track)
Benchmark - Speedway Reverse (DLC Track)
R3 - 755
More details as we move along. Thanks and I look forward to see you guys on Monday
Sent. I also have the basic builds/tunes on my SF if you want them. AI can also gift them to you if you want them. Just let mne know.
As for the DLC, you will need to purchase it through the marketplace under "Track Pacs" Not sure how much but its not much and its worth it. Its the Benchmark High Speed ring.
I don't have the DLC tracks but I'll run the others.
Might be a good idea to post the tunes/builds on your storefront. That way when i'm too lazy to double check the forum I can just pick up the car from you so I have the build.
I don't have the DLC tracks but I'll run the others.
Might be a good idea to post the tunes/builds on your storefront. That way when i'm too lazy to double check the forum I can just pick up the car from you so I have the build.
R3 in that car sounds like a nightmare!
No Problem. What color car do you want from the selections. This way you can have the paint scheme also?
And yes it is and will only be used on one track (Benchmark speedway)
Just a reminder that brntguy will be running the normal Monday Night Madness in the Nascar Stock Cars tonight. I may not make it though for tonihgts race. As a reminders, the IROC series starts next week.
Great fun last night Burnt and the rest of the racers. I logged on late and was happily suprised to get in on the race. Even won some $$$ and a new car !!! Think capt nasties gets the award for making laps in reverse ; ) Thanks again to the guys who donated prizes for the last Sedona race. Thanks for all the fun !!!
That was awesome! I made out like a bandit and had a blast. Thanks everyone!
Thats for taking me out during the big shootout.
Just kidding, I had fun last night. I'm glad some people got to win some credits just for having fun. I just wished I could have won one of the ALS cars. I really want one. Oh well, I'll try again in the future.
Sounds like it was a good night. Sorry i missed this. I have moved house and having internet issues. Hopefully all fine by next week.
Yes I will still be hosting a lobby running the Nascar stockcars. Yeehaw!
Yep Gunny we alternate with an oval then road course then oval and road course. Even when forced stock setup these cars are actually not too bad at all on the road courses and they will still get close to 220mph on the big ovals drafting. Of course if you want to have a customized paint you will have to actually buy a car and dl the livery of your choosing, but it's not necessary you can run the cars right out of the dealership. Will be looking for ya on Monday nite then, send me an FR so I can hit u up on an invite.
I just alternate for the 2hrs. Gunny. I hit all the ovals, Sunset, Motegi,Sedona, Indy, Test Track and we do the usual road course such as Road America, Road Atlanta, Sebring, Silverstone, Sunset, Indy. For these high powered monsters traction control is advised.
TCS is RECOMMENDED but not always needed. Personally I don't use TCS, even on really high HP cars.
Maybe not the best choice for your first online race.
WOW. That was massive!
Was that the "School of Hard Knocks" I hear about so often?
if this is going on tonighti would love to be a part of it
Sorry Brnt....Im out tonight, to much RL shit right now...SORRY!!!!!.gif)
Np Gunny, there will always be another Monday. Send me a FR chief
I cant list is full
Hey Guys, I was alking with Brntguy last night and we are going to try something new this week as a test session for an upcomming series to take place on Monday nights in a few weeks and we need all the help we can get. We will run this during the Monday Night Maddness timeslot. In short, IROC Series
We are going to run laps on 6 tracks this monday with a spec car. You will need each of the three following builds for this test session. I will also provide them on my SF.
Brntguy will be doing a promo video for this event so if you are planning on making it out this Monday (or even if your not positive), please let sign up below with your choice of preferred color (from the list below) and your car number so I can get a livery out to you. Everyone must run with the assigned livery please.
Although tunes will be provided, this is an open tune so feel free to adjust the tune as needed, however the build must remain the same.
Drivers signed up (and color chosen)
Colors Remaining
1990 Chevrolet Camaro IROC-Z
Car specifications:
PI = A600
- Engine Swap – V8 Chevy Camaro ‘02
Engine and Power
- Street Air Filter
- Race Exhaust
- Sport Flywheel
Platform and Handling
- Race Brakes
- Race Spring and Dampers
- Race Front Anti-roll Bars
- Race Rear Anti-roll Bars
- Race Chassis Reinforcement and Roll Cage
- Race Weight Reduction
- Race Clutch
- Race Transmission
- Race Driveline
- Race Differential
Tires and Rims
- Race Tire Compound
- Front Max Width
- Rear Max Width
- Advan RGII Rims
- Front Rim Size – R18 (285/35R18)
- Rear Rim Size – R18 (295/35R18)
Aero and Appearance
- Forza Motorsport 4 - Race Front Bumper
- Forza Motorsport 4 - Race Rear Wing
PI = S700
- Engine Swap – V8DSC - Corvette C6 ZR1
Engine and Power
- Race Flywheel
Platform and Handling
- Race Brakes
- Race Spring and Dampers
- Race Front Anti-roll Bars
- Race Rear Anti-roll Bars
- Race Chassis Reinforcement and Roll Cage
- Race Weight Reduction
- Race Clutch
- Race Transmission
- Race Driveline
- Race Differential
Tires and Rims
- Race Tire Compound
- Front Max Width
- Rear Max Width
- Advan RGII Rims
- Front Rim Size – R18 (285/35R18)
- Rear Rim Size – R18 (295/35R18)
Aero and Appearance
- Forza Motorsport 4 - Race Front Bumper
- Forza Motorsport 4 - Race Rear Wing
PI = R3-755 (otherwise known as the OMG I'm going to die in this thing!)
- Engine Swap – V8 Chevy Camaro ‘02
- Asperation Conversion - Twin Turbo Chargers
Engine and Power
- Race Air Filter
- Race Fule System
- Race Ignition
- Race Exhaust
- Race Camshaft
- Race Valves
- Race Displacement
- Race Pistons and Compression
- Race Twin Turbos
- Race Intercooler
- Race Flywheel
Platform and Handling
- Race Brakes
- Race Spring and Dampers
- Race Front Anti-roll Bars
- Race Rear Anti-roll Bars
- Race Chassis Reinforcement and Roll Cage
- Race Weight Reduction
- Race Clutch
- Race Transmission
- Race Driveline
- Race Differential
Tires and Rims
- Race Tire Compound
- Front Max Width
- Rear Max Width
- Advan RGII Rims
- Front Rim Size – R18 (285/35R18)
- Rear Rim Size – R18 (295/35R18)
Aero and Appearance
- Forza Motorsport 4 - Race Front Bumper
- Forza Motorsport 4 - Race Rear Wing
Below is the scuedule of events for this mondays (5/13/13) festivities
More details as we move along. Thanks and I look forward to see you guys on Monday
Sent. I also have the basic builds/tunes on my SF if you want them. AI can also gift them to you if you want them. Just let mne know.
As for the DLC, you will need to purchase it through the marketplace under "Track Pacs" Not sure how much but its not much and its worth it. Its the Benchmark High Speed ring.
I don't have the DLC tracks but I'll run the others.
Might be a good idea to post the tunes/builds on your storefront. That way when i'm too lazy to double check the forum I can just pick up the car from you so I have the build.
R3 in that car sounds like a nightmare!
No Problem. What color car do you want from the selections. This way you can have the paint scheme also?
And yes it is and will only be used on one track (Benchmark speedway)
Your're a good dude Grim. Save a brother some time and gift it over so I can drive vs build please!! TYTYTYTY
I'll go with Dark Orange please.
The livery looks awesome Grimm, and turnkey with name and number already applied. Thanks!
No problem. Glad you liked it
Cars look good Grim!!
Just a reminder that brntguy will be running the normal Monday Night Madness in the Nascar Stock Cars tonight. I may not make it though for tonihgts race. As a reminders, the IROC series starts next week.